Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Discussion renderer.
  19   *
  20   * @package    mod_forum
  21   * @copyright  2019 Ryan Wyllie <>
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  namespace mod_forum\local\renderers;
  27  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  29  use mod_forum\local\entities\discussion as discussion_entity;
  30  use mod_forum\local\entities\forum as forum_entity;
  31  use mod_forum\local\entities\post as post_entity;
  32  use mod_forum\local\entities\sorter as sorter_entity;
  33  use mod_forum\local\factories\entity as entity_factory;
  34  use mod_forum\local\factories\legacy_data_mapper as legacy_data_mapper_factory;
  35  use mod_forum\local\factories\exporter as exporter_factory;
  36  use mod_forum\local\factories\url as url_factory;
  37  use mod_forum\local\factories\vault as vault_factory;
  38  use mod_forum\local\managers\capability as capability_manager;
  39  use mod_forum\local\renderers\posts as posts_renderer;
  40  use forum_portfolio_caller;
  41  use core\output\notification;
  42  use context;
  43  use context_module;
  44  use html_writer;
  45  use moodle_exception;
  46  use moodle_page;
  47  use moodle_url;
  48  use rating_manager;
  49  use renderer_base;
  50  use single_button;
  51  use single_select;
  52  use stdClass;
  53  use url_select;
  55  require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/lib.php');
  56  require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/forum/locallib.php');
  58  /**
  59   * Discussion renderer class.
  60   *
  61   * @copyright  2019 Ryan Wyllie <>
  62   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  63   */
  64  class discussion {
  65      /** @var forum_entity $forum The forum that the discussion belongs to */
  66      private $forum;
  67      /** @var discussion_entity $discussion The discussion entity */
  68      private $discussion;
  69      /** @var stdClass $discussionrecord Legacy discussion record */
  70      private $discussionrecord;
  71      /** @var stdClass $forumrecord Legacy forum record */
  72      private $forumrecord;
  73      /** @var int $displaymode The display mode to render the discussion in */
  74      private $displaymode;
  75      /** @var renderer_base $renderer Renderer base */
  76      private $renderer;
  77      /** @var posts_renderer $postsrenderer A posts renderer */
  78      private $postsrenderer;
  79      /** @var moodle_page $page The page this discussion is being rendered for */
  80      private $page;
  81      /** @var legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory Legacy data mapper factory */
  82      private $legacydatamapperfactory;
  83      /** @var exporter_factory $exporterfactory Exporter factory */
  84      private $exporterfactory;
  85      /** @var vault_factory $vaultfactory Vault factory */
  86      private $vaultfactory;
  87      /** @var url_factory $urlfactory URL factory */
  88      private $urlfactory;
  89      /** @var entity_factory $entityfactory Entity factory */
  90      private $entityfactory;
  91      /** @var capability_manager $capabilitymanager Capability manager */
  92      private $capabilitymanager;
  93      /** @var rating_manager $ratingmanager Rating manager */
  94      private $ratingmanager;
  95      /** @var moodle_url $baseurl The base URL for the discussion */
  96      private $baseurl;
  97      /** @var array $notifications List of HTML notifications to display */
  98      private $notifications;
  99      /** @var sorter_entity $exportedpostsorter Sorter for the exported posts */
 100      private $exportedpostsorter;
 101      /** @var callable $postprocessfortemplate Function to process exported posts before template rendering */
 102      private $postprocessfortemplate;
 104      /**
 105       * Constructor.
 106       *
 107       * @param forum_entity $forum The forum that the discussion belongs to
 108       * @param discussion_entity $discussion The discussion entity
 109       * @param int $displaymode The display mode to render the discussion in
 110       * @param renderer_base $renderer Renderer base
 111       * @param posts_renderer $postsrenderer A posts renderer
 112       * @param moodle_page $page The page this discussion is being rendered for
 113       * @param legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory Legacy data mapper factory
 114       * @param exporter_factory $exporterfactory Exporter factory
 115       * @param vault_factory $vaultfactory Vault factory
 116       * @param url_factory $urlfactory URL factory
 117       * @param entity_factory $entityfactory Entity factory
 118       * @param capability_manager $capabilitymanager Capability manager
 119       * @param rating_manager $ratingmanager Rating manager
 120       * @param sorter_entity $exportedpostsorter Sorter for the exported posts
 121       * @param moodle_url $baseurl The base URL for the discussion
 122       * @param array $notifications List of HTML notifications to display
 123       * @param callable|null $postprocessfortemplate Post processing for template callback
 124       */
 125      public function __construct(
 126          forum_entity $forum,
 127          discussion_entity $discussion,
 128          int $displaymode,
 129          renderer_base $renderer,
 130          posts_renderer $postsrenderer,
 131          moodle_page $page,
 132          legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory,
 133          exporter_factory $exporterfactory,
 134          vault_factory $vaultfactory,
 135          url_factory $urlfactory,
 136          entity_factory $entityfactory,
 137          capability_manager $capabilitymanager,
 138          rating_manager $ratingmanager,
 139          sorter_entity $exportedpostsorter,
 140          moodle_url $baseurl,
 141          array $notifications = [],
 142          callable $postprocessfortemplate = null
 143      ) {
 144          $this->forum = $forum;
 145          $this->discussion = $discussion;
 146          $this->displaymode = $displaymode;
 147          $this->renderer = $renderer;
 148          $this->postsrenderer = $postsrenderer;
 149          $this->page = $page;
 150          $this->baseurl = $baseurl;
 151          $this->legacydatamapperfactory = $legacydatamapperfactory;
 152          $this->exporterfactory = $exporterfactory;
 153          $this->vaultfactory = $vaultfactory;
 154          $this->urlfactory = $urlfactory;
 155          $this->entityfactory = $entityfactory;
 156          $this->capabilitymanager = $capabilitymanager;
 157          $this->ratingmanager = $ratingmanager;
 158          $this->notifications = $notifications;
 160          $this->exportedpostsorter = $exportedpostsorter;
 161          $this->postprocessfortemplate = $postprocessfortemplate;
 163          $forumdatamapper = $this->legacydatamapperfactory->get_forum_data_mapper();
 164          $this->forumrecord = $forumdatamapper->to_legacy_object($forum);
 166          $discussiondatamapper = $this->legacydatamapperfactory->get_discussion_data_mapper();
 167          $this->discussionrecord = $discussiondatamapper->to_legacy_object($discussion);
 168      }
 170      /**
 171       * Render the discussion for the given user in the specified display mode.
 172       *
 173       * @param stdClass $user The user viewing the discussion
 174       * @param post_entity $firstpost The first post in the discussion
 175       * @param array $replies List of replies to the first post
 176       * @return string HTML for the discussion
 177       */
 178      public function render(
 179          stdClass $user,
 180          post_entity $firstpost,
 181          array $replies
 182      ) : string {
 183          global $CFG;
 185          $displaymode = $this->displaymode;
 186          $capabilitymanager = $this->capabilitymanager;
 187          $urlfactory = $this->urlfactory;
 188          $entityfactory = $this->entityfactory;
 190          // Make sure we can render.
 191          if (!$capabilitymanager->can_view_discussions($user)) {
 192              throw new moodle_exception('noviewdiscussionspermission', 'mod_forum');
 193          }
 195          $posts = array_merge([$firstpost], array_values($replies));
 197          if ($this->postprocessfortemplate !== null) {
 198              $exporteddiscussion = ($this->postprocessfortemplate) ($this->discussion, $user, $this->forum);
 199          } else {
 200              $exporteddiscussion = $this->get_exported_discussion($user);
 201          }
 203          $hasanyactions = false;
 204          $hasanyactions = $hasanyactions || $capabilitymanager->can_favourite_discussion($user);
 205          $hasanyactions = $hasanyactions || $capabilitymanager->can_pin_discussions($user);
 206          $hasanyactions = $hasanyactions || $capabilitymanager->can_manage_forum($user);
 208          $exporteddiscussion = array_merge($exporteddiscussion, [
 209              'notifications' => $this->get_notifications($user),
 210              'html' => [
 211                  'hasanyactions' => $hasanyactions,
 212                  'posts' => $this->postsrenderer->render($user, [$this->forum], [$this->discussion], $posts),
 213                  'modeselectorform' => $this->get_display_mode_selector_html($displaymode, $user),
 214                  'subscribe' => null,
 215                  'movediscussion' => null,
 216                  'pindiscussion' => null,
 217                  'neighbourlinks' => $this->get_neighbour_links_html(),
 218                  'exportdiscussion' => !empty($CFG->enableportfolios) ? $this->get_export_discussion_html($user) : null
 219              ],
 220              'settingsselector' => true,
 221          ]);
 223          $capabilities = (array) $exporteddiscussion['capabilities'];
 225          if ($capabilities['move']) {
 226              $exporteddiscussion['html']['movediscussion'] = $this->get_move_discussion_html();
 227          }
 229          if (!empty($user->id)) {
 230              $loggedinuser = $entityfactory->get_author_from_stdClass($user);
 231              $exporteddiscussion['loggedinuser'] = [
 232                  'firstname' => $loggedinuser->get_first_name(),
 233                  'fullname' => $loggedinuser->get_full_name(),
 234                  'profileimageurl' => ($urlfactory->get_author_profile_image_url($loggedinuser, null))->out(false)
 235              ];
 236          }
 238          $exporteddiscussion['throttlingwarningmsg'] = '';
 239          $cmrecord = $this->forum->get_course_module_record();
 240          if (($warningobj = forum_check_throttling($this->forumrecord, $cmrecord)) && $warningobj->canpost) {
 241              $throttlewarnnotification = (new notification(
 242                      get_string($warningobj->errorcode, $warningobj->module, $warningobj->additional)
 243              ))->set_show_closebutton();
 244              $exporteddiscussion['throttlingwarningmsg'] = $throttlewarnnotification->get_message();
 245          }
 247          if ($this->displaymode === FORUM_MODE_NESTED_V2) {
 248              $template = 'mod_forum/forum_discussion_nested_v2';
 249          } else {
 250              $template = 'mod_forum/forum_discussion';
 251          }
 253          return $this->renderer->render_from_template($template, $exporteddiscussion);
 254      }
 256      /**
 257       * Get the groups details for all groups available to the forum.
 258       *
 259       * @return  stdClass[]
 260       */
 261      private function get_groups_available_in_forum() : array {
 262          $course = $this->forum->get_course_record();
 263          $coursemodule = $this->forum->get_course_module_record();
 265          return groups_get_all_groups($course->id, 0, $coursemodule->groupingid);
 266      }
 268      /**
 269       * Get the exported discussion.
 270       *
 271       * @param stdClass $user The user viewing the discussion
 272       * @return array
 273       */
 274      private function get_exported_discussion(stdClass $user) : array {
 275          $discussionexporter = $this->exporterfactory->get_discussion_exporter(
 276              $user,
 277              $this->forum,
 278              $this->discussion,
 279              $this->get_groups_available_in_forum()
 280          );
 282          return (array) $discussionexporter->export($this->renderer);
 283      }
 285      /**
 286       * Get the HTML for the display mode selector.
 287       *
 288       * @param int $displaymode The current display mode
 289       * @param stdClass $user The current user
 290       * @return string
 291       */
 292      private function get_display_mode_selector_html(int $displaymode, stdClass $user) : string {
 293          $baseurl = $this->baseurl;
 294          $select = new single_select(
 295              $baseurl,
 296              'mode',
 297              forum_get_layout_modes(get_user_preferences('forum_useexperimentalui', false, $user)),
 298              $displaymode,
 299              null,
 300              'mode'
 301          );
 302          $select->set_label(get_string('displaymode', 'forum'), ['class' => 'accesshide']);
 304          return $this->renderer->render($select);
 305      }
 307      /**
 308       * Get the HTML to render the move discussion selector and button.
 309       *
 310       * @return string
 311       */
 312      private function get_move_discussion_html() : ?string {
 313          global $DB;
 315          $forum = $this->forum;
 316          $discussion = $this->discussion;
 317          $courseid = $forum->get_course_id();
 319          // Popup menu to move discussions to other forums. The discussion in a
 320          // single discussion forum can't be moved.
 321          $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($courseid);
 322          if (isset($modinfo->instances['forum'])) {
 323              $forummenu = [];
 324              // Check forum types and eliminate simple discussions.
 325              $forumcheck = $DB->get_records('forum', ['course' => $courseid], '', 'id, type');
 326              foreach ($modinfo->instances['forum'] as $forumcm) {
 327                  if (!$forumcm->uservisible || !has_capability('mod/forum:startdiscussion',
 328                      context_module::instance($forumcm->id))) {
 329                      continue;
 330                  }
 331                  $section = $forumcm->sectionnum;
 332                  $sectionname = get_section_name($courseid, $section);
 333                  if (empty($forummenu[$section])) {
 334                      $forummenu[$section] = [$sectionname => []];
 335                  }
 336                  $forumidcompare = $forumcm->instance != $forum->get_id();
 337                  $forumtypecheck = $forumcheck[$forumcm->instance]->type !== 'single';
 339                  if ($forumidcompare and $forumtypecheck) {
 340                      $url = "/mod/forum/discuss.php?d={$discussion->get_id()}&move=$forumcm->instance&sesskey=".sesskey();
 341                      $forummenu[$section][$sectionname][$url] = format_string($forumcm->name);
 342                  }
 343              }
 344              if (!empty($forummenu)) {
 345                  $html = '<div class="movediscussionoption">';
 347                  $movebutton = get_string('move');
 348                  if ($this->displaymode === FORUM_MODE_NESTED_V2) {
 349                      // Move discussion selector will be rendered on the settings drawer. We won't output the button in this mode.
 350                      $movebutton = null;
 351                  }
 352                  $select = new url_select($forummenu, '',
 353                          ['/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=' . $discussion->get_id() => get_string("movethisdiscussionto", "forum")],
 354                          'forummenu', $movebutton);
 355                  $select->set_label(get_string('movethisdiscussionlabel', 'mod_forum'), [
 356                      'class' => 'sr-only',
 357                  ]);
 358                  $html .= $this->renderer->render($select);
 359                  $html .= "</div>";
 360                  return $html;
 361              }
 362          }
 364          return null;
 365      }
 367      /**
 368       * Get the HTML to render the export discussion button.
 369       *
 370       * @param   stdClass $user The user viewing the discussion
 371       * @return  string|null
 372       */
 373      private function get_export_discussion_html(stdClass $user) : ?string {
 374          global $CFG;
 376          if (!$this->capabilitymanager->can_export_discussions($user)) {
 377              return null;
 378          }
 380          $button = new \portfolio_add_button();
 381          $button->set_callback_options('forum_portfolio_caller', ['discussionid' => $this->discussion->get_id()], 'mod_forum');
 382          $button = $button->to_html(PORTFOLIO_ADD_FULL_FORM, get_string('exportdiscussion', 'mod_forum'));
 383          return $button ?: null;
 384      }
 386      /**
 387       * Get a list of notification HTML to render in the page.
 388       *
 389       * @param stdClass $user The user viewing the discussion
 390       * @return string[]
 391       */
 392      private function get_notifications($user) : array {
 393          $notifications = $this->notifications;
 394          $discussion = $this->discussion;
 395          $forum = $this->forum;
 397          if ($forum->is_cutoff_date_reached()) {
 398              $notifications[] = (new notification(
 399                      get_string('cutoffdatereached', 'forum'),
 400                      notification::NOTIFY_INFO
 401              ))->set_show_closebutton();
 402          } else if ($forum->get_type() != 'single') {
 403              // Due date is already shown at the top of the page for single simple discussion forums.
 404              if ($forum->is_due_date_reached()) {
 405                  $notifications[] = (new notification(
 406                      get_string('thisforumisdue', 'forum', userdate($forum->get_due_date())),
 407                      notification::NOTIFY_INFO
 408                  ))->set_show_closebutton();
 409              } else if ($forum->has_due_date()) {
 410                  $notifications[] = (new notification(
 411                      get_string('thisforumhasduedate', 'forum', userdate($forum->get_due_date())),
 412                      notification::NOTIFY_INFO
 413                  ))->set_show_closebutton();
 414              }
 415          }
 417          if ($forum->is_discussion_locked($discussion)) {
 418              $notifications[] = (new notification(
 419                  get_string('discussionlocked', 'forum'),
 420                  notification::NOTIFY_INFO
 421              ))
 422              ->set_extra_classes(['discussionlocked'])
 423              ->set_show_closebutton();
 424          }
 426          if ($forum->get_type() == 'qanda') {
 427              if ($this->capabilitymanager->must_post_before_viewing_discussion($user, $discussion)) {
 428                  $notifications[] = (new notification(
 429                      get_string('qandanotify', 'forum')
 430                  ))->set_show_closebutton(true)->set_extra_classes(['mt-3']);
 431              }
 432          }
 434          if ($forum->has_blocking_enabled()) {
 435              $notifications[] = (new notification(
 436                  get_string('thisforumisthrottled', 'forum', [
 437                      'blockafter' => $forum->get_block_after(),
 438                      'blockperiod' => get_string('secondstotime' . $forum->get_block_period())
 439                  ]),
 440                  notification::NOTIFY_INFO
 441              ))->set_show_closebutton();
 443          }
 445          return array_map(function($notification) {
 446              return $notification->export_for_template($this->renderer);
 447          }, $notifications);
 448      }
 450      /**
 451       * Get HTML to display the neighbour links.
 452       *
 453       * @return string
 454       */
 455      private function get_neighbour_links_html() : string {
 456          $forum = $this->forum;
 457          $coursemodule = $forum->get_course_module_record();
 458          $neighbours = forum_get_discussion_neighbours($coursemodule, $this->discussionrecord, $this->forumrecord);
 459          return $this->renderer->neighbouring_discussion_navigation($neighbours['prev'], $neighbours['next']);
 460      }
 461  }