Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
 * @link
 * @license MIT (see the LICENSE file)

namespace MyCLabs\Enum;

 * Base Enum class
 * Create an enum by implementing this class and adding class constants.
 * @author Matthieu Napoli <>
 * @author Daniel Costa <>
 * @author Mirosław Filip <>
 * @psalm-template T
 * @psalm-immutable
> * @psalm-consistent-constructor
< abstract class Enum implements \JsonSerializable
> abstract class Enum implements \JsonSerializable, \Stringable
{ /** * Enum value * * @var mixed * @psalm-var T */ protected $value; /**
> * Enum key, the constant name * Store existing constants in a static cache per object. > * * > * @var string * > */ * @var array > private $key; * @psalm-var array<class-string, array<string, mixed>> > */ > /**
protected static $cache = []; /**
> * Cache of instances of the Enum class * Creates a new value of some type > * * > * @var array * @psalm-pure > * @psalm-var array<class-string, array<string, static>> * @param mixed $value > */ * > protected static $instances = []; * @psalm-param static<T>|T $value > * @throws \UnexpectedValueException if incompatible type is given. > /**
< * @psalm-param static<T>|T $value
> * @psalm-param T $value
public function __construct($value) { if ($value instanceof static) { /** @psalm-var T */ $value = $value->getValue(); }
< if (!$this->isValid($value)) { < /** @psalm-suppress InvalidCast */ < throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Value '$value' is not part of the enum " . static::class); < }
> /** @psalm-suppress ImplicitToStringCast assertValidValueReturningKey returns always a string but psalm has currently an issue here */ > $this->key = static::assertValidValueReturningKey($value);
/** @psalm-var T */ $this->value = $value; } /**
> * This method exists only for the compatibility reason when deserializing a previously serialized version * @psalm-pure > * that didn't had the key property * @return mixed > */ * @psalm-return T > public function __wakeup() */ > { public function getValue() > /** @psalm-suppress DocblockTypeContradiction key can be null when deserializing an enum without the key */ { > if ($this->key === null) { return $this->value; > /** } > * @psalm-suppress InaccessibleProperty key is not readonly as marked by psalm > * @psalm-suppress PossiblyFalsePropertyAssignmentValue deserializing a case that was removed /** > */ * Returns the enum key (i.e. the constant name). > $this->key = static::search($this->value); * > } * @psalm-pure > } * @return mixed > */ > /** public function getKey() > * @param mixed $value { > * @return static return static::search($this->value); > */ } > public static function from($value): self > { /** > $key = static::assertValidValueReturningKey($value); * @psalm-pure > * @psalm-suppress InvalidCast > return self::__callStatic($key, []); * @return string > } */ > public function __toString() > /**
< * @return mixed
> * @return string
< return static::search($this->value);
> return $this->key;
} /** * Determines if Enum should be considered equal with the variable passed as a parameter. * Returns false if an argument is an object of different class or not an object. * * This method is final, for more information read * * @psalm-pure * @psalm-param mixed $variable * @return bool */ final public function equals($variable = null): bool { return $variable instanceof self && $this->getValue() === $variable->getValue() && static::class === \get_class($variable); } /** * Returns the names (keys) of all constants in the Enum class * * @psalm-pure * @psalm-return list<string> * @return array */ public static function keys() { return \array_keys(static::toArray()); } /** * Returns instances of the Enum class of all Enum constants * * @psalm-pure * @psalm-return array<string, static> * @return static[] Constant name in key, Enum instance in value */ public static function values() { $values = array(); /** @psalm-var T $value */ foreach (static::toArray() as $key => $value) { $values[$key] = new static($value); } return $values; } /** * Returns all possible values as an array * * @psalm-pure * @psalm-suppress ImpureStaticProperty * * @psalm-return array<string, mixed> * @return array Constant name in key, constant value in value */ public static function toArray() { $class = static::class; if (!isset(static::$cache[$class])) {
> /** @psalm-suppress ImpureMethodCall this reflection API usage has no side-effects here */
$reflection = new \ReflectionClass($class);
> /** @psalm-suppress ImpureMethodCall this reflection API usage has no side-effects here */
static::$cache[$class] = $reflection->getConstants(); } return static::$cache[$class]; } /** * Check if is valid enum value * * @param $value * @psalm-param mixed $value * @psalm-pure
> * @psalm-assert-if-true T $value
* @return bool */ public static function isValid($value) { return \in_array($value, static::toArray(), true); } /**
> * Asserts valid enum value * Check if is valid enum key > * * > * @psalm-pure * @param $key > * @psalm-assert T $value * @psalm-param string $key > * @param mixed $value * @psalm-pure > */ * @return bool > public static function assertValidValue($value): void */ > { public static function isValidKey($key) > self::assertValidValueReturningKey($value); { > } $array = static::toArray(); > > /** return isset($array[$key]) || \array_key_exists($key, $array); > * Asserts valid enum value } > * > * @psalm-pure /** > * @psalm-assert T $value * Return key for value > * @param mixed $value * > * @return string * @param $value > */ * > private static function assertValidValueReturningKey($value): string * @psalm-param mixed $value > { * @psalm-pure > if (false === ($key = static::search($value))) { * @return mixed > throw new \UnexpectedValueException("Value '$value' is not part of the enum " . static::class); */ > } public static function search($value) > { > return $key; return \array_search($value, static::toArray(), true); > } } > > /**
< * @param $value
> * @param mixed $value
< * @return mixed
> * @return string|false
* * @param string $name * @param array $arguments * * @return static
< * @psalm-pure
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
> * */ > * @psalm-pure
public static function __callStatic($name, $arguments) {
> $class = static::class; $array = static::toArray(); > if (!isset(self::$instances[$class][$name])) {
< if (isset($array[$name]) || \array_key_exists($name, $array)) { < return new static($array[$name]);
> if (!isset($array[$name]) && !\array_key_exists($name, $array)) { > $message = "No static method or enum constant '$name' in class " . static::class; > throw new \BadMethodCallException($message);
< < throw new \BadMethodCallException("No static method or enum constant '$name' in class " . static::class);
> return self::$instances[$class][$name] = new static($array[$name]); > } > return clone self::$instances[$class][$name];
} /** * Specify data which should be serialized to JSON. This method returns data that can be serialized by json_encode() * natively. * * @return mixed * @link * @psalm-pure */
> #[\ReturnTypeWillChange]
public function jsonSerialize() { return $this->getValue(); } }