Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 403]
Base trait for message popup tests.
Copyright: | 2016 Ryan Wyllie <ryan@moodle.com> |
License: | http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later |
File Size: | 84 lines (3 kb) |
Included or required: | 0 times |
Referenced: | 1 time |
Includes or requires: | 0 files |
send_fake_unread_popup_notification(\stdClass $userfrom, \stdClass $userto,string $message = 'Hello world!', int $timecreated = 0) X-Ref |
Send a fake unread popup notification. {@link message_send()} does not support transaction, this function will simulate a message sent from a user to another. We should stop using it once {@link message_send()} will support transactions. This is not clean at all, this is just used to add rows to the table. param: stdClass $userfrom user object of the one sending the message. param: stdClass $userto user object of the one receiving the message. param: string $message message to send. param: int $timecreated time the message was created. return: int the id of the message |
send_fake_read_popup_notification(\stdClass $userfrom, \stdClass $userto, string $message = 'Hello world!',int $timecreated = 0, int $timeread = 0) X-Ref |
Send a fake read popup notification. {@link message_send()} does not support transaction, this function will simulate a message sent from a user to another. We should stop using it once {@link message_send()} will support transactions. This is not clean at all, this is just used to add rows to the table. param: stdClass $userfrom user object of the one sending the message. param: stdClass $userto user object of the one receiving the message. param: string $message message to send. param: int $timecreated time the message was created. param: int $timeread the the message was read return: int the id of the message |