Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.


namespace OpenSpout\Writer\XLSX\Manager;

use OpenSpout\Common\Entity\Cell;
use OpenSpout\Common\Entity\Row;
use OpenSpout\Common\Entity\Style\Style;
use OpenSpout\Common\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use OpenSpout\Common\Exception\IOException;
use OpenSpout\Common\Helper\Escaper\XLSX as XLSXEscaper;
use OpenSpout\Common\Helper\StringHelper;
use OpenSpout\Writer\Common\Entity\Worksheet;
use OpenSpout\Writer\Common\Helper\CellHelper;
use OpenSpout\Writer\Common\Manager\RegisteredStyle;
use OpenSpout\Writer\Common\Manager\Style\StyleMerger;
use OpenSpout\Writer\Common\Manager\WorksheetManagerInterface;
use OpenSpout\Writer\XLSX\Helper\DateHelper;
use OpenSpout\Writer\XLSX\Manager\Style\StyleManager;
use OpenSpout\Writer\XLSX\Options;

 * @internal
final class WorksheetManager implements WorksheetManagerInterface
     * Maximum number of characters a cell can contain.
     * @see [Excel 2007]
     * @see [Excel 2010]
     * @see [Excel 2013/2016]
    public const MAX_CHARACTERS_PER_CELL = 32767;

    /** @var CommentsManager Manages comments */
    private CommentsManager $commentsManager;

    private Options $options;

    /** @var StyleManager Manages styles */
    private StyleManager $styleManager;

    /** @var StyleMerger Helper to merge styles together */
    private StyleMerger $styleMerger;

    /** @var SharedStringsManager Helper to write shared strings */
    private SharedStringsManager $sharedStringsManager;

    /** @var XLSXEscaper Strings escaper */
    private XLSXEscaper $stringsEscaper;

    /** @var StringHelper String helper */
    private StringHelper $stringHelper;

     * WorksheetManager constructor.
    public function __construct(
        Options $options,
        StyleManager $styleManager,
        StyleMerger $styleMerger,
        CommentsManager $commentsManager,
        SharedStringsManager $sharedStringsManager,
        XLSXEscaper $stringsEscaper,
        StringHelper $stringHelper
    ) {
        $this->options = $options;
        $this->styleManager = $styleManager;
        $this->styleMerger = $styleMerger;
        $this->commentsManager = $commentsManager;
        $this->sharedStringsManager = $sharedStringsManager;
        $this->stringsEscaper = $stringsEscaper;
        $this->stringHelper = $stringHelper;

    public function getSharedStringsManager(): SharedStringsManager
        return $this->sharedStringsManager;

< /** < * {@inheritdoc} < */
public function startSheet(Worksheet $worksheet): void { $sheetFilePointer = fopen($worksheet->getFilePath(), 'w'); \assert(false !== $sheetFilePointer); $worksheet->setFilePointer($sheetFilePointer); $this->commentsManager->createWorksheetCommentFiles($worksheet); }
< /** < * {@inheritdoc} < */
public function addRow(Worksheet $worksheet, Row $row): void { if (!$row->isEmpty()) { $this->addNonEmptyRow($worksheet, $row); $this->commentsManager->addComments($worksheet, $row); } $worksheet->setLastWrittenRowIndex($worksheet->getLastWrittenRowIndex() + 1); }
< /** < * {@inheritdoc} < */
public function close(Worksheet $worksheet): void { $this->commentsManager->closeWorksheetCommentFiles($worksheet); fclose($worksheet->getFilePointer()); } /** * Adds non empty row to the worksheet. * * @param Worksheet $worksheet The worksheet to add the row to * @param Row $row The row to be written * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If a cell value's type is not supported * @throws IOException If the data cannot be written */ private function addNonEmptyRow(Worksheet $worksheet, Row $row): void { $sheetFilePointer = $worksheet->getFilePointer(); $rowStyle = $row->getStyle(); $rowIndexOneBased = $worksheet->getLastWrittenRowIndex() + 1; $numCells = $row->getNumCells(); $rowHeight = $row->getHeight(); $hasCustomHeight = ($this->options->DEFAULT_ROW_HEIGHT > 0 || $rowHeight > 0) ? '1' : '0'; $rowXML = "<row r=\"{$rowIndexOneBased}\" spans=\"1:{$numCells}\" ".($rowHeight > 0 ? "ht=\"{$rowHeight}\" " : '')."customHeight=\"{$hasCustomHeight}\">"; foreach ($row->getCells() as $columnIndexZeroBased => $cell) { $registeredStyle = $this->applyStyleAndRegister($cell, $rowStyle); $cellStyle = $registeredStyle->getStyle(); if ($registeredStyle->isMatchingRowStyle()) { $rowStyle = $cellStyle; // Replace actual rowStyle (possibly with null id) by registered style (with id) } $rowXML .= $this->getCellXML($rowIndexOneBased, $columnIndexZeroBased, $cell, $cellStyle->getId()); } $rowXML .= '</row>'; $wasWriteSuccessful = fwrite($sheetFilePointer, $rowXML); if (false === $wasWriteSuccessful) { throw new IOException("Unable to write data in {$worksheet->getFilePath()}"); } } /** * Applies styles to the given style, merging the cell's style with its row's style. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the given value cannot be processed */ private function applyStyleAndRegister(Cell $cell, Style $rowStyle): RegisteredStyle { $isMatchingRowStyle = false; if ($cell->getStyle()->isEmpty()) { $cell->setStyle($rowStyle); $possiblyUpdatedStyle = $this->styleManager->applyExtraStylesIfNeeded($cell); if ($possiblyUpdatedStyle->isUpdated()) { $registeredStyle = $this->styleManager->registerStyle($possiblyUpdatedStyle->getStyle()); } else { $registeredStyle = $this->styleManager->registerStyle($rowStyle); $isMatchingRowStyle = true; } } else { $mergedCellAndRowStyle = $this->styleMerger->merge($cell->getStyle(), $rowStyle); $cell->setStyle($mergedCellAndRowStyle); $possiblyUpdatedStyle = $this->styleManager->applyExtraStylesIfNeeded($cell); if ($possiblyUpdatedStyle->isUpdated()) { $newCellStyle = $possiblyUpdatedStyle->getStyle(); } else { $newCellStyle = $mergedCellAndRowStyle; } $registeredStyle = $this->styleManager->registerStyle($newCellStyle); } return new RegisteredStyle($registeredStyle, $isMatchingRowStyle); } /** * Builds and returns xml for a single cell. * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the given value cannot be processed */ private function getCellXML(int $rowIndexOneBased, int $columnIndexZeroBased, Cell $cell, ?int $styleId): string { $columnLetters = CellHelper::getColumnLettersFromColumnIndex($columnIndexZeroBased); $cellXML = '<c r="'.$columnLetters.$rowIndexOneBased.'"'; $cellXML .= ' s="'.$styleId.'"'; if ($cell instanceof Cell\StringCell) { $cellXML .= $this->getCellXMLFragmentForNonEmptyString($cell->getValue()); } elseif ($cell instanceof Cell\BooleanCell) { $cellXML .= ' t="b"><v>'.(int) $cell->getValue().'</v></c>'; } elseif ($cell instanceof Cell\NumericCell) { $cellXML .= '><v>'.$cell->getValue().'</v></c>'; } elseif ($cell instanceof Cell\FormulaCell) { $cellXML .= '><f>'.substr($cell->getValue(), 1).'</f></c>'; } elseif ($cell instanceof Cell\DateTimeCell) { $cellXML .= '><v>'.DateHelper::toExcel($cell->getValue()).'</v></c>'; } elseif ($cell instanceof Cell\ErrorCell) { // only writes the error value if it's a string $cellXML .= ' t="e"><v>'.$cell->getRawValue().'</v></c>'; } elseif ($cell instanceof Cell\EmptyCell) { if ($this->styleManager->shouldApplyStyleOnEmptyCell($styleId)) { $cellXML .= '/>'; } else { // don't write empty cells that do no need styling // NOTE: not appending to $cellXML is the right behavior!! $cellXML = ''; } } return $cellXML; } /** * Returns the XML fragment for a cell containing a non empty string. * * @param string $cellValue The cell value * * @return string The XML fragment representing the cell * * @throws InvalidArgumentException If the string exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed per cell */ private function getCellXMLFragmentForNonEmptyString(string $cellValue): string { if ($this->stringHelper->getStringLength($cellValue) > self::MAX_CHARACTERS_PER_CELL) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Trying to add a value that exceeds the maximum number of characters allowed in a cell (32,767)'); } if ($this->options->SHOULD_USE_INLINE_STRINGS) { $cellXMLFragment = ' t="inlineStr"><is><t>'.$this->stringsEscaper->escape($cellValue).'</t></is></c>'; } else { $sharedStringId = $this->sharedStringsManager->writeString($cellValue); $cellXMLFragment = ' t="s"><v>'.$sharedStringId.'</v></c>'; } return $cellXMLFragment; } }