Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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 * Code quality unit tests that are fast enough to run each time.
 * @package    core
< * @category phpunit
> * @category test
* @copyright (C) 2013 onwards Remote Inc ( * @author Brent Boghosian ( * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
> namespace core; defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); > > use context; /** > use context_helper; * Bogus custom context class for testing >
> class context_bogus1 extends context { > /** /** > * Code quality unit tests that are fast enough to run each time. * Returns the most relevant URL for this context. > * * > * @package core * @return moodle_url > * @category test */ > * @copyright (C) 2013 onwards Remote Inc ( public function get_url() { > * @author Brent Boghosian ( global $ME; > * @license GNU GPL v3 or later return $ME; > */ } > class customcontext_test extends \advanced_testcase { > /** > /** * Returns array of relevant context capability records. > * Perform setup before every test. This tells Moodle's phpunit to reset the database after every test. * > */ * @return array > protected function setUp(): void { */ > parent::setUp(); public function get_capabilities() { > $this->resetAfterTest(true); return array(); > } } > } > /** > * Test case for custom context classes /** > */ * Bogus custom context class for testing > public function test_customcontexts() { */ > global $CFG; class context_bogus2 extends context { > static $customcontexts = array( /** > 11 => 'context_bogus1', * Returns the most relevant URL for this context. > 12 => 'context_bogus2', * > 13 => 'context_bogus3' * @return moodle_url > ); */ > public function get_url() { > // save any existing custom contexts global $ME; > $existingcustomcontexts = get_config(null, 'custom_context_classes'); return $ME; > } > set_config('custom_context_classes', serialize($customcontexts)); > initialise_cfg(); /** > context_helper::reset_levels(); * Returns array of relevant context capability records. > $alllevels = context_helper::get_all_levels(); * > $this->assertEquals($alllevels[11], 'context_bogus1'); * @return array > $this->assertEquals($alllevels[12], 'context_bogus2'); */ > $this->assertEquals($alllevels[13], 'context_bogus3'); public function get_capabilities() { > return array(); > // clean-up & restore any custom contexts } > set_config('custom_context_classes', ($existingcustomcontexts === false) ? null : $existingcustomcontexts); } > initialise_cfg(); > context_helper::reset_levels(); /** > } * Bogus custom context class for testing > } */ >
class context_bogus3 extends context {
> * Returns context shortname. /** > * * Returns the most relevant URL for this context. > * @return string * > */ * @return moodle_url > public static function get_short_name(): string { */ > return 'bogus1'; public function get_url() { > } global $ME; > return $ME; > /**
< * @return moodle_url
> * @return \moodle_url
< public function get_capabilities() {
> public function get_capabilities(string $sort = self::DEFAULT_CAPABILITY_SORT) {
> * Returns context shortname. * Returns array of relevant context capability records. > * * > * @return string * @return array > */ */ > public static function get_short_name(): string { public function get_capabilities() { > return 'bogus2'; return array(); > } } > } > /**
< * @return moodle_url
> * @return \moodle_url
< public function get_capabilities() {
> public function get_capabilities(string $sort = self::DEFAULT_CAPABILITY_SORT) {
> * Returns context shortname. /** > * * Perform setup before every test. This tells Moodle's phpunit to reset the database after every test. > * @return string */ > */ protected function setUp() { > public static function get_short_name(): string { parent::setUp(); > return 'bogus3'; $this->resetAfterTest(true); > } } > > /**
< * @return moodle_url
> * @return \moodle_url
< public function get_capabilities() {
> public function get_capabilities(string $sort = self::DEFAULT_CAPABILITY_SORT) {
< } < } < < class customcontext_testcase extends advanced_testcase { < < /** < * Perform setup before every test. This tells Moodle's phpunit to reset the database after every test. < */ < protected function setUp() { < parent::setUp(); < $this->resetAfterTest(true); < } < < /** < * Test case for custom context classes < */ < public function test_customcontexts() { < global $CFG; < static $customcontexts = array( < 11 => 'context_bogus1', < 12 => 'context_bogus2', < 13 => 'context_bogus3' < ); < < // save any existing custom contexts < $existingcustomcontexts = get_config(null, 'custom_context_classes'); < < set_config('custom_context_classes', serialize($customcontexts)); < initialise_cfg(); < context_helper::reset_levels(); < $alllevels = context_helper::get_all_levels(); < $this->assertEquals($alllevels[11], 'context_bogus1'); < $this->assertEquals($alllevels[12], 'context_bogus2'); < $this->assertEquals($alllevels[13], 'context_bogus3'); < < // clean-up & restore any custom contexts < set_config('custom_context_classes', ($existingcustomcontexts === false) ? null : $existingcustomcontexts); < initialise_cfg(); < context_helper::reset_levels();