Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

 * Testing util classes
 * @abstract
 * @package    core
 * @category   test
 * @copyright  2012 Petr Skoda {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

 * Utils for test sites creation
 * @package   core
 * @category  test
 * @copyright 2012 Petr Skoda {@link}
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
abstract class testing_util {

     * @var string dataroot (likely to be $CFG->dataroot).
    private static $dataroot = null;

     * @var testing_data_generator
    protected static $generator = null;

     * @var string current version hash from php files
    protected static $versionhash = null;

     * @var array original content of all database tables
    protected static $tabledata = null;

     * @var array original structure of all database tables
    protected static $tablestructure = null;

     * @var array keep list of sequenceid used in a table.
    private static $tablesequences = array();

     * @var array list of updated tables.
    public static $tableupdated = array();

     * @var array original structure of all database tables
    protected static $sequencenames = null;

     * @var string name of the json file where we store the list of dataroot files to not reset during reset_dataroot.
    private static $originaldatafilesjson = 'originaldatafiles.json';

     * @var boolean set to true once $originaldatafilesjson file is created.
    private static $originaldatafilesjsonadded = false;

     * @var int next sequence value for a single test cycle.
    protected static $sequencenextstartingid = null;

     * Return the name of the JSON file containing the init filenames.
     * @static
     * @return string
    public static function get_originaldatafilesjson() {
        return self::$originaldatafilesjson;

     * Return the dataroot. It's useful when mocking the dataroot when unit testing this class itself.
     * @static
     * @return string the dataroot.
    public static function get_dataroot() {
        global $CFG;

        //  By default it's the test framework dataroot.
        if (empty(self::$dataroot)) {
            self::$dataroot = $CFG->dataroot;

        return self::$dataroot;

     * Set the dataroot. It's useful when mocking the dataroot when unit testing this class itself.
     * @param string $dataroot the dataroot of the test framework.
     * @static
    public static function set_dataroot($dataroot) {
        self::$dataroot = $dataroot;

     * Returns the testing framework name
     * @static
     * @return string
    protected static final function get_framework() {
        $classname = get_called_class();
        return substr($classname, 0, strpos($classname, '_'));

     * Get data generator
     * @static
     * @return testing_data_generator
    public static function get_data_generator() {
        if (is_null(self::$generator)) {
            self::$generator = new testing_data_generator();
        return self::$generator;

     * Does this site (db and dataroot) appear to be used for production?
     * We try very hard to prevent accidental damage done to production servers!!
     * @static
     * @return bool
    public static function is_test_site() {
        global $DB, $CFG;

        $framework = self::get_framework();

        if (!file_exists(self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework . 'testdir.txt')) {
            // this is already tested in bootstrap script,
            // but anyway presence of this file means the dataroot is for testing
            return false;

        $tables = $DB->get_tables(false);
        if ($tables) {
            if (!$DB->get_manager()->table_exists('config')) {
                return false;
            if (!get_config('core', $framework . 'test')) {
                return false;

        return true;

     * Returns whether test database and dataroot were created using the current version codebase
     * @return bool
    public static function is_test_data_updated() {
        global $DB;

        $framework = self::get_framework();

        $datarootpath = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework;
        if (!file_exists($datarootpath . '/tabledata.ser') or !file_exists($datarootpath . '/tablestructure.ser')) {
            return false;

        if (!file_exists($datarootpath . '/versionshash.txt')) {
            return false;

        $hash = core_component::get_all_versions_hash();
        $oldhash = file_get_contents($datarootpath . '/versionshash.txt');

        if ($hash !== $oldhash) {
            return false;

        // A direct database request must be used to avoid any possible caching of an older value.
        $dbhash = $DB->get_field('config', 'value', array('name' => $framework . 'test'));
        if ($hash !== $dbhash) {
            return false;

        return true;

     * Stores the status of the database
     * Serializes the contents and the structure and
     * stores it in the test framework space in dataroot
    protected static function store_database_state() {
        global $DB, $CFG;

        $framework = self::get_framework();

        // store data for all tables
        $data = array();
        $structure = array();
        $tables = $DB->get_tables();
        foreach ($tables as $table) {
            $columns = $DB->get_columns($table);
            $structure[$table] = $columns;
            if (isset($columns['id']) and $columns['id']->auto_increment) {
                $data[$table] = $DB->get_records($table, array(), 'id ASC');
            } else {
                // there should not be many of these
                $data[$table] = $DB->get_records($table, array());
        $data = serialize($data);
        $datafile = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework . '/tabledata.ser';
        file_put_contents($datafile, $data);

        $structure = serialize($structure);
        $structurefile = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework . '/tablestructure.ser';
        file_put_contents($structurefile, $structure);

     * Stores the version hash in both database and dataroot
    protected static function store_versions_hash() {
        global $CFG;

        $framework = self::get_framework();
        $hash = core_component::get_all_versions_hash();

        // add test db flag
        set_config($framework . 'test', $hash);

        // hash all plugin versions - helps with very fast detection of db structure changes
        $hashfile = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework . '/versionshash.txt';
        file_put_contents($hashfile, $hash);

     * Returns contents of all tables right after installation.
     * @static
     * @return array  $table=>$records
    protected static function get_tabledata() {
        if (!isset(self::$tabledata)) {
            $framework = self::get_framework();

            $datafile = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework . '/tabledata.ser';
            if (!file_exists($datafile)) {
                // Not initialised yet.
                return array();

            $data = file_get_contents($datafile);
            self::$tabledata = unserialize($data);

        if (!is_array(self::$tabledata)) {
            testing_error(1, 'Can not read dataroot/' . $framework . '/tabledata.ser or invalid format, reinitialize test database.');

        return self::$tabledata;

     * Returns structure of all tables right after installation.
     * @static
     * @return array $table=>$records
    public static function get_tablestructure() {
        if (!isset(self::$tablestructure)) {
            $framework = self::get_framework();

            $structurefile = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework . '/tablestructure.ser';
            if (!file_exists($structurefile)) {
                // Not initialised yet.
                return array();

            $data = file_get_contents($structurefile);
            self::$tablestructure = unserialize($data);

        if (!is_array(self::$tablestructure)) {
            testing_error(1, 'Can not read dataroot/' . $framework . '/tablestructure.ser or invalid format, reinitialize test database.');

        return self::$tablestructure;

     * Returns the names of sequences for each autoincrementing id field in all standard tables.
     * @static
     * @return array $table=>$sequencename
    public static function get_sequencenames() {
        global $DB;

        if (isset(self::$sequencenames)) {
            return self::$sequencenames;

        if (!$structure = self::get_tablestructure()) {
            return array();

        self::$sequencenames = array();
        foreach ($structure as $table => $ignored) {
            $name = $DB->get_manager()->generator->getSequenceFromDB(new xmldb_table($table));
            if ($name !== false) {
                self::$sequencenames[$table] = $name;

        return self::$sequencenames;

     * Returns list of tables that are unmodified and empty.
     * @static
     * @return array of table names, empty if unknown
    protected static function guess_unmodified_empty_tables() {
        global $DB;

        $dbfamily = $DB->get_dbfamily();

        if ($dbfamily === 'mysql') {
            $empties = array();
            $prefix = $DB->get_prefix();
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ?", array($prefix.'%'));
            foreach ($rs as $info) {
                $table = strtolower($info->name);
                if (strpos($table, $prefix) !== 0) {
                    // incorrect table match caused by _

                if (!is_null($info->auto_increment) && $info->rows == 0 && ($info->auto_increment == 1)) {
                    $table = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($prefix, '/').'/', '', $table);
                    $empties[$table] = $table;
            return $empties;

        } else if ($dbfamily === 'mssql') {
            $empties = array();
            $prefix = $DB->get_prefix();
            $sql = "SELECT
                      FROM sys.identity_columns i
                      JOIN sys.tables t ON t.object_id = i.object_id
                     WHERE LIKE ?
                       AND = 'id'
                       AND i.last_value IS NULL";
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, array($prefix.'%'));
            foreach ($rs as $info) {
                $table = strtolower($info->name);
                if (strpos($table, $prefix) !== 0) {
                    // incorrect table match caused by _
                $table = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($prefix, '/').'/', '', $table);
                $empties[$table] = $table;
            return $empties;

        } else if ($dbfamily === 'oracle') {
            $sequences = self::get_sequencenames();
            $sequences = array_map('strtoupper', $sequences);
            $lookup = array_flip($sequences);
            $empties = array();
            list($seqs, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($sequences);
            $sql = "SELECT sequence_name FROM user_sequences WHERE last_number = 1 AND sequence_name $seqs";
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
            foreach ($rs as $seq) {
                $table = $lookup[$seq->sequence_name];
                $empties[$table] = $table;
            return $empties;

        } else {
            return array();

     * Determine the next unique starting id sequences.
     * @static
     * @param array $records The records to use to determine the starting value for the table.
     * @param string $table table name.
     * @return int The value the sequence should be set to.
    private static function get_next_sequence_starting_value($records, $table) {
        if (isset(self::$tablesequences[$table])) {
            return self::$tablesequences[$table];

        $id = self::$sequencenextstartingid;

        // If there are records, calculate the minimum id we can use.
        // It must be bigger than the last record's id.
        if (!empty($records)) {
            $lastrecord = end($records);
            $id = max($id, $lastrecord->id + 1);

        self::$sequencenextstartingid = $id + 1000;

        self::$tablesequences[$table] = $id;

        return $id;

     * Reset all database sequences to initial values.
     * @static
     * @param array $empties tables that are known to be unmodified and empty
     * @return void
    public static function reset_all_database_sequences(array $empties = null) {
        global $DB;

        if (!$data = self::get_tabledata()) {
            // Not initialised yet.
        if (!$structure = self::get_tablestructure()) {
            // Not initialised yet.

        $updatedtables = self::$tableupdated;

        // If all starting Id's are the same, it's difficult to detect coding and testing
        // errors that use the incorrect id in tests.  The classic case is cmid vs instance id.
        // To reduce the chance of the coding error, we start sequences at different values where possible.
        // In a attempt to avoid tables with existing id's we start at a high number.
        // Reset the value each time all database sequences are reset.
            self::$sequencenextstartingid = PHPUNIT_SEQUENCE_START;
        } else {
            self::$sequencenextstartingid = 100000;

        $dbfamily = $DB->get_dbfamily();
        if ($dbfamily === 'postgres') {
            $queries = array();
            $prefix = $DB->get_prefix();
            foreach ($data as $table => $records) {
                // If table is not modified then no need to do anything.
                if (!isset($updatedtables[$table])) {
                if (isset($structure[$table]['id']) and $structure[$table]['id']->auto_increment) {
                    $nextid = self::get_next_sequence_starting_value($records, $table);
                    $queries[] = "ALTER SEQUENCE {$prefix}{$table}_id_seq RESTART WITH $nextid";
            if ($queries) {
                $DB->change_database_structure(implode(';', $queries));

        } else if ($dbfamily === 'mysql') {
            $queries = array();
            $sequences = array();
            $prefix = $DB->get_prefix();
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ?", array($prefix.'%'));
            foreach ($rs as $info) {
                $table = strtolower($info->name);
                if (strpos($table, $prefix) !== 0) {
                    // incorrect table match caused by _
                if (!is_null($info->auto_increment)) {
                    $table = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($prefix, '/').'/', '', $table);
                    $sequences[$table] = $info->auto_increment;
            $prefix = $DB->get_prefix();
            foreach ($data as $table => $records) {
                // If table is not modified then no need to do anything.
                if (!isset($updatedtables[$table])) {
                if (isset($structure[$table]['id']) and $structure[$table]['id']->auto_increment) {
                    if (isset($sequences[$table])) {
                        $nextid = self::get_next_sequence_starting_value($records, $table);
                        if ($sequences[$table] != $nextid) {
                            $queries[] = "ALTER TABLE {$prefix}{$table} AUTO_INCREMENT = $nextid";
                    } else {
                        // some problem exists, fallback to standard code
            if ($queries) {
                $DB->change_database_structure(implode(';', $queries));

        } else if ($dbfamily === 'oracle') {
            $sequences = self::get_sequencenames();
            $sequences = array_map('strtoupper', $sequences);
            $lookup = array_flip($sequences);

            $current = array();
            list($seqs, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($sequences);
            $sql = "SELECT sequence_name, last_number FROM user_sequences WHERE sequence_name $seqs";
            $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql($sql, $params);
            foreach ($rs as $seq) {
                $table = $lookup[$seq->sequence_name];
                $current[$table] = $seq->last_number;

            foreach ($data as $table => $records) {
                // If table is not modified then no need to do anything.
                if (!isset($updatedtables[$table])) {
                if (isset($structure[$table]['id']) and $structure[$table]['id']->auto_increment) {
                    $lastrecord = end($records);
                    if ($lastrecord) {
                        $nextid = $lastrecord->id + 1;
                    } else {
                        $nextid = 1;
                    if (!isset($current[$table])) {
                    } else if ($nextid == $current[$table]) {
                    // reset as fast as possible - alternatively we could use
                    $seqname = $sequences[$table];
                    $cachesize = $DB->get_manager()->generator->sequence_cache_size;
                    $DB->change_database_structure("DROP SEQUENCE $seqname");
                    $DB->change_database_structure("CREATE SEQUENCE $seqname START WITH $nextid INCREMENT BY 1 NOMAXVALUE CACHE $cachesize");

        } else {
            // note: does mssql support any kind of faster reset?
            // This also implies mssql will not use unique sequence values.
            if (is_null($empties) and (empty($updatedtables))) {
                $empties = self::guess_unmodified_empty_tables();
            foreach ($data as $table => $records) {
                // If table is not modified then no need to do anything.
                if (isset($empties[$table]) or (!isset($updatedtables[$table]))) {
                if (isset($structure[$table]['id']) and $structure[$table]['id']->auto_increment) {

     * Reset all database tables to default values.
     * @static
     * @return bool true if reset done, false if skipped
    public static function reset_database() {
        global $DB;

        $tables = $DB->get_tables(false);
        if (!$tables or empty($tables['config'])) {
            // not installed yet
            return false;

        if (!$data = self::get_tabledata()) {
            // not initialised yet
            return false;
        if (!$structure = self::get_tablestructure()) {
            // not initialised yet
            return false;

        $empties = array();
        // Use local copy of self::$tableupdated, as list gets updated in for loop.
        $updatedtables = self::$tableupdated;

        // If empty tablesequences list then it's the very first run.
        if (empty(self::$tablesequences) && (($DB->get_dbfamily() != 'mysql') && ($DB->get_dbfamily() != 'postgres'))) {
            // Only Mysql and Postgres support random sequence, so don't guess, just reset everything on very first run.
            $empties = self::guess_unmodified_empty_tables();

        // Check if any table has been modified by behat selenium process.
        if (defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING')) {
            // Crazy way to reset :(.
            $tablesupdatedfile = self::get_tables_updated_by_scenario_list_path();
            if ($tablesupdated = @json_decode(file_get_contents($tablesupdatedfile), true)) {
                self::$tableupdated = array_merge(self::$tableupdated, $tablesupdated);
            $updatedtables = self::$tableupdated;

< $borkedmysql = false; < if ($DB->get_dbfamily() === 'mysql') { < $version = $DB->get_server_info(); < // Everything that comes from Oracle is evil! < // < // See < // You cannot reset the counter to a value less than or equal to to the value that is currently in use. < // < // From 5.6.16 release notes: < // InnoDB: The ALTER TABLE INPLACE algorithm would fail to decrease the auto-increment value. < // (Bug #17250787, Bug #69882) < if (version_compare($version['version'], '5.6.0', '>=') && version_compare($version['version'], '5.6.16', '<')) { < $borkedmysql = true; < } < < if (version_compare($version['version'], '5.7.0', '>=') && version_compare($version['version'], '5.7.4', '<')) { < $borkedmysql = true; < } < } < < if ($borkedmysql) { < $mysqlsequences = array(); < $prefix = $DB->get_prefix(); < $rs = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE ?", array($prefix.'%')); < foreach ($rs as $info) { < $table = strtolower($info->name); < if (strpos($table, $prefix) !== 0) { < // Incorrect table match caused by _ char. < continue; < } < if (!is_null($info->auto_increment)) { < $table = preg_replace('/^'.preg_quote($prefix, '/').'/', '', $table); < $mysqlsequences[$table] = $info->auto_increment; < } < } < $rs->close(); < } <
foreach ($data as $table => $records) { // If table is not modified then no need to do anything. // $updatedtables tables is set after the first run, so check before checking for specific table update. if (!empty($updatedtables) && !isset($updatedtables[$table])) {
< continue; < } < < if ($borkedmysql) { < if (empty($records)) { < if (!isset($empties[$table])) { < // Table has been modified and is not empty. < $DB->delete_records($table, null); < } < continue; < } < < if (isset($structure[$table]['id']) and $structure[$table]['id']->auto_increment) { < $current = $DB->get_records($table, array(), 'id ASC'); < if ($current == $records) { < if (isset($mysqlsequences[$table]) and $mysqlsequences[$table] == $structure[$table]['id']->auto_increment) { < continue; < } < } < } < < // Use TRUNCATE as a workaround and reinsert everything. < $DB->delete_records($table, null); < foreach ($records as $record) { < $DB->import_record($table, $record, false, true); < }
continue; } if (empty($records)) { if (!isset($empties[$table])) { // Table has been modified and is not empty. $DB->delete_records($table, array()); } continue; } if (isset($structure[$table]['id']) and $structure[$table]['id']->auto_increment) { $currentrecords = $DB->get_records($table, array(), 'id ASC'); $changed = false; foreach ($records as $id => $record) { if (!isset($currentrecords[$id])) { $changed = true; break; } if ((array)$record != (array)$currentrecords[$id]) { $changed = true; break; } unset($currentrecords[$id]); } if (!$changed) { if ($currentrecords) { $lastrecord = end($records); $DB->delete_records_select($table, "id > ?", array($lastrecord->id)); continue; } else { continue; } } } $DB->delete_records($table, array()); foreach ($records as $record) { $DB->import_record($table, $record, false, true); } } // reset all next record ids - aka sequences self::reset_all_database_sequences($empties); // remove extra tables foreach ($tables as $table) { if (!isset($data[$table])) { $DB->get_manager()->drop_table(new xmldb_table($table)); } } self::reset_updated_table_list(); return true; } /** * Purge dataroot directory * @static * @return void */ public static function reset_dataroot() { global $CFG; $childclassname = self::get_framework() . '_util'; // Do not delete automatically installed files. self::skip_original_data_files($childclassname); // Clear file status cache, before checking file_exists. clearstatcache(); // Clean up the dataroot folder. $handle = opendir(self::get_dataroot()); while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if (in_array($item, $childclassname::$datarootskiponreset)) { continue; } if (is_dir(self::get_dataroot()."/$item")) { remove_dir(self::get_dataroot()."/$item", false); } else { unlink(self::get_dataroot()."/$item"); } } closedir($handle); // Clean up the dataroot/filedir folder. if (file_exists(self::get_dataroot() . '/filedir')) { $handle = opendir(self::get_dataroot() . '/filedir'); while (false !== ($item = readdir($handle))) { if (in_array('filedir' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $item, $childclassname::$datarootskiponreset)) { continue; } if (is_dir(self::get_dataroot()."/filedir/$item")) { remove_dir(self::get_dataroot()."/filedir/$item", false); } else { unlink(self::get_dataroot()."/filedir/$item"); } } closedir($handle); } make_temp_directory(''); make_backup_temp_directory(''); make_cache_directory(''); make_localcache_directory(''); // Purge all data from the caches. This is required for consistency between tests. // Any file caches that happened to be within the data root will have already been clearer (because we just deleted cache) // and now we will purge any other caches as well. This must be done before the cache_factory::reset() as that // removes all definitions of caches and purge does not have valid caches to operate on. cache_helper::purge_all(); // Reset the cache API so that it recreates it's required directories as well. cache_factory::reset(); } /** * Gets a text-based site version description. * * @return string The site info */ public static function get_site_info() { global $CFG; $output = ''; // All developers have to understand English, do not localise! $env = self::get_environment(); $output .= "Moodle ".$env['moodleversion']; if ($hash = self::get_git_hash()) { $output .= ", $hash"; } $output .= "\n"; // Add php version. require_once($CFG->libdir.'/environmentlib.php'); $output .= "Php: ". normalize_version($env['phpversion']); // Add database type and version. $output .= ", " . $env['dbtype'] . ": " . $env['dbversion']; // OS details. $output .= ", OS: " . $env['os'] . "\n"; return $output; } /** * Try to get current git hash of the Moodle in $CFG->dirroot. * @return string null if unknown, sha1 hash if known */ public static function get_git_hash() { global $CFG; // This is a bit naive, but it should mostly work for all platforms. if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/.git/HEAD")) { return null; } $headcontent = file_get_contents("$CFG->dirroot/.git/HEAD"); if ($headcontent === false) { return null; } $headcontent = trim($headcontent); // If it is pointing to a hash we return it directly. if (strlen($headcontent) === 40) { return $headcontent; } if (strpos($headcontent, 'ref: ') !== 0) { return null; } $ref = substr($headcontent, 5); if (!file_exists("$CFG->dirroot/.git/$ref")) { return null; } $hash = file_get_contents("$CFG->dirroot/.git/$ref"); if ($hash === false) { return null; } $hash = trim($hash); if (strlen($hash) != 40) { return null; } return $hash; } /** * Set state of modified tables. * * @param string $sql sql which is updating the table. */ public static function set_table_modified_by_sql($sql) { global $DB; $prefix = $DB->get_prefix(); preg_match('/( ' . $prefix . '\w*)(.*)/', $sql, $matches); // Ignore random sql for testing like "XXUPDATE SET XSSD". if (!empty($matches[1])) { $table = trim($matches[1]); $table = preg_replace('/^' . preg_quote($prefix, '/') . '/', '', $table); self::$tableupdated[$table] = true; if (defined('BEHAT_SITE_RUNNING')) { $tablesupdatedfile = self::get_tables_updated_by_scenario_list_path(); $tablesupdated = @json_decode(file_get_contents($tablesupdatedfile), true); if (!isset($tablesupdated[$table])) { $tablesupdated[$table] = true; @file_put_contents($tablesupdatedfile, json_encode($tablesupdated, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)); } } } } /** * Reset updated table list. This should be done after every reset. */ public static function reset_updated_table_list() { self::$tableupdated = array(); } /** * Delete tablesupdatedbyscenario file. This should be called before suite, * to ensure full db reset. */ public static function clean_tables_updated_by_scenario_list() { $tablesupdatedfile = self::get_tables_updated_by_scenario_list_path(); if (file_exists($tablesupdatedfile)) { unlink($tablesupdatedfile); } // Reset static cache of cli process. self::reset_updated_table_list(); } /** * Returns the path to the file which holds list of tables updated in scenario. * @return string */ protected final static function get_tables_updated_by_scenario_list_path() { return self::get_dataroot() . '/tablesupdatedbyscenario.json'; } /** * Drop the whole test database * @static * @param bool $displayprogress */ protected static function drop_database($displayprogress = false) { global $DB; $tables = $DB->get_tables(false); if (isset($tables['config'])) { // config always last to prevent problems with interrupted drops! unset($tables['config']); $tables['config'] = 'config'; } if ($displayprogress) { echo "Dropping tables:\n"; } $dotsonline = 0; foreach ($tables as $tablename) { $table = new xmldb_table($tablename); $DB->get_manager()->drop_table($table); if ($dotsonline == 60) { if ($displayprogress) { echo "\n"; } $dotsonline = 0; } if ($displayprogress) { echo '.'; } $dotsonline += 1; } if ($displayprogress) { echo "\n"; } } /** * Drops the test framework dataroot * @static */ protected static function drop_dataroot() { global $CFG; $framework = self::get_framework(); $childclassname = $framework . '_util'; $files = scandir(self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework); foreach ($files as $file) { if (in_array($file, $childclassname::$datarootskipondrop)) { continue; } $path = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . $framework . '/' . $file; if (is_dir($path)) { remove_dir($path, false); } else { unlink($path); } } $jsonfilepath = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . self::$originaldatafilesjson; if (file_exists($jsonfilepath)) { // Delete the json file. unlink($jsonfilepath); // Delete the dataroot filedir. remove_dir(self::get_dataroot() . '/filedir', false); } } /** * Skip the original dataroot files to not been reset. * * @static * @param string $utilclassname the util class name.. */ protected static function skip_original_data_files($utilclassname) { $jsonfilepath = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . self::$originaldatafilesjson; if (file_exists($jsonfilepath)) { $listfiles = file_get_contents($jsonfilepath); // Mark each files as to not be reset. if (!empty($listfiles) && !self::$originaldatafilesjsonadded) { $originaldatarootfiles = json_decode($listfiles); // Keep the json file. Only drop_dataroot() should delete it. $originaldatarootfiles[] = self::$originaldatafilesjson; $utilclassname::$datarootskiponreset = array_merge($utilclassname::$datarootskiponreset, $originaldatarootfiles); self::$originaldatafilesjsonadded = true; } } } /** * Save the list of the original dataroot files into a json file. */ protected static function save_original_data_files() { global $CFG; $jsonfilepath = self::get_dataroot() . '/' . self::$originaldatafilesjson; // Save the original dataroot files if not done (only executed the first time). if (!file_exists($jsonfilepath)) { $listfiles = array(); $currentdir = 'filedir' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '.'; $parentdir = 'filedir' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '..'; $listfiles[$currentdir] = $currentdir; $listfiles[$parentdir] = $parentdir; $filedir = self::get_dataroot() . '/filedir'; if (file_exists($filedir)) { $directory = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($filedir); foreach (new RecursiveIteratorIterator($directory) as $file) { if ($file->isDir()) { $key = substr($file->getPath(), strlen(self::get_dataroot() . '/')); } else { $key = substr($file->getPathName(), strlen(self::get_dataroot() . '/')); } $listfiles[$key] = $key; } } // Save the file list in a JSON file. $fp = fopen($jsonfilepath, 'w'); fwrite($fp, json_encode(array_values($listfiles))); fclose($fp); } } /** * Return list of environment versions on which tests will run. * Environment includes: * - moodleversion * - phpversion * - dbtype * - dbversion * - os * * @return array */ public static function get_environment() { global $CFG, $DB; $env = array(); // Add moodle version. $release = null; require("$CFG->dirroot/version.php"); $env['moodleversion'] = $release; // Add php version. $phpversion = phpversion(); $env['phpversion'] = $phpversion; // Add database type and version. $dbtype = $CFG->dbtype; $dbinfo = $DB->get_server_info(); $dbversion = $dbinfo['version']; $env['dbtype'] = $dbtype; $env['dbversion'] = $dbversion; // OS details. $osdetails = php_uname('s') . " " . php_uname('r') . " " . php_uname('m'); $env['os'] = $osdetails; return $env; } }