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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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< /** < * Test tablelib. < * < * @package core < * @category phpunit < * @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese <> < * @license GNU GPL v3 or later < */
> namespace core; > > use flexible_table; > use testable_flexible_table;
defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); global $CFG; require_once($CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php'); require_once($CFG->libdir . '/tests/fixtures/testable_flexible_table.php'); /** * Test some of tablelib. * * @package core
< * @category phpunit
> * @category test
* @copyright 2013 Damyon Wiese <> * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */
< class core_tablelib_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class tablelib_test extends \advanced_testcase {
protected function generate_columns($cols) { $columns = array(); foreach (range(0, $cols - 1) as $j) { array_push($columns, 'column' . $j); } return $columns; } protected function generate_headers($cols) { $columns = array(); foreach (range(0, $cols - 1) as $j) { array_push($columns, 'Column ' . $j); } return $columns; } protected function generate_data($rows, $cols) { $data = array(); foreach (range(0, $rows - 1) as $i) { $row = array(); foreach (range(0, $cols - 1) as $j) { $val = 'row ' . $i . ' col ' . $j; $row['column' . $j] = $val; } array_push($data, $row); } return $data; } /** * Create a table with properties as passed in params, add data and output html. *
< * @param string[] $columns < * @param string[] $headers < * @param bool $sortable < * @param bool $collapsible < * @param string[] $suppress < * @param string[] $nosorting < * @param (array|object)[] $data < * @param int $pagesize < */ < protected function run_table_test($columns, $headers, $sortable, $collapsible, $suppress, $nosorting, $data, $pagesize) { < $table = $this->create_and_setup_table($columns, $headers, $sortable, $collapsible, $suppress, $nosorting);
> * @param string[] $columns The columns of the table. > * @param string[] $headers The header of the table. > * @param bool $sortable Sorting of the table. > * @param bool $collapsible Is table collapsible. > * @param string[] $suppress Suppress columns. > * @param string[] $nosorting No sorting. > * @param (array|object)[] $data The data of the table. > * @param int $pagesize Page size of the table > * @param string $caption Caption of the table. > * @param array $captionattribute The attribute of the caption. > */ > protected function run_table_test($columns, $headers, $sortable, $collapsible, $suppress, $nosorting, $data, > $pagesize, $caption = '', $captionattribute = []) { > $table = $this->create_and_setup_table($columns, $headers, $sortable, $collapsible, $suppress, $nosorting, > $caption, $captionattribute);
$table->pagesize($pagesize, count($data)); foreach ($data as $row) { $table->add_data_keyed($row); } $table->finish_output(); } /** * Create a table with properties as passed in params. *
< * @param string[] $columns < * @param string[] $headers < * @param bool $sortable < * @param bool $collapsible < * @param string[] $suppress < * @param string[] $nosorting
> * @param string[] $columns The columns of the table. > * @param string[] $headers The header of the table. > * @param bool $sortable Sorting of the table. > * @param bool $collapsible Is table collapsible. > * @param string[] $suppress Suppress columns. > * @param string[] $nosorting No sorting. > * @param string $caption Caption of the table. > * @param array $captionattribute The attribute of the caption.
* @return flexible_table */
< protected function create_and_setup_table($columns, $headers, $sortable, $collapsible, $suppress, $nosorting) {
> protected function create_and_setup_table($columns, $headers, $sortable, $collapsible, $suppress, $nosorting, > $caption = '', $captionattribute = '') {
$table = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $table->define_columns($columns); $table->define_headers($headers); $table->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table->sortable($sortable); $table->collapsible($collapsible); foreach ($suppress as $column) { $table->column_suppress($column); } foreach ($nosorting as $column) { $table->no_sorting($column); }
> if ($caption) { > $table->set_caption($caption, $captionattribute); $table->setup(); > }
return $table; } public function test_empty_table() { $this->expectOutputRegex('/' . get_string('nothingtodisplay') . '/'); $this->run_table_test( array('column1', 'column2'), // Columns. array('Column 1', 'Column 2'), // Headers. true, // Sortable. false, // Collapsible. array(), // Suppress columns. array(), // No sorting. array(), // Data. 10 // Page size. ); } public function test_has_next_pagination() { $data = $this->generate_data(11, 2); $columns = $this->generate_columns(2); $headers = $this->generate_headers(2); // Search for pagination controls containing 'page-link"\saria-label="Next"'.
< $this->expectOutputRegex('/page-link"\saria-label="Next"/');
> $this->expectOutputRegex('/Next page/');
$this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); } public function test_has_hide() { $data = $this->generate_data(11, 2); $columns = $this->generate_columns(2); $headers = $this->generate_headers(2); // Search for 'hide' links in the column headers. $this->expectOutputRegex('/' . get_string('hide') . '/'); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, true, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); } public function test_has_not_hide() { $data = $this->generate_data(11, 2); $columns = $this->generate_columns(2); $headers = $this->generate_headers(2); // Make sure there are no 'hide' links in the headers. ob_start(); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
< $this->assertNotContains(get_string('hide'), $output);
> $this->assertStringNotContainsString(get_string('hide'), $output);
} public function test_has_sort() { $data = $this->generate_data(11, 2); $columns = $this->generate_columns(2); $headers = $this->generate_headers(2); // Search for pagination controls containing '1.*2</a>.*Next</a>'. $this->expectOutputRegex('/' . get_string('sortby') . '/'); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); } public function test_has_not_sort() { $data = $this->generate_data(11, 2); $columns = $this->generate_columns(2); $headers = $this->generate_headers(2); // Make sure there are no 'Sort by' links in the headers. ob_start(); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, false, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
< $this->assertNotContains(get_string('sortby'), $output);
> $this->assertStringNotContainsString(get_string('sortby'), $output);
} public function test_has_not_next_pagination() { $data = $this->generate_data(10, 2); $columns = $this->generate_columns(2); $headers = $this->generate_headers(2); // Make sure there are no 'Next' links in the pagination. ob_start(); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean();
< $this->assertNotContains(get_string('next'), $output);
> $this->assertStringNotContainsString(get_string('next'), $output);
} public function test_1_col() { $data = $this->generate_data(100, 1); $columns = $this->generate_columns(1); $headers = $this->generate_headers(1); $this->expectOutputRegex('/row 0 col 0/'); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); } public function test_empty_rows() { $data = $this->generate_data(1, 5); $columns = $this->generate_columns(5); $headers = $this->generate_headers(5); // Test that we have at least 5 columns generated for each empty row. $this->expectOutputRegex('/emptyrow.*r9_c4/'); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); } public function test_5_cols() { $data = $this->generate_data(100, 5); $columns = $this->generate_columns(5); $headers = $this->generate_headers(5); $this->expectOutputRegex('/row 0 col 0/'); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); } public function test_50_cols() { $data = $this->generate_data(100, 50); $columns = $this->generate_columns(50); $headers = $this->generate_headers(50); $this->expectOutputRegex('/row 0 col 0/'); $this->run_table_test( $columns, $headers, true, false, array(), array(), $data, 10 ); } /** * Data provider for test_fullname_column * * @return array */ public function fullname_column_provider() { return [ ['language'], ['alternatename lastname'], ['firstname lastnamephonetic'], ]; } /** * Test fullname column observes configured alternate fullname format configuration * * @param string $format * @return void * * @dataProvider fullname_column_provider */ public function test_fullname_column(string $format) { $this->resetAfterTest(); $this->setAdminUser(); set_config('alternativefullnameformat', $format); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $table = $this->create_and_setup_table(['fullname'], [], true, false, [], []);
< $this->assertContains(fullname($user, true), $table->format_row($user)['fullname']);
> $this->assertStringContainsString(fullname($user, true), $table->format_row($user)['fullname']);
} /** * Test fullname column ignores fullname format configuration for a user with viewfullnames capability prohibited * * @param string $format * @return void * * @dataProvider fullname_column_provider */ public function test_fullname_column_prohibit_viewfullnames(string $format) { global $DB, $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(); set_config('alternativefullnameformat', $format); $currentuser = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $this->setUser($currentuser); // Prohibit the viewfullnames from the default user role. $userrole = $DB->get_record('role', ['id' => $CFG->defaultuserroleid]);
< role_change_permission($userrole->id, context_system::instance(), 'moodle/site:viewfullnames', CAP_PROHIBIT);
> role_change_permission($userrole->id, \context_system::instance(), 'moodle/site:viewfullnames', CAP_PROHIBIT);
$user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $table = $this->create_and_setup_table(['fullname'], [], true, false, [], []);
< $this->assertContains(fullname($user, false), $table->format_row($user)['fullname']);
> $this->assertStringContainsString(fullname($user, false), $table->format_row($user)['fullname']);
} public function test_get_row_html() { $data = $this->generate_data(1, 5); $columns = $this->generate_columns(5); $headers = $this->generate_headers(5); $data = array_keys(array_flip($data[0])); $table = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $table->define_columns($columns); $table->define_headers($headers); $table->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $row = $table->get_row_html($data);
< $this->assertRegExp('/row 0 col 0/', $row); < $this->assertRegExp('/<tr class=""/', $row); < $this->assertRegExp('/<td class="cell c0"/', $row);
> $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/row 0 col 0/', $row); > $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/<tr class=""/', $row); > $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression('/<td class="cell c0"/', $row);
} public function test_persistent_table() { global $SESSION; $data = $this->generate_data(5, 5); $columns = $this->generate_columns(5); $headers = $this->generate_headers(5); // Testing without persistence first to verify that the results are different. $table1 = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $table1->define_columns($columns); $table1->define_headers($headers); $table1->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table1->sortable(true); $table1->collapsible(true); $table1->is_persistent(false); $_GET['thide'] = 'column0'; $_GET['tsort'] = 'column1'; $_GET['tifirst'] = 'A'; $_GET['tilast'] = 'Z'; foreach ($data as $row) { $table1->add_data_keyed($row); } $table1->setup(); // Clear session data between each new table. unset($SESSION->flextable); $table2 = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $table2->define_columns($columns); $table2->define_headers($headers); $table2->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table2->sortable(true); $table2->collapsible(true); $table2->is_persistent(false); unset($_GET); foreach ($data as $row) { $table2->add_data_keyed($row); } $table2->setup(); $this->assertNotEquals($table1, $table2); unset($SESSION->flextable); // Now testing with persistence to check that the tables are the same. $table3 = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $table3->define_columns($columns); $table3->define_headers($headers); $table3->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table3->sortable(true); $table3->collapsible(true); $table3->is_persistent(true); $_GET['thide'] = 'column0'; $_GET['tsort'] = 'column1'; $_GET['tifirst'] = 'A'; $_GET['tilast'] = 'Z'; foreach ($data as $row) { $table3->add_data_keyed($row); } $table3->setup(); unset($SESSION->flextable); $table4 = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $table4->define_columns($columns); $table4->define_headers($headers); $table4->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table4->sortable(true); $table4->collapsible(true); $table4->is_persistent(true); unset($_GET); foreach ($data as $row) { $table4->add_data_keyed($row); } $table4->setup(); $this->assertEquals($table3, $table4); unset($SESSION->flextable); // Finally, another test with no persistence, but without clearing the session data. $table5 = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $table5->define_columns($columns); $table5->define_headers($headers); $table5->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table5->sortable(true); $table5->collapsible(true); $table5->is_persistent(true); $_GET['thide'] = 'column0'; $_GET['tsort'] = 'column1'; $_GET['tifirst'] = 'A'; $_GET['tilast'] = 'Z'; foreach ($data as $row) { $table5->add_data_keyed($row); } $table5->setup(); $table6 = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $table6->define_columns($columns); $table6->define_headers($headers); $table6->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table6->sortable(true); $table6->collapsible(true); $table6->is_persistent(true); unset($_GET); foreach ($data as $row) { $table6->add_data_keyed($row); } $table6->setup(); $this->assertEquals($table5, $table6); } /** * Helper method for preparing tables instances in {@link self::test_can_be_reset()}. * * @param string $tableid * @return testable_flexible_table */ protected function prepare_table_for_reset_test($tableid) { global $SESSION; unset($SESSION->flextable[$tableid]); $data = $this->generate_data(25, 3); $columns = array('column0', 'column1', 'column2'); $headers = $this->generate_headers(3); $table = new testable_flexible_table($tableid); $table->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table->define_columns($columns); $table->define_headers($headers); $table->collapsible(true); $table->is_persistent(false); return $table; } public function test_can_be_reset() { // Table in its default state (as if seen for the first time), nothing to reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $table->setup(); $this->assertFalse($table->can_be_reset()); // Table in its default state with default sorting defined, nothing to reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $table->sortable(true, 'column1', SORT_DESC); $table->setup(); $this->assertFalse($table->can_be_reset()); // Table explicitly sorted by the default column & direction, nothing to reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $table->sortable(true, 'column1', SORT_DESC); $_GET['tsort'] = 'column1'; $_GET['tdir'] = SORT_DESC; $table->setup(); unset($_GET['tsort']); unset($_GET['tdir']); $this->assertFalse($table->can_be_reset()); // Table explicitly sorted twice by the default column & direction, nothing to reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $table->sortable(true, 'column1', SORT_DESC); $_GET['tsort'] = 'column1'; $_GET['tdir'] = SORT_DESC; $table->setup(); $table->setup(); // Set up again to simulate the second page request. unset($_GET['tsort']); unset($_GET['tdir']); $this->assertFalse($table->can_be_reset()); // Table sorted by other than default column, can be reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $table->sortable(true, 'column1', SORT_DESC); $_GET['tsort'] = 'column2'; $table->setup(); unset($_GET['tsort']); $this->assertTrue($table->can_be_reset()); // Table sorted by other than default direction, can be reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $table->sortable(true, 'column1', SORT_DESC); $_GET['tsort'] = 'column1'; $_GET['tdir'] = SORT_ASC; $table->setup(); unset($_GET['tsort']); unset($_GET['tdir']); $this->assertTrue($table->can_be_reset()); // Table sorted by the default column after another sorting previously selected. // This leads to different ORDER BY than just having a single sort defined, can be reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $table->sortable(true, 'column1', SORT_DESC); $_GET['tsort'] = 'column0'; $table->setup(); $_GET['tsort'] = 'column1'; $table->setup(); unset($_GET['tsort']); $this->assertTrue($table->can_be_reset()); // Table having some column collapsed, can be reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $_GET['thide'] = 'column2'; $table->setup(); unset($_GET['thide']); $this->assertTrue($table->can_be_reset()); // Table having some column explicitly expanded, nothing to reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $_GET['tshow'] = 'column2'; $table->setup(); unset($_GET['tshow']); $this->assertFalse($table->can_be_reset()); // Table after expanding a collapsed column, nothing to reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $_GET['thide'] = 'column0'; $table->setup(); $_GET['tshow'] = 'column0'; $table->setup(); unset($_GET['thide']); unset($_GET['tshow']); $this->assertFalse($table->can_be_reset()); // Table with some name filtering enabled, can be reset. $table = $this->prepare_table_for_reset_test(uniqid('tablelib_test_')); $_GET['tifirst'] = 'A'; $table->setup(); unset($_GET['tifirst']); $this->assertTrue($table->can_be_reset()); } /** * Test export in CSV format */ public function test_table_export() { $table = new flexible_table('tablelib_test_export'); $table->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table->define_columns(['c1', 'c2', 'c3']); $table->define_headers(['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3']); ob_start(); $table->is_downloadable(true); $table->is_downloading('csv'); $table->setup(); $table->add_data(['column0' => 'a', 'column1' => 'b', 'column2' => 'c']); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertEquals("Col1,Col2,Col3\na,b,c\n", substr($output, 3)); } /** * Test the initials functionality. * * @dataProvider initials_provider * @param string|null $getvalue * @param string|null $setvalue * @param string|null $finalvalue */ public function test_initials_first_set(?string $getvalue, ?string $setvalue, ?string $finalvalue): void { global $_GET; $this->resetAfterTest(true); $table = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $table->define_columns(['fullname']); $table->define_headers(['Fullname']); $table->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table->initialbars(true); if ($getvalue !== null) { $_GET['tifirst'] = $getvalue; } if ($setvalue !== null) { $table->set_first_initial($setvalue); } $table->setup(); $this->assertEquals($finalvalue, $table->get_initial_first()); } /** * Test the initials functionality. * * @dataProvider initials_provider * @param string|null $getvalue * @param string|null $setvalue * @param string|null $finalvalue */ public function test_initials_last_set(?string $getvalue, ?string $setvalue, ?string $finalvalue): void { global $_GET; $this->resetAfterTest(true); $table = new flexible_table('tablelib_test'); $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(); $table->define_columns(['fullname']); $table->define_headers(['Fullname']); $table->define_baseurl('/invalid.php'); $table->initialbars(true); if ($getvalue !== null) { $_GET['tilast'] = $getvalue; } if ($setvalue !== null) { $table->set_last_initial($setvalue); } $table->setup(); $this->assertEquals($finalvalue, $table->get_initial_last()); } /** * Data for testing initials providers. * * @return array */ public function initials_provider(): array { return [ [null, null, null], ['A', null, 'A'], ['Z', null, 'Z'], [null, 'A', 'A'], [null, 'Z', 'Z'], ['A', 'Z', 'Z'], ['Z', 'A', 'A'], ];
> } } > > /** } > * Data test for set and render caption for table. > * > * @covers ::set_caption_for_table > * @covers ::render_caption_for_table > */ > public function test_set_and_render_caption_for_table(): void { > $data = $this->generate_data(10, 2); > $columns = $this->generate_columns(2); > $headers = $this->generate_headers(2); > $caption = 'Caption for table'; > $captionattribute = ['class' => 'inline']; > $this->run_table_test( > $columns, > $headers, > // Sortable. > true, > // Collapsible. > false, > // Suppress columns. > [], > // No sorting. > [], > // Data. > $data, > // Page size. > 10, > // Caption for table. > $caption, > // Caption attribute. > $captionattribute, > ); > $this->expectOutputRegex('/' . '<caption class="inline">' . $caption . '<\/caption>' . '/');