Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
FolderUp one level  
FileOAuth.php                      [source] [914 lines]   This file contains the OAuth 1.0a implementation used for support for LTI 1.1.
FileOAuthBody.php                  [source] [132 lines]   
FileTrivialStore.php               [source] [139 lines]   This file contains a Trivial memory-based store - no support for tokens
Fileauth.php                       [source] [171 lines]   This file responds to a login authentication request
Filecerts.php                      [source] [33 lines]    This file returns an array of available public keys
Filecontentitem.php                [source] [66 lines]    Handle sending a user to a tool provider to initiate a content-item selection.
Filecontentitem_return.php         [source] [108 lines]   Handle the return from the Tool Provider after selecting a content item.
Filecoursetooledit.php             [source] [91 lines]    Page allowing instructors to configure course-level tools.
Filecoursetools.php                [source] [62 lines]    Shows a tabulated view of all the available LTI tools in a given course.
Filedeprecatedlib.php              [source] [32 lines]    List of deprecated mod_lti functions.
Fileedit_form.php                  [source] [457 lines]   This file defines de main basiclti configuration form
Fileexternalregistrationreturn.php [source] [65 lines]    Handle the return from the Tool Provider after registering a tool proxy.
Filegrade.php                      [source] [36 lines]    This page is the grade hook allowing LTI launches from gradebook.
Fileindex.php                      [source] [118 lines]   This page lists all the instances of lti in a particular course
Filelaunch.php                     [source] [107 lines]   This file contains all necessary code to view a lti activity instance
Filelib.php                        [source] [768 lines]   This file contains a library of functions and constants for the lti module
Filelocallib.php                   [source] [4599 lines]  This file contains the library of functions and constants for the lti module
Filemod_form.php                   [source] [550 lines]   This file defines the main lti configuration form
Fileopenid-configuration.php       [source] [62 lines]    This file returns the OpenId/LTI Configuration for this site.
Fileopenid-registration.php        [source] [85 lines]    This file receives a registration request along with the registration token and returns a client_id.
Fileregister.php                   [source] [129 lines]   This file contains all necessary code to launch a Tool Proxy registration
Fileregister_form.php              [source] [118 lines]   This file defines the main tool registration configuration form
Fileregistersettings.php           [source] [104 lines]   This file contains the script used to register a new external tool.
Fileregistration.php               [source] [40 lines]    This file contains all necessary code to initiate a tool registration process
Fileregistrationreturn.php         [source] [122 lines]   Handle the return from the Tool Provider after registering a tool proxy.
Filerequest_tool.php               [source] [73 lines]    Submits a request to administrators to add a tool configuration for the requested site.
Filereturn.php                     [source] [144 lines]   Handle the return back to Moodle from the tool provider
Fileservice.php                    [source] [226 lines]   LTI web service endpoints
Fileservicelib.php                 [source] [310 lines]   Utility code for LTI service handling.
Fileservices.php                   [source] [82 lines]    This file contains a controller for receiving LTI service requests
Filesettings.php                   [source] [222 lines]   This file defines the global lti administration form
Filestartltiadvregistration.php    [source] [80 lines]    Redirect the user to registration with token and openid config url as query params.
Filetoken.php                      [source] [116 lines]   This file contains a service for issuing access tokens
Filetoolconfigure.php              [source] [60 lines]    This page allows the configuration of external tools that meet the LTI specification.
Filetoolproxies.php                [source] [193 lines]   This file contains all necessary code to launch a Tool Proxy registration
Filetoolssettings.php              [source] [122 lines]   This file contains the script used to register a new external tool.
Filetypessettings.php              [source] [178 lines]   This file contains the script used to clone Moodle admin setting page.
Fileupgradelib.php                 [source] [62 lines]    This file contains functions used by upgrade and install. Because this is used during install it should not include additional files.
Fileversion.php                    [source] [54 lines]    This file defines the version of lti
Fileview.php                       [source] [225 lines]   This file contains all necessary code to view a lti activity instance