Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
FolderUp one level  
Fileajax.php                [source] [59 lines]    Process ajax requests
Fileanalysis.php            [source] [101 lines]   shows an analysed view of feedback
Fileanalysis_course.php     [source] [153 lines]   shows an analysed view of a feedback on the mainsite
Fileanalysis_to_excel.php   [source] [115 lines]   prints an analysed excel-spreadsheet of the feedback
Filechoose_group_form.php   [source] [25 lines]    prints the form to choose the group you want to analyse
Filecomplete.php            [source] [142 lines]   prints the form so the user can fill out the feedback
Filecomplete_guest.php      [source] [32 lines]    prints the form so an anonymous user can fill out the feedback on the mainsite
Filedeprecatedlib.php       [source] [31 lines]    List of deprecated mod_feedback functions.
Fileedit.php                [source] [119 lines]   prints the form to edit the feedback items such moving, deleting and so on
Fileedit_form.php           [source] [288 lines]   prints the forms to choose an item-typ to create items and to choose a template to use
Fileedit_item.php           [source] [123 lines]   prints the form to edit a dedicated item
Fileexport.php              [source] [171 lines]   prints the form to export the items as xml-file
Fileimport.php              [source] [300 lines]   prints the form to import items from xml-file
Fileimport_form.php         [source] [59 lines]    prints the forms to choose an xml-template file to import items
Fileindex.php               [source] [129 lines]   prints the overview of all feedbacks included into the current course
Filelib.php                 [source] [3268 lines]  Library of functions and constants for module feedback includes the main-part of feedback-functions
Filemanage_templates.php    [source] [102 lines]   Manage the various templates available
Filemapcourse.php           [source] [66 lines]    print the form to map courses for global feedbacks
Filemod_form.php            [source] [226 lines]   print the form to add or edit a feedback-instance
Fileprint.php               [source] [80 lines]    print a printview of feedback-items
Filesettings.php            [source] [25 lines]    
Fileshow_entries.php        [source] [171 lines]   print the single entries
Fileshow_entries_anonym.php [source] [32 lines]    print the single-values of anonymous completeds
Fileshow_nonrespondents.php [source] [330 lines]   print the single entries
Filetabs.php                [source] [92 lines]    prints the tabbed bar
Fileuse_templ.php           [source] [82 lines]    print the confirm dialog to use template and create new items from template
Fileuse_templ_form.php      [source] [121 lines]   prints the form to confirm use template
Fileversion.php             [source] [32 lines]    Feedback version information
Fileview.php                [source] [152 lines]   the first page to view the feedback