Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
// Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.

namespace mod_data\output;

use mod_data\manager;
use mod_data\preset;
use moodle_url;
use url_select;

 * Class responsible for generating the action bar elements in the database module pages.
 * @package    mod_data
 * @copyright  2021 Mihail Geshoski <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class action_bar {

    /** @var int $id The database module id. */
    private $id;

    /** @var int $cmid The database course module id. */
    private $cmid;

    /** @var moodle_url $currenturl The URL of the current page. */
    private $currenturl;

     * The class constructor.
     * @param int $id The database module id.
     * @param moodle_url $pageurl The URL of the current page.
    public function __construct(int $id, moodle_url $pageurl) {
        $this->id = $id;
        [$course, $cm] = get_course_and_cm_from_instance($this->id, 'data');
        $this->cmid = $cm->id;
        $this->currenturl = $pageurl;

     * Generate the output for the action bar in the field page.
     * @param bool $hasfieldselect Whether the field selector element should be rendered.
     * @param null $unused1 This parameter has been deprecated since 4.1 and should not be used anymore.
     * @param null $unused2 This parameter has been deprecated since 4.1 and should not be used anymore.
     * @return string The HTML code for the action bar.
    public function get_fields_action_bar(
        bool $hasfieldselect = false,
        ?bool $unused1 = null,
        ?bool $unused2 = null
    ): string {
        global $PAGE;

        if ($unused1 !== null || $unused2 !== null) {
            debugging('Deprecated argument passed to get_fields_action_bar method', DEBUG_DEVELOPER);

< $fieldselect = null; < if ($hasfieldselect) { < $fieldselect = $this->get_create_fields(); < } <
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_data');
< $fieldsactionbar = new fields_action_bar($this->id, null, null, null, null, $fieldselect);
> $fieldsactionbar = new fields_action_bar($this->id);
return $renderer->render_fields_action_bar($fieldsactionbar); } /** * Generate the output for the action bar in the field mappings page. * * @return string The HTML code for the action bar. */ public function get_fields_mapping_action_bar(): string { global $PAGE; $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_data'); $fieldsactionbar = new fields_mappings_action_bar($this->id); $data = $fieldsactionbar->export_for_template($renderer); return $renderer->render_from_template('mod_data/fields_action_bar', $data); } /** * Generate the output for the create a new field action menu. *
> * @param bool $isprimarybutton is the action trigger a primary or secondary button?
* @return \action_menu Action menu to create a new field */
< public function get_create_fields(): \action_menu {
> public function get_create_fields(bool $isprimarybutton = false): \action_menu {
// Get the list of possible fields (plugins). $plugins = \core_component::get_plugin_list('datafield'); $menufield = []; foreach ($plugins as $plugin => $fulldir) { $menufield[$plugin] = get_string('pluginname', "datafield_{$plugin}"); } asort($menufield); $fieldselect = new \action_menu();
< $fieldselect->set_menu_trigger(get_string('newfield', 'mod_data'), 'btn btn-secondary'); < $fieldselectparams = ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'new'];
> $triggerclasses = ['btn']; > $triggerclasses[] = $isprimarybutton ? 'btn-primary' : 'btn-secondary'; > $fieldselect->set_menu_trigger(get_string('newfield', 'mod_data'), join(' ', $triggerclasses)); > $fieldselectparams = ['id' => $this->cmid, 'mode' => 'new'];
foreach ($menufield as $fieldtype => $fieldname) { $fieldselectparams['newtype'] = $fieldtype; $fieldselect->add(new \action_menu_link( new moodle_url('/mod/data/field.php', $fieldselectparams), new \pix_icon('field/' . $fieldtype, $fieldname, 'data'), $fieldname, false )); } $fieldselect->set_additional_classes('singlebutton'); return $fieldselect; } /** * Generate the output for the action selector in the view page. * * @param bool $hasentries Whether entries exist. * @param string $mode The current view mode (list, view...). * @return string The HTML code for the action selector. */ public function get_view_action_bar(bool $hasentries, string $mode): string { global $PAGE; $viewlistlink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/view.php', ['d' => $this->id]); $viewsinglelink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/view.php', ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'single']); $menu = [ $viewlistlink->out(false) => get_string('listview', 'mod_data'), $viewsinglelink->out(false) => get_string('singleview', 'mod_data'), ]; $activeurl = $this->currenturl; if ($this->currenturl->get_param('rid') || $this->currenturl->get_param('mode') == 'single') { $activeurl = $viewsinglelink; } $urlselect = new url_select($menu, $activeurl->out(false), null, 'viewactionselect'); $urlselect->set_label(get_string('viewnavigation', 'mod_data'), ['class' => 'sr-only']); $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_data'); $viewactionbar = new view_action_bar($this->id, $urlselect, $hasentries, $mode); return $renderer->render_view_action_bar($viewactionbar); } /** * Generate the output for the action selector in the templates page. * * @return string The HTML code for the action selector. */ public function get_templates_action_bar(): string { global $PAGE; $listtemplatelink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/templates.php', ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'listtemplate']); $singletemplatelink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/templates.php', ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'singletemplate']); $advancedsearchtemplatelink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/templates.php', ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'asearchtemplate']); $addtemplatelink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/templates.php', ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'addtemplate']); $rsstemplatelink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/templates.php', ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'rsstemplate']); $csstemplatelink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/templates.php', ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'csstemplate']); $jstemplatelink = new moodle_url('/mod/data/templates.php', ['d' => $this->id, 'mode' => 'jstemplate']); $menu = [ $addtemplatelink->out(false) => get_string('addtemplate', 'mod_data'), $singletemplatelink->out(false) => get_string('singletemplate', 'mod_data'), $listtemplatelink->out(false) => get_string('listtemplate', 'mod_data'), $advancedsearchtemplatelink->out(false) => get_string('asearchtemplate', 'mod_data'), $csstemplatelink->out(false) => get_string('csstemplate', 'mod_data'), $jstemplatelink->out(false) => get_string('jstemplate', 'mod_data'), $rsstemplatelink->out(false) => get_string('rsstemplate', 'mod_data'), ]; $selectmenu = new \core\output\select_menu('presetsactions', $menu, $this->currenturl->out(false)); $selectmenu->set_label(get_string('templatesnavigation', 'mod_data'), ['class' => 'sr-only']); $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_data'); $presetsactions = $this->get_presets_actions_select(false);
> > // Reset single template action. // Reset all templates action. > $resetcurrrent = new moodle_url($this->currenturl); $resetallurl = new moodle_url($this->currenturl); > $resetcurrrent->param('action', 'resettemplate'); $resetallurl->params([ > $presetsactions->add(new \action_menu_link( 'action' => 'resetalltemplates', > $resetcurrrent, 'sesskey' => sesskey(), > null, ]); > get_string('resettemplate', 'mod_data'), $presetsactions->add(new \action_menu_link( > false, $resetallurl, > ['data-action' => 'resettemplate', 'data-dataid' => $this->id] null, > ));
get_string('resetalltemplates', 'mod_data'), false, ['data-action' => 'resetalltemplates', 'data-dataid' => $this->id] )); $templatesactionbar = new templates_action_bar($this->id, $selectmenu, null, null, $presetsactions); return $renderer->render_templates_action_bar($templatesactionbar); } /** * Generate the output for the action selector in the presets page. * * @return string The HTML code for the action selector. */ public function get_presets_action_bar(): string { global $PAGE; $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_data'); $presetsactionbar = new presets_action_bar($this->cmid, $this->get_presets_actions_select(true)); return $renderer->render_presets_action_bar($presetsactionbar); } /** * Generate the output for the action selector in the presets preview page. * * @param manager $manager the manager instance * @param string $fullname the preset fullname * @param string $current the current template name * @return string The HTML code for the action selector */ public function get_presets_preview_action_bar(manager $manager, string $fullname, string $current): string { global $PAGE; $renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer(manager::PLUGINNAME); $cm = $manager->get_coursemodule(); $menu = []; $selected = null; foreach (['listtemplate', 'singletemplate'] as $templatename) { $link = new moodle_url('/mod/data/preset.php', [ 'd' => $this->id, 'template' => $templatename, 'fullname' => $fullname, 'action' => 'preview', ]); $menu[$link->out(false)] = get_string($templatename, manager::PLUGINNAME); if (!$selected || $templatename == $current) { $selected = $link->out(false); } } $urlselect = new url_select($menu, $selected, null); $urlselect->set_label(get_string('templatesnavigation', manager::PLUGINNAME), ['class' => 'sr-only']); $data = [ 'title' => get_string('preview', manager::PLUGINNAME, preset::get_name_from_plugin($fullname)), 'hasback' => true, 'backtitle' => get_string('back'), 'backurl' => new moodle_url('/mod/data/preset.php', ['id' => $cm->id]), 'extraurlselect' => $urlselect->export_for_template($renderer), ]; return $renderer->render_from_template('mod_data/action_bar', $data); } /** * Helper method to get the selector for the presets action. * * @param bool $hasimport Whether the Import buttons must be included or not. * @return \action_menu|null The selector object used to display the presets actions. Null when the import button is not * displayed and the database hasn't any fields. */ protected function get_presets_actions_select(bool $hasimport = false): ?\action_menu { global $DB; $hasfields = $DB->record_exists('data_fields', ['dataid' => $this->id]); // Early return if the database has no fields and the import action won't be displayed. if (!$hasfields && !$hasimport) { return null; } $actionsselect = new \action_menu(); $actionsselect->set_menu_trigger(get_string('actions'), 'btn btn-secondary'); if ($hasimport) { // Import. $actionsselectparams = ['id' => $this->cmid]; $actionsselect->add(new \action_menu_link( new moodle_url('/mod/data/preset.php', $actionsselectparams), null, get_string('importpreset', 'mod_data'), false, ['data-action' => 'importpresets', 'data-dataid' => $this->cmid] )); } // If the database has no fields, export and save as preset options shouldn't be displayed. if ($hasfields) { // Export. $actionsselectparams = ['id' => $this->cmid, 'action' => 'export']; $actionsselect->add(new \action_menu_link( new moodle_url('/mod/data/preset.php', $actionsselectparams), null, get_string('exportpreset', 'mod_data'), false )); // Save as preset. $actionsselect->add(new \action_menu_link( new moodle_url('/mod/data/preset.php', $actionsselectparams), null, get_string('saveaspreset', 'mod_data'), false, ['data-action' => 'saveaspreset', 'data-dataid' => $this->id] )); } return $actionsselect; } }