Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 403] [Versions 400 and 403] [Versions 401 and 403]
1 <?php 2 // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ 3 // 4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 7 // (at your option) any later version. 8 // 9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 // GNU General Public License for more details. 13 // 14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 16 17 /** 18 * Plugin strings are defined here. 19 * 20 * @package mod_h5pactivity 21 * @category string 22 * @copyright 2020 Ferran Recio <ferran@moodle.com> 23 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 24 */ 25 26 defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); 27 28 $string['all_attempts'] = 'All user attempts'; 29 $string['answer_checked'] = 'Answer checked'; 30 $string['answer_correct'] = 'Your answer is correct'; 31 $string['answer_fail'] = 'Incorrect answer'; 32 $string['answer_incorrect'] = 'Your answer is incorrect'; 33 $string['answer_pass'] = 'Correct answer'; 34 $string['answer_unchecked'] = 'Answer unchecked'; 35 $string['answer_unknown'] = 'Unknown answer'; 36 $string['answer_text'] = 'Answer text'; 37 $string['answer_noanswer'] = 'None'; 38 $string['areapackage'] = 'Package file'; 39 $string['attempt'] = 'Attempt'; 40 $string['attempt_average'] = 'Attempts average scored'; 41 $string['attempt_answer'] = 'Attempt answer'; 42 $string['attempt_completion_no'] = 'This attempt is not marked as completed'; 43 $string['attempt_completion_yes'] = 'This attempt is completed'; 44 $string['attempt_first'] = 'First attempt'; 45 $string['attempt_highest'] = 'Highest score attempt'; 46 $string['attempt_last'] = 'Last attempt'; 47 $string['attempt_none'] = 'No attempts are used for grading'; 48 $string['attempt_number'] = 'Attempt #{$a}'; 49 $string['attempt_success_fail'] = 'Fail'; 50 $string['attempt_success_pass'] = 'Pass'; 51 $string['attempt_success_unknown'] = 'Not reported'; 52 $string['attempts'] = 'Attempts'; 53 $string['attempts_report'] = 'Attempts report'; 54 $string['attempts_none'] = 'This user has no attempts to display.'; 55 $string['choice'] = 'Choice'; 56 $string['completion'] = 'Completion'; 57 $string['contentbank'] = 'More information about the content bank'; 58 $string['contentbank_help'] = 'In the content bank you can create and store content using several authoring tools, including an integrated H5P creator.'; 59 $string['correct_answer'] = 'Correct answer'; 60 $string['deleteallattempts'] = 'Delete all H5P attempts'; 61 $string['displayexport'] = 'Allow download'; 62 $string['displayembed'] = 'Embed button'; 63 $string['displaycopyright'] = 'Copyright button'; 64 $string['dnduploadh5pactivity'] = 'Add an H5P activity'; 65 $string['duration'] = 'Duration'; 66 $string['enablesavestate'] = 'Save state'; 67 $string['enablesavestate_help'] = 'Automatically save the user\'s current state. The user can return later and resume where they left off.'; 68 $string['enabletracking'] = 'Enable attempt tracking'; 69 $string['false'] = 'False'; 70 $string['grade_grademethod'] = 'Grading method'; 71 $string['grade_grademethod_help'] = 'When using point grading, the following methods are available for calculating the final grade: 72 73 * Highest grade of all attempts 74 * Average (mean) grade of all attempts 75 * First attempt (all other attempts are ignored) 76 * Last attempt (all other attempts are ignored) 77 * Don\'t use attempts for grading (disable grading calculation)'; 78 $string['grade_manual'] = 'Don\'t calculate a grade'; 79 $string['grade_highest_attempt'] = 'Highest grade'; 80 $string['grade_average_attempt'] = 'Average grade'; 81 $string['grade_last_attempt'] = 'Last attempt'; 82 $string['grade_first_attempt'] = 'First attempt'; 83 $string['grade_h5p'] = 'Grade: {$a}'; 84 $string['h5pactivity:addinstance'] = 'Add a new H5P'; 85 $string['h5pactivity:reviewattempts'] = 'Review H5P attempts'; 86 $string['h5pactivity:submit'] = 'Submit H5P attempts'; 87 $string['h5pactivity:view'] = 'View H5P'; 88 $string['h5pactivityfieldset'] = 'H5P settings'; 89 $string['h5pactivityname'] = 'H5P'; 90 $string['h5pactivitysettings'] = 'Settings'; 91 $string['h5pattempts'] = 'Attempt options'; 92 $string['h5pdisplay'] = 'H5P options'; 93 $string['maxscore'] = 'Max score'; 94 $string['modulename'] = 'H5P'; 95 $string['modulename_help'] = 'H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package - interactive content such as presentations, videos and other multimedia, questions, quizzes, games and more. The H5P activity enables H5P to be uploaded and added to a course. 96 97 Any question attempts are marked automatically, and the grade is recorded in the gradebook.'; 98 $string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/h5pactivity/view'; 99 $string['modulenameplural'] = 'H5P'; 100 $string['myattempts'] = 'My attempts'; 101 $string['newsubmissions'] = 'H5P submitted'; 102 $string['no_compatible_track'] = 'This interaction ({$a}) does not provide tracking information or the tracking 103 provided is not compatible with the current activity version.'; 104 $string['noparticipants'] = 'No participants to display'; 105 $string['opencontentbank'] = '<a href="{$a}" target="_blank">Access the H5P file in the content bank</a> (opens in a new window).'; 106 $string['outcome'] = 'Outcome'; 107 $string['package'] = 'Package file'; 108 $string['package_help'] = 'The package file is a h5p file containing H5P interactive content.'; 109 $string['page-mod-h5pactivity-x'] = 'Any H5P module page'; 110 $string['pluginadministration'] = 'H5P administration'; 111 $string['pluginname'] = 'H5P'; 112 $string['previewmode'] = 'This content is displayed in preview mode. No attempt tracking will be stored.'; 113 $string['privacy:metadata:attempt'] = 'The attempt number'; 114 $string['privacy:metadata:rawscore'] = 'The score obtained'; 115 $string['privacy:metadata:timecreated'] = 'The time when the tracked element was created'; 116 $string['privacy:metadata:timemodified'] = 'The last time element was tracked'; 117 $string['privacy:metadata:userid'] = 'The ID of the user who accessed the H5P activity'; 118 $string['privacy:metadata:xapisummary'] = 'The H5P activity contains information relating to the xAPI content state stored by the user.'; 119 $string['privacy:metadata:xapi_track'] = 'Attempt tracking information'; 120 $string['privacy:metadata:xapi_track_results'] = 'Attempt results tracking information'; 121 $string['report_viewed'] = 'Report viewed'; 122 $string['result_compound'] = 'Combined partial score'; 123 $string['result_fill-in'] = 'Fill-in text'; 124 $string['result_fill-in_gap'] = 'Gap #{$a}'; 125 $string['result_matching'] = 'Matching choice'; 126 $string['result_other'] = 'Unknown interaction type'; 127 $string['result_sequencing_choice'] = 'Positions'; 128 $string['result_sequencing_answer'] = 'Position value'; 129 $string['result_sequencing_position'] = '#{$a}'; 130 $string['review_all_attempts'] = 'View all attempts ({$a} submitted)'; 131 $string['review_mode'] = 'Review attempts'; 132 $string['review_my_attempts'] = 'View my attempts'; 133 $string['review_user_attempts'] = 'View user attempts ({$a})'; 134 $string['review_none'] = 'Participants cannot review their own attempts'; 135 $string['review_on_completion'] = 'Participants can review their own attempts'; 136 $string['savestatefreq'] = 'Save state frequency'; 137 $string['savestatefreq_help'] = 'How often (in seconds) that the user\'s current state is saved.'; 138 $string['score'] = 'Score'; 139 $string['score_out_of'] = '{$a->rawscore} out of {$a->maxscore}'; 140 $string['search:activity'] = 'H5P - activity information'; 141 $string['startdate'] = 'Start date'; 142 $string['statement_received'] = 'xAPI statement received'; 143 $string['totalscore'] = 'Total score'; 144 $string['tracking_messages'] = 'Some H5P provide attempt tracking data for advanced reporting such as number of attempts, responses and grades. Note: Some H5P don\'t provide attempt tracking data. In such cases, the following settings will have no effect.'; 145 $string['true'] = 'True'; 146 $string['usecontentbank'] = 'Use the <a href="{$a}" target="_blank">content bank (opens in new window)</a> to manage your H5P files'; 147 $string['view'] = 'View'; 148 $string['view_report'] = 'View report';