Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.

Class: WebAuthn  - X-Ref


__construct($rpName, $rpId, $allowedFormats=null, $useBase64UrlEncoding=false)   X-Ref
Initialize a new WebAuthn server

param: string $rpName the relying party name
param: string $rpId the relying party ID = the domain name
param: bool $useBase64UrlEncoding true to use base64 url encoding for binary data in json objects. Default is a RFC 1342-Like serialized string.

addRootCertificates($path, $certFileExtensions=null)   X-Ref
add a root certificate to verify new registrations

param: string $path file path of / directory with root certificates
param: array|null $certFileExtensions if adding a direction, all files with provided extension are added. default: pem, crt, cer, der

getChallenge()   X-Ref
Returns the generated challenge to save for later validation

return: ByteBuffer

getCreateArgs($userId, $userName, $userDisplayName, $timeout=20, $requireResidentKey=false, $requireUserVerification=false, $crossPlatformAttachment=null, $excludeCredentialIds=array()   X-Ref
generates the object for a key registration
provide this data to navigator.credentials.create

param: string $userId
param: string $userName
param: string $userDisplayName
param: int $timeout timeout in seconds
param: bool|string $requireResidentKey      'required', if the key should be stored by the authentication device
param: bool|string $requireUserVerification indicates that you require user verification and will fail the operation
param: bool|null $crossPlatformAttachment   true for cross-platform devices (eg. fido usb),
param: array $excludeCredentialIds a array of ids, which are already registered, to prevent re-registration
return: \stdClass

getGetArgs($credentialIds=array()   X-Ref
generates the object for key validation
Provide this data to navigator.credentials.get

param: array $credentialIds binary
param: int $timeout timeout in seconds
param: bool $allowUsb allow removable USB
param: bool $allowNfc allow Near Field Communication (NFC)
param: bool $allowBle allow Bluetooth
param: bool $allowHybrid allow a combination of (often separate) data-transport and proximity mechanisms.
param: bool $allowInternal allow client device-specific transport. These authenticators are not removable from the client device.
param: bool|string $requireUserVerification indicates that you require user verification and will fail the operation
return: \stdClass

getSignatureCounter()   X-Ref
returns the new signature counter value.
returns null if there is no counter

return: ?int

processCreate($clientDataJSON, $attestationObject, $challenge, $requireUserVerification=false, $requireUserPresent=true, $failIfRootMismatch=true, $requireCtsProfileMatch=true)   X-Ref
process a create request and returns data to save for future logins

param: string $clientDataJSON binary from browser
param: string $attestationObject binary from browser
param: string|ByteBuffer $challenge binary used challange
param: bool $requireUserVerification true, if the device must verify user (e.g. by biometric data or pin)
param: bool $requireUserPresent false, if the device must NOT check user presence (e.g. by pressing a button)
param: bool $failIfRootMismatch false, if there should be no error thrown if root certificate doesn't match
param: bool $requireCtsProfileMatch false, if you don't want to check if the device is approved as a Google-certified Android device.
return: \stdClass

processGet($clientDataJSON, $authenticatorData, $signature, $credentialPublicKey, $challenge, $prevSignatureCnt=null, $requireUserVerification=false, $requireUserPresent=true)   X-Ref
process a get request

param: string $clientDataJSON binary from browser
param: string $authenticatorData binary from browser
param: string $signature binary from browser
param: string $credentialPublicKey string PEM-formated public key from used credentialId
param: string|ByteBuffer $challenge  binary from used challange
param: int $prevSignatureCnt signature count value of the last login
param: bool $requireUserVerification true, if the device must verify user (e.g. by biometric data or pin)
param: bool $requireUserPresent true, if the device must check user presence (e.g. by pressing a button)
return: boolean true if get is successful

queryFidoMetaDataService($certFolder, $deleteCerts=true)   X-Ref
Downloads root certificates from FIDO Alliance Metadata Service (MDS) to a specific folder

param: string $certFolder Folder path to save the certificates in PEM format.
param: bool $deleteCerts delete certificates in the target folder before adding the new ones.
return: int number of cetificates

_checkOrigin($origin)   X-Ref
checks if the origin matchs the RP ID

param: string $origin
return: boolean

_createChallenge($length = 32)   X-Ref
generates a new challange

param: int $length
return: string