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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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 * A Helper for LTI Dynamic Registration.
 * @package    mod_lti
 * @copyright  2020 Claude Vervoort (Cengage), Carlos Costa, Adrian Hutchinson (Macgraw Hill)
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
namespace mod_lti\local\ltiopenid;

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;

require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/lti/locallib.php');
use Firebase\JWT\JWK;
use Firebase\JWT\JWT;
> use Firebase\JWT\Key;
use stdClass; /** * This class exposes functions for LTI Dynamic Registration. * * @package mod_lti * @copyright 2020 Claude Vervoort (Cengage), Carlos Costa, Adrian Hutchinson (Macgraw Hill) * @license GNU GPL v3 or later */ class registration_helper { /** score scope */ const SCOPE_SCORE = ''; /** result scope */ const SCOPE_RESULT = ''; /** lineitem read-only scope */ const SCOPE_LINEITEM_RO = ''; /** lineitem full access scope */ const SCOPE_LINEITEM = ''; /** Names and Roles (membership) scope */ const SCOPE_NRPS = ''; /** Tool Settings scope */ const SCOPE_TOOL_SETTING = ''; /** Indicates the token is to create a new registration */ const REG_TOKEN_OP_NEW_REG = 'reg'; /** Indicates the token is to update an existing registration */ const REG_TOKEN_OP_UPDATE_REG = 'reg-update'; /** * Get an instance of this helper * * @return object */ public static function get() { return new registration_helper(); } /** * Function used to validate parameters. * * This function is needed because the payload contains nested * objects, and optional_param() does not support arrays of arrays. * * @param array $payload that may contain the parameter key * @param string $key the key of the value to be looked for in the payload * @param bool $required if required, not finding a value will raise a registration_exception * * @return mixed */ private function get_parameter(array $payload, string $key, bool $required) { if (!isset($payload[$key]) || empty($payload[$key])) { if ($required) { throw new registration_exception('missing required attribute '.$key, 400); } return null; } $parameter = $payload[$key]; // Cleans parameters to avoid XSS and other issues. if (is_array($parameter)) { return clean_param_array($parameter, PARAM_TEXT, true); } return clean_param($parameter, PARAM_TEXT); } /** * Transforms an LTI 1.3 Registration to a Moodle LTI Config. * * @param array $registrationpayload the registration data received from the tool. * @param string $clientid the clientid to be issued for that tool. * * @return object the Moodle LTI config. */ public function registration_to_config(array $registrationpayload, string $clientid): object { $responsetypes = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'response_types', true); $initiateloginuri = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'initiate_login_uri', true); $redirecturis = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'redirect_uris', true); $clientname = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'client_name', true); $jwksuri = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'jwks_uri', true); $tokenendpointauthmethod = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'token_endpoint_auth_method', true); $applicationtype = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'application_type', false); $logouri = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'logo_uri', false); $ltitoolconfiguration = $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, '', true); $domain = $this->get_parameter($ltitoolconfiguration, 'domain', false); $targetlinkuri = $this->get_parameter($ltitoolconfiguration, 'target_link_uri', false); $customparameters = $this->get_parameter($ltitoolconfiguration, 'custom_parameters', false); $scopes = explode(" ", $this->get_parameter($registrationpayload, 'scope', false) ?? ''); $claims = $this->get_parameter($ltitoolconfiguration, 'claims', false); $messages = $ltitoolconfiguration['messages'] ?? []; $description = $this->get_parameter($ltitoolconfiguration, 'description', false); // Validate domain and target link. if (empty($domain)) { throw new registration_exception('missing_domain', 400); } $targetlinkuri = $targetlinkuri ?: 'https://'.$domain; // Stripping www as this is ignored for domain matching. $domain = lti_get_domain_from_url($domain); if ($domain !== lti_get_domain_from_url($targetlinkuri)) { throw new registration_exception('domain_targetlinkuri_mismatch', 400); } // Validate response type. // According to specification, for this scenario, id_token must be explicitly set. if (!in_array('id_token', $responsetypes)) { throw new registration_exception('invalid_response_types', 400); } // According to specification, this parameter needs to be an array. if (!is_array($redirecturis)) { throw new registration_exception('invalid_redirect_uris', 400); } // According to specification, for this scenario private_key_jwt must be explicitly set. if ($tokenendpointauthmethod !== 'private_key_jwt') { throw new registration_exception('invalid_token_endpoint_auth_method', 400); } if (!empty($applicationtype) && $applicationtype !== 'web') { throw new registration_exception('invalid_application_type', 400); } $config = new stdClass(); $config->lti_clientid = $clientid; $config->lti_toolurl = $targetlinkuri; $config->lti_tooldomain = $domain; $config->lti_typename = $clientname; $config->lti_description = $description; $config->lti_ltiversion = LTI_VERSION_1P3; $config->lti_organizationid_default = LTI_DEFAULT_ORGID_SITEID; $config->lti_icon = $logouri; $config->lti_coursevisible = LTI_COURSEVISIBLE_PRECONFIGURED; $config->lti_contentitem = 0; // Sets Content Item. if (!empty($messages)) { $messagesresponse = []; foreach ($messages as $value) { if ($value['type'] === 'LtiDeepLinkingRequest') { $config->lti_contentitem = 1; $config->lti_toolurl_ContentItemSelectionRequest = $value['target_link_uri'] ?? ''; array_push($messagesresponse, $value); } } } $config->lti_keytype = 'JWK_KEYSET'; $config->lti_publickeyset = $jwksuri; $config->lti_initiatelogin = $initiateloginuri; $config->lti_redirectionuris = implode(PHP_EOL, $redirecturis); $config->lti_customparameters = ''; // Sets custom parameters. if (isset($customparameters)) { $paramssarray = []; foreach ($customparameters as $key => $value) { array_push($paramssarray, $key . '=' . $value); } $config->lti_customparameters = implode(PHP_EOL, $paramssarray); } // Sets launch container. $config->lti_launchcontainer = LTI_LAUNCH_CONTAINER_EMBED_NO_BLOCKS; // Sets Service info based on scopes. $config->lti_acceptgrades = LTI_SETTING_NEVER; $config->ltiservice_gradesynchronization = 0; $config->ltiservice_memberships = 0; $config->ltiservice_toolsettings = 0; if (isset($scopes)) { // Sets Assignment and Grade Services info. if (in_array(self::SCOPE_SCORE, $scopes)) { $config->lti_acceptgrades = LTI_SETTING_DELEGATE; $config->ltiservice_gradesynchronization = 1; } if (in_array(self::SCOPE_RESULT, $scopes)) { $config->lti_acceptgrades = LTI_SETTING_DELEGATE; $config->ltiservice_gradesynchronization = 1; } if (in_array(self::SCOPE_LINEITEM_RO, $scopes)) { $config->lti_acceptgrades = LTI_SETTING_DELEGATE; $config->ltiservice_gradesynchronization = 1; } if (in_array(self::SCOPE_LINEITEM, $scopes)) { $config->lti_acceptgrades = LTI_SETTING_DELEGATE; $config->ltiservice_gradesynchronization = 2; } // Sets Names and Role Provisioning info. if (in_array(self::SCOPE_NRPS, $scopes)) { $config->ltiservice_memberships = 1; } // Sets Tool Settings info. if (in_array(self::SCOPE_TOOL_SETTING, $scopes)) { $config->ltiservice_toolsettings = 1; } } // Sets privacy settings. $config->lti_sendname = LTI_SETTING_NEVER; $config->lti_sendemailaddr = LTI_SETTING_NEVER; if (isset($claims)) { // Sets name privacy settings. if (in_array('name', $claims)) { $config->lti_sendname = LTI_SETTING_ALWAYS; } if (in_array('given_name', $claims)) { $config->lti_sendname = LTI_SETTING_ALWAYS; } if (in_array('family_name', $claims)) { $config->lti_sendname = LTI_SETTING_ALWAYS; } // Sets email privacy settings. if (in_array('email', $claims)) { $config->lti_sendemailaddr = LTI_SETTING_ALWAYS; } } return $config; } /** * Adds to the config the LTI 1.1 key and sign it with the 1.1 secret. * * @param array $lticonfig reference to lticonfig to which to add the 1.1 OAuth info. * @param string $key - LTI 1.1 OAuth Key * @param string $secret - LTI 1.1 OAuth Secret * */ private function add_previous_key_claim(array &$lticonfig, string $key, string $secret) { if ($key) { $oauthconsumer = []; $oauthconsumer['key'] = $key; $oauthconsumer['nonce'] = random_string(random_int(10, 20)); $oauthconsumer['sign'] = hash('sha256', $key.$secret.$oauthconsumer['nonce']); $lticonfig['oauth_consumer'] = $oauthconsumer; } } /** * Transforms a moodle LTI 1.3 Config to an OAuth/LTI Client Registration. * * @param object $config Moodle LTI Config. * @param int $typeid which is the LTI deployment id. * @param object $type tool instance in case the tool already exists. * * @return array the Client Registration as an associative array. */ public function config_to_registration(object $config, int $typeid, object $type = null): array { $configarray = []; foreach ((array)$config as $k => $v) { if (substr($k, 0, 4) == 'lti_') { $k = substr($k, 4); } $configarray[$k] = $v; } $config = (object) $configarray; $registrationresponse = []; $lticonfigurationresponse = []; $ltiversion = $type ? $type->ltiversion : $config->ltiversion; $lticonfigurationresponse['version'] = $ltiversion; if ($ltiversion === LTI_VERSION_1P3) { $registrationresponse['client_id'] = $type ? $type->clientid : $config->clientid; $registrationresponse['response_types'] = ['id_token']; $registrationresponse['jwks_uri'] = $config->publickeyset; $registrationresponse['initiate_login_uri'] = $config->initiatelogin; $registrationresponse['grant_types'] = ['client_credentials', 'implicit']; $registrationresponse['redirect_uris'] = explode(PHP_EOL, $config->redirectionuris); $registrationresponse['application_type'] = 'web'; $registrationresponse['token_endpoint_auth_method'] = 'private_key_jwt'; } else if ($ltiversion === LTI_VERSION_1 && $type) { $this->add_previous_key_claim($lticonfigurationresponse, $config->resourcekey, $config->password); } else if ($ltiversion === LTI_VERSION_2 && $type) { $toolproxy = $this->get_tool_proxy($type->toolproxyid); $this->add_previous_key_claim($lticonfigurationresponse, $toolproxy['guid'], $toolproxy['secret']); } $registrationresponse['client_name'] = $type ? $type->name : $config->typename; $registrationresponse['logo_uri'] = $type ? ($type->secureicon ?? $type->icon ?? '') : $config->icon ?? ''; $lticonfigurationresponse['deployment_id'] = strval($typeid); $lticonfigurationresponse['target_link_uri'] = $type ? $type->baseurl : $config->toolurl ?? ''; $lticonfigurationresponse['domain'] = $type ? $type->tooldomain : $config->tooldomain ?? ''; $lticonfigurationresponse['description'] = $type ? $type->description ?? '' : $config->description ?? ''; if ($config->contentitem ?? 0 == 1) { $contentitemmessage = []; $contentitemmessage['type'] = 'LtiDeepLinkingRequest'; if (isset($config->toolurl_ContentItemSelectionRequest)) { $contentitemmessage['target_link_uri'] = $config->toolurl_ContentItemSelectionRequest; } $lticonfigurationresponse['messages'] = [$contentitemmessage]; } if (isset($config->customparameters) && !empty($config->customparameters)) { $params = []; foreach (explode(PHP_EOL, $config->customparameters) as $param) { $split = explode('=', $param); $params[$split[0]] = $split[1]; } $lticonfigurationresponse['custom_parameters'] = $params; } $scopesresponse = []; if ($config->ltiservice_gradesynchronization ?? 0 > 0) { $scopesresponse[] = self::SCOPE_SCORE; $scopesresponse[] = self::SCOPE_RESULT; $scopesresponse[] = self::SCOPE_LINEITEM_RO; } if ($config->ltiservice_gradesynchronization ?? 0 == 2) { $scopesresponse[] = self::SCOPE_LINEITEM; } if ($config->ltiservice_memberships ?? 0 == 1) { $scopesresponse[] = self::SCOPE_NRPS; } if ($config->ltiservice_toolsettings ?? 0 == 1) { $scopesresponse[] = self::SCOPE_TOOL_SETTING; } $registrationresponse['scope'] = implode(' ', $scopesresponse); $claimsresponse = ['sub', 'iss']; if ($config->sendname ?? '' == LTI_SETTING_ALWAYS) { $claimsresponse[] = 'name'; $claimsresponse[] = 'family_name'; $claimsresponse[] = 'given_name'; } if ($config->sendemailaddr ?? '' == LTI_SETTING_ALWAYS) { $claimsresponse[] = 'email'; } $lticonfigurationresponse['claims'] = $claimsresponse; $registrationresponse[''] = $lticonfigurationresponse; return $registrationresponse; } /** * Validates the registration token is properly signed and not used yet. * Return the client id to use for this registration. * * @param string $registrationtokenjwt registration token * * @return array with 2 keys: clientid for the registration, type but only if it's an update */ public function validate_registration_token(string $registrationtokenjwt): array { global $DB;
> // JWK::parseKeySet uses RS256 algorithm by default.
$keys = JWK::parseKeySet(jwks_helper::get_jwks());
< $registrationtoken = JWT::decode($registrationtokenjwt, $keys, ['RS256']);
> $registrationtoken = JWT::decode($registrationtokenjwt, $keys);
$response = []; // Get clientid from registrationtoken. $clientid = $registrationtoken->sub; if ($registrationtoken->scope == self::REG_TOKEN_OP_NEW_REG) { // Checks if clientid is already registered. if (!empty($DB->get_record('lti_types', array('clientid' => $clientid)))) { throw new registration_exception("token_already_used", 401); } $response['clientid'] = $clientid; } else if ($registrationtoken->scope == self::REG_TOKEN_OP_UPDATE_REG) { $tool = lti_get_type($registrationtoken->sub); if (!$tool) { throw new registration_exception("Unknown client", 400); } $response['clientid'] = $tool->clientid ?? $this->new_clientid(); $response['type'] = $tool; } else { throw new registration_exception("Incorrect scope", 403); } return $response; } /** * Initializes an array with the scopes for services supported by the LTI module * * @return array List of scopes */ public function lti_get_service_scopes() { $services = lti_get_services(); $scopes = array(); foreach ($services as $service) { $servicescopes = $service->get_scopes(); if (!empty($servicescopes)) { $scopes = array_merge($scopes, $servicescopes); } } return $scopes; } /** * Generates a new client id string. * * @return string generated client id */ public function new_clientid(): string { return random_string(15); } /** * Base64 encoded signature for LTI 1.1 migration. * @param string $key LTI 1.1 key * @param string $salt Salt value * @param string $secret LTI 1.1 secret * * @return string base64encoded hash */ public function sign(string $key, string $salt, string $secret): string { return base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha-256', $key.$salt, $secret, true)); } /** * Returns a tool proxy * * @param int $proxyid * * @return mixed Tool Proxy details */ public function get_tool_proxy(int $proxyid) : array { return lti_get_tool_proxy($proxyid); } }