Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 403] [Versions 311 and 403] [Versions 39 and 403] [Versions 400 and 403] [Versions 401 and 403] [Versions 402 and 403]
1 <?php 2 // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ 3 // 4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 7 // (at your option) any later version. 8 // 9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 // GNU General Public License for more details. 13 // 14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 16 17 if (!defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL')) { 18 die('Direct access to this script is forbidden.'); // It must be included from a Moodle page. 19 } 20 21 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/course/moodleform_mod.php'); 22 require_once($CFG->dirroot.'/mod/scorm/locallib.php'); 23 24 class mod_scorm_mod_form extends moodleform_mod { 25 26 public function definition() { 27 global $CFG, $COURSE, $OUTPUT; 28 $cfgscorm = get_config('scorm'); 29 30 $mform = $this->_form; 31 32 if (!$CFG->slasharguments) { 33 $mform->addElement('static', '', '', $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('slashargs', 'scorm'), 'notifyproblem')); 34 } 35 36 $mform->addElement('header', 'general', get_string('general', 'form')); 37 38 // Name. 39 $mform->addElement('text', 'name', get_string('name')); 40 if (!empty($CFG->formatstringstriptags)) { 41 $mform->setType('name', PARAM_TEXT); 42 } else { 43 $mform->setType('name', PARAM_CLEANHTML); 44 } 45 $mform->addRule('name', null, 'required', null, 'client'); 46 $mform->addRule('name', get_string('maximumchars', '', 255), 'maxlength', 255, 'client'); 47 48 // Summary. 49 $this->standard_intro_elements(); 50 51 // Package. 52 $mform->addElement('header', 'packagehdr', get_string('packagehdr', 'scorm')); 53 $mform->setExpanded('packagehdr', true); 54 55 // Scorm types. 56 $scormtypes = array(SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL => get_string('typelocal', 'scorm')); 57 58 if ($cfgscorm->allowtypeexternal) { 59 $scormtypes[SCORM_TYPE_EXTERNAL] = get_string('typeexternal', 'scorm'); 60 } 61 62 if ($cfgscorm->allowtypelocalsync) { 63 $scormtypes[SCORM_TYPE_LOCALSYNC] = get_string('typelocalsync', 'scorm'); 64 } 65 66 if ($cfgscorm->allowtypeexternalaicc) { 67 $scormtypes[SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL] = get_string('typeaiccurl', 'scorm'); 68 } 69 70 // Reference. 71 if (count($scormtypes) > 1) { 72 $mform->addElement('select', 'scormtype', get_string('scormtype', 'scorm'), $scormtypes); 73 $mform->setType('scormtype', PARAM_ALPHA); 74 $mform->addHelpButton('scormtype', 'scormtype', 'scorm'); 75 $mform->addElement('text', 'packageurl', get_string('packageurl', 'scorm'), array('size' => 60)); 76 $mform->setType('packageurl', PARAM_RAW); 77 $mform->addHelpButton('packageurl', 'packageurl', 'scorm'); 78 $mform->hideIf('packageurl', 'scormtype', 'eq', SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL); 79 } else { 80 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'scormtype', SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL); 81 $mform->setType('scormtype', PARAM_ALPHA); 82 } 83 84 // New local package upload. 85 $filemanageroptions = array(); 86 $filemanageroptions['accepted_types'] = array('.zip', '.xml'); 87 $filemanageroptions['maxbytes'] = 0; 88 $filemanageroptions['maxfiles'] = 1; 89 $filemanageroptions['subdirs'] = 0; 90 91 $mform->addElement('filemanager', 'packagefile', get_string('package', 'scorm'), null, $filemanageroptions); 92 $mform->addHelpButton('packagefile', 'package', 'scorm'); 93 $mform->hideIf('packagefile', 'scormtype', 'noteq', SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL); 94 95 // Update packages timing. 96 $mform->addElement('select', 'updatefreq', get_string('updatefreq', 'scorm'), scorm_get_updatefreq_array()); 97 $mform->setType('updatefreq', PARAM_INT); 98 $mform->setDefault('updatefreq', $cfgscorm->updatefreq); 99 $mform->addHelpButton('updatefreq', 'updatefreq', 'scorm'); 100 101 // Display Settings. 102 $mform->addElement('header', 'displaysettings', get_string('appearance')); 103 104 // Framed / Popup Window. 105 $mform->addElement('select', 'popup', get_string('display', 'scorm'), scorm_get_popup_display_array()); 106 $mform->setDefault('popup', $cfgscorm->popup); 107 $mform->setAdvanced('popup', $cfgscorm->popup_adv); 108 109 // Width. 110 $mform->addElement('text', 'width', get_string('width', 'scorm'), 'maxlength="5" size="5"'); 111 $mform->setDefault('width', $cfgscorm->framewidth); 112 $mform->setType('width', PARAM_INT); 113 $mform->setAdvanced('width', $cfgscorm->framewidth_adv); 114 $mform->hideIf('width', 'popup', 'eq', 0); 115 116 // Height. 117 $mform->addElement('text', 'height', get_string('height', 'scorm'), 'maxlength="5" size="5"'); 118 $mform->setDefault('height', $cfgscorm->frameheight); 119 $mform->setType('height', PARAM_INT); 120 $mform->setAdvanced('height', $cfgscorm->frameheight_adv); 121 $mform->hideIf('height', 'popup', 'eq', 0); 122 123 // Window Options. 124 $winoptgrp = array(); 125 foreach (scorm_get_popup_options_array() as $key => $value) { 126 $winoptgrp[] = &$mform->createElement('checkbox', $key, '', get_string($key, 'scorm')); 127 $mform->setDefault($key, $value); 128 } 129 $mform->addGroup($winoptgrp, 'winoptgrp', get_string('options', 'scorm'), '<br />', false); 130 $mform->hideIf('winoptgrp', 'popup', 'eq', 0); 131 $mform->setAdvanced('winoptgrp', $cfgscorm->winoptgrp_adv); 132 133 // Skip view page. 134 $skipviewoptions = scorm_get_skip_view_array(); 135 $mform->addElement('select', 'skipview', get_string('skipview', 'scorm'), $skipviewoptions); 136 $mform->addHelpButton('skipview', 'skipview', 'scorm'); 137 $mform->setDefault('skipview', $cfgscorm->skipview); 138 $mform->setAdvanced('skipview', $cfgscorm->skipview_adv); 139 140 // Hide Browse. 141 $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'hidebrowse', get_string('hidebrowse', 'scorm')); 142 $mform->addHelpButton('hidebrowse', 'hidebrowse', 'scorm'); 143 $mform->setDefault('hidebrowse', $cfgscorm->hidebrowse); 144 $mform->setAdvanced('hidebrowse', $cfgscorm->hidebrowse_adv); 145 146 // Display course structure. 147 $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'displaycoursestructure', get_string('displaycoursestructure', 'scorm')); 148 $mform->addHelpButton('displaycoursestructure', 'displaycoursestructure', 'scorm'); 149 $mform->setDefault('displaycoursestructure', $cfgscorm->displaycoursestructure); 150 $mform->setAdvanced('displaycoursestructure', $cfgscorm->displaycoursestructure_adv); 151 152 // Toc display. 153 $mform->addElement('select', 'hidetoc', get_string('hidetoc', 'scorm'), scorm_get_hidetoc_array()); 154 $mform->addHelpButton('hidetoc', 'hidetoc', 'scorm'); 155 $mform->setDefault('hidetoc', $cfgscorm->hidetoc); 156 $mform->setAdvanced('hidetoc', $cfgscorm->hidetoc_adv); 157 $mform->disabledIf('hidetoc', 'scormtype', 'eq', SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL); 158 159 // Navigation panel display. 160 $mform->addElement('select', 'nav', get_string('nav', 'scorm'), scorm_get_navigation_display_array()); 161 $mform->addHelpButton('nav', 'nav', 'scorm'); 162 $mform->setDefault('nav', $cfgscorm->nav); 163 $mform->setAdvanced('nav', $cfgscorm->nav_adv); 164 $mform->hideIf('nav', 'hidetoc', 'noteq', SCORM_TOC_SIDE); 165 166 // Navigation panel position from left. 167 $mform->addElement('text', 'navpositionleft', get_string('fromleft', 'scorm'), 'maxlength="5" size="5"'); 168 $mform->setDefault('navpositionleft', $cfgscorm->navpositionleft); 169 $mform->setType('navpositionleft', PARAM_INT); 170 $mform->setAdvanced('navpositionleft', $cfgscorm->navpositionleft_adv); 171 $mform->hideIf('navpositionleft', 'hidetoc', 'noteq', SCORM_TOC_SIDE); 172 $mform->hideIf('navpositionleft', 'nav', 'noteq', SCORM_NAV_FLOATING); 173 174 // Navigation panel position from top. 175 $mform->addElement('text', 'navpositiontop', get_string('fromtop', 'scorm'), 'maxlength="5" size="5"'); 176 $mform->setDefault('navpositiontop', $cfgscorm->navpositiontop); 177 $mform->setType('navpositiontop', PARAM_INT); 178 $mform->setAdvanced('navpositiontop', $cfgscorm->navpositiontop_adv); 179 $mform->hideIf('navpositiontop', 'hidetoc', 'noteq', SCORM_TOC_SIDE); 180 $mform->hideIf('navpositiontop', 'nav', 'noteq', SCORM_NAV_FLOATING); 181 182 // Display attempt status. 183 $mform->addElement('select', 'displayattemptstatus', get_string('displayattemptstatus', 'scorm'), 184 scorm_get_attemptstatus_array()); 185 $mform->addHelpButton('displayattemptstatus', 'displayattemptstatus', 'scorm'); 186 $mform->setDefault('displayattemptstatus', $cfgscorm->displayattemptstatus); 187 $mform->setAdvanced('displayattemptstatus', $cfgscorm->displayattemptstatus_adv); 188 189 // Availability. 190 $mform->addElement('header', 'availability', get_string('availability')); 191 192 $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'timeopen', get_string("scormopen", "scorm"), array('optional' => true)); 193 $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'timeclose', get_string("scormclose", "scorm"), array('optional' => true)); 194 195 // Grade Settings. 196 $mform->addElement('header', 'gradesettings', get_string('gradenoun')); 197 198 // Grade Method. 199 $mform->addElement('select', 'grademethod', get_string('grademethod', 'scorm'), scorm_get_grade_method_array()); 200 $mform->addHelpButton('grademethod', 'grademethod', 'scorm'); 201 $mform->setDefault('grademethod', $cfgscorm->grademethod); 202 203 // Maximum Grade. 204 for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; $i++) { 205 $grades[$i] = "$i"; 206 } 207 $mform->addElement('select', 'maxgrade', get_string('maximumgrade'), $grades); 208 $mform->setDefault('maxgrade', $cfgscorm->maxgrade); 209 $mform->hideIf('maxgrade', 'grademethod', 'eq', GRADESCOES); 210 211 // Attempts management. 212 $mform->addElement('header', 'attemptsmanagementhdr', get_string('attemptsmanagement', 'scorm')); 213 214 // Max Attempts. 215 $mform->addElement('select', 'maxattempt', get_string('maximumattempts', 'scorm'), scorm_get_attempts_array()); 216 $mform->addHelpButton('maxattempt', 'maximumattempts', 'scorm'); 217 $mform->setDefault('maxattempt', $cfgscorm->maxattempt); 218 219 // What Grade. 220 $mform->addElement('select', 'whatgrade', get_string('whatgrade', 'scorm'), scorm_get_what_grade_array()); 221 $mform->hideIf('whatgrade', 'maxattempt', 'eq', 1); 222 $mform->addHelpButton('whatgrade', 'whatgrade', 'scorm'); 223 $mform->setDefault('whatgrade', $cfgscorm->whatgrade); 224 225 // Force new attempt. 226 $newattemptselect = scorm_get_forceattempt_array(); 227 $mform->addElement('select', 'forcenewattempt', get_string('forcenewattempts', 'scorm'), $newattemptselect); 228 $mform->addHelpButton('forcenewattempt', 'forcenewattempts', 'scorm'); 229 $mform->setDefault('forcenewattempt', $cfgscorm->forcenewattempt); 230 231 // Last attempt lock - lock the enter button after the last available attempt has been made. 232 $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'lastattemptlock', get_string('lastattemptlock', 'scorm')); 233 $mform->addHelpButton('lastattemptlock', 'lastattemptlock', 'scorm'); 234 $mform->setDefault('lastattemptlock', $cfgscorm->lastattemptlock); 235 236 // Compatibility settings. 237 $mform->addElement('header', 'compatibilitysettingshdr', get_string('compatibilitysettings', 'scorm')); 238 239 // Force completed. 240 $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'forcecompleted', get_string('forcecompleted', 'scorm')); 241 $mform->addHelpButton('forcecompleted', 'forcecompleted', 'scorm'); 242 $mform->setDefault('forcecompleted', $cfgscorm->forcecompleted); 243 244 // Autocontinue. 245 $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'auto', get_string('autocontinue', 'scorm')); 246 $mform->addHelpButton('auto', 'autocontinue', 'scorm'); 247 $mform->setDefault('auto', $cfgscorm->auto); 248 249 // Autocommit. 250 $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'autocommit', get_string('autocommit', 'scorm')); 251 $mform->addHelpButton('autocommit', 'autocommit', 'scorm'); 252 $mform->setDefault('autocommit', $cfgscorm->autocommit); 253 254 // Mastery score overrides status. 255 $mform->addElement('selectyesno', 'masteryoverride', get_string('masteryoverride', 'scorm')); 256 $mform->addHelpButton('masteryoverride', 'masteryoverride', 'scorm'); 257 $mform->setDefault('masteryoverride', $cfgscorm->masteryoverride); 258 259 // Hidden Settings. 260 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'datadir', null); 261 $mform->setType('datadir', PARAM_RAW); 262 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'pkgtype', null); 263 $mform->setType('pkgtype', PARAM_RAW); 264 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'launch', null); 265 $mform->setType('launch', PARAM_RAW); 266 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'redirect', null); 267 $mform->setType('redirect', PARAM_RAW); 268 $mform->addElement('hidden', 'redirecturl', null); 269 $mform->setType('redirecturl', PARAM_RAW); 270 271 $this->standard_coursemodule_elements(); 272 273 // A SCORM module should define this within itself and is not needed here. 274 $suffix = $this->get_suffix(); 275 $completionpassgradeel = 'completionpassgrade' . $suffix; 276 // The 'completionpassgrade' is a radio element with multiple options, so we should remove all of them. 277 while ($mform->elementExists($completionpassgradeel)) { 278 $mform->removeElement($completionpassgradeel); 279 } 280 281 // Buttons. 282 $this->add_action_buttons(); 283 } 284 285 public function data_preprocessing(&$defaultvalues) { 286 global $CFG, $COURSE; 287 288 if (isset($defaultvalues['popup']) && ($defaultvalues['popup'] == 1) && isset($defaultvalues['options'])) { 289 if (!empty($defaultvalues['options'])) { 290 $options = explode(',', $defaultvalues['options']); 291 foreach ($options as $option) { 292 list($element, $value) = explode('=', $option); 293 $element = trim($element); 294 $defaultvalues[$element] = trim($value); 295 } 296 } 297 } 298 if (isset($defaultvalues['grademethod'])) { 299 $defaultvalues['grademethod'] = intval($defaultvalues['grademethod']); 300 } 301 if (isset($defaultvalues['width']) && (strpos($defaultvalues['width'], '%') === false) 302 && ($defaultvalues['width'] <= 100)) { 303 $defaultvalues['width'] .= '%'; 304 } 305 if (isset($defaultvalues['height']) && (strpos($defaultvalues['height'], '%') === false) 306 && ($defaultvalues['height'] <= 100)) { 307 $defaultvalues['height'] .= '%'; 308 } 309 $scorms = get_all_instances_in_course('scorm', $COURSE); 310 $coursescorm = current($scorms); 311 312 $draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('packagefile'); 313 file_prepare_draft_area($draftitemid, $this->context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'package', 0, 314 array('subdirs' => 0, 'maxfiles' => 1)); 315 $defaultvalues['packagefile'] = $draftitemid; 316 317 if (($COURSE->format == 'singleactivity') && ((count($scorms) == 0) || ($defaultvalues['instance'] == $coursescorm->id))) { 318 $defaultvalues['redirect'] = 'yes'; 319 $defaultvalues['redirecturl'] = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id='.$defaultvalues['course']; 320 } else { 321 $defaultvalues['redirect'] = 'no'; 322 $defaultvalues['redirecturl'] = $CFG->wwwroot.'/mod/scorm/view.php?id='.$defaultvalues['coursemodule']; 323 } 324 if (isset($defaultvalues['version'])) { 325 $defaultvalues['pkgtype'] = (substr($defaultvalues['version'], 0, 5) == 'SCORM') ? 'scorm' : 'aicc'; 326 } 327 if (isset($defaultvalues['instance'])) { 328 $defaultvalues['datadir'] = $defaultvalues['instance']; 329 } 330 if (empty($defaultvalues['timeopen'])) { 331 $defaultvalues['timeopen'] = 0; 332 } 333 if (empty($defaultvalues['timeclose'])) { 334 $defaultvalues['timeclose'] = 0; 335 } 336 337 // Set some completion default data. 338 $suffix = $this->get_suffix(); 339 $completionstatusrequiredel = 'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix; 340 $cvalues = array(); 341 if (!empty($defaultvalues[$completionstatusrequiredel]) && !is_array($defaultvalues[$completionstatusrequiredel])) { 342 // Unpack values. 343 foreach (scorm_status_options() as $key => $value) { 344 if (($defaultvalues[$completionstatusrequiredel] & $key) == $key) { 345 $cvalues[$key] = 1; 346 } 347 } 348 } else if (empty($this->_instance)) { 349 // When in add mode, set a default completion rule that requires the SCORM's status be set to "Completed". 350 $cvalues[4] = 1; 351 } 352 353 if (!empty($cvalues)) { 354 $defaultvalues[$completionstatusrequiredel] = $cvalues; 355 } 356 357 $completionscorerequiredel = 'completionscorerequired' . $suffix; 358 if (isset($defaultvalues[$completionscorerequiredel])) { 359 $completionscoreenabledel = 'completionscoreenabled' . $suffix; 360 $defaultvalues[$completionscoreenabledel] = 1; 361 } 362 } 363 364 public function validation($data, $files) { 365 global $CFG, $USER; 366 $errors = parent::validation($data, $files); 367 368 $type = $data['scormtype']; 369 370 if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_LOCAL) { 371 if (empty($data['packagefile'])) { 372 $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('required'); 373 374 } else { 375 $draftitemid = file_get_submitted_draft_itemid('packagefile'); 376 377 file_prepare_draft_area($draftitemid, $this->context->id, 'mod_scorm', 'packagefilecheck', null, 378 array('subdirs' => 0, 'maxfiles' => 1)); 379 380 // Get file from users draft area. 381 $usercontext = context_user::instance($USER->id); 382 $fs = get_file_storage(); 383 $files = $fs->get_area_files($usercontext->id, 'user', 'draft', $draftitemid, 'id', false); 384 385 if (count($files) < 1) { 386 $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('required'); 387 return $errors; 388 } 389 $file = reset($files); 390 if (!$file->is_external_file() && !empty($data['updatefreq'])) { 391 // Make sure updatefreq is not set if using normal local file. 392 $errors['updatefreq'] = get_string('updatefreq_error', 'mod_scorm'); 393 } 394 if (strtolower($file->get_filename()) == 'imsmanifest.xml') { 395 if (!$file->is_external_file()) { 396 $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('aliasonly', 'mod_scorm'); 397 } else { 398 $repository = repository::get_repository_by_id($file->get_repository_id(), context_system::instance()); 399 if (!$repository->supports_relative_file()) { 400 $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('repositorynotsupported', 'mod_scorm'); 401 } 402 } 403 } else if (strtolower(substr($file->get_filename(), -3)) == 'xml') { 404 $errors['packagefile'] = get_string('invalidmanifestname', 'mod_scorm'); 405 } else { 406 // Validate this SCORM package. 407 $errors = array_merge($errors, scorm_validate_package($file)); 408 } 409 } 410 411 } else if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_EXTERNAL) { 412 $reference = $data['packageurl']; 413 // Syntax check. 414 if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|www).*\/imsmanifest.xml$/i', $reference)) { 415 $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('invalidurl', 'scorm'); 416 } else { 417 // Availability check. 418 $result = scorm_check_url($reference); 419 if (is_string($result)) { 420 $errors['packageurl'] = $result; 421 } 422 } 423 424 } else if ($type === 'packageurl') { 425 $reference = $data['reference']; 426 // Syntax check. 427 if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|www).*(\.zip|\.pif)$/i', $reference)) { 428 $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('invalidurl', 'scorm'); 429 } else { 430 // Availability check. 431 $result = scorm_check_url($reference); 432 if (is_string($result)) { 433 $errors['packageurl'] = $result; 434 } 435 } 436 437 } else if ($type === SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL) { 438 $reference = $data['packageurl']; 439 // Syntax check. 440 if (!preg_match('/(http:\/\/|https:\/\/|www).*/', $reference)) { 441 $errors['packageurl'] = get_string('invalidurl', 'scorm'); 442 } else { 443 // Availability check. 444 $result = scorm_check_url($reference); 445 if (is_string($result)) { 446 $errors['packageurl'] = $result; 447 } 448 } 449 450 } 451 452 // Validate availability dates. 453 if ($data['timeopen'] && $data['timeclose']) { 454 if ($data['timeopen'] > $data['timeclose']) { 455 $errors['timeclose'] = get_string('closebeforeopen', 'scorm'); 456 } 457 } 458 $suffix = $this->get_suffix(); 459 $completionstatusallscosel = 'completionstatusallscos' . $suffix; 460 if (!empty($data[$completionstatusallscosel])) { 461 $completionstatusrequiredel = 'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix; 462 $requirestatus = false; 463 foreach (scorm_status_options(true) as $key => $value) { 464 if (!empty($data[$completionstatusrequiredel][$key])) { 465 $requirestatus = true; 466 } 467 } 468 if (!$requirestatus) { 469 $errors[$completionstatusallscosel] = get_string('youmustselectastatus', 'scorm'); 470 } 471 } 472 473 return $errors; 474 } 475 476 // Need to translate the "options" and "reference" field. 477 public function set_data($defaultvalues) { 478 $defaultvalues = (array)$defaultvalues; 479 480 if (isset($defaultvalues['scormtype']) and isset($defaultvalues['reference'])) { 481 switch ($defaultvalues['scormtype']) { 482 case SCORM_TYPE_LOCALSYNC : 483 case SCORM_TYPE_EXTERNAL: 484 case SCORM_TYPE_AICCURL: 485 $defaultvalues['packageurl'] = $defaultvalues['reference']; 486 } 487 } 488 unset($defaultvalues['reference']); 489 490 if (!empty($defaultvalues['options'])) { 491 $options = explode(',', $defaultvalues['options']); 492 foreach ($options as $option) { 493 $opt = explode('=', $option); 494 if (isset($opt[1])) { 495 $defaultvalues[$opt[0]] = $opt[1]; 496 } 497 } 498 } 499 500 parent::set_data($defaultvalues); 501 } 502 503 public function add_completion_rules() { 504 $suffix = $this->get_suffix(); 505 $mform =& $this->_form; 506 $items = []; 507 508 // Require score. 509 $group = []; 510 $completionscorerequiredel = 'completionscorerequired' . $suffix; 511 $completionscoreenabledel = 'completionscoreenabled' . $suffix; 512 $group[] =& $mform->createElement( 513 'checkbox', 514 $completionscoreenabledel, 515 null, 516 get_string('completionscorerequired', 'scorm') 517 ); 518 $group[] =& $mform->createElement('text', $completionscorerequiredel, '', ['size' => 5]); 519 $mform->setType($completionscorerequiredel, PARAM_INT); 520 $completionscoregroupel = 'completionscoregroup' . $suffix; 521 $mform->addGroup($group, $completionscoregroupel, '', '', false); 522 $mform->hideIf($completionscorerequiredel, $completionscoreenabledel, 'notchecked'); 523 $mform->setDefault($completionscorerequiredel, 0); 524 525 $items[] = $completionscoregroupel; 526 527 // Require status. 528 $completionstatusrequiredel = 'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix; 529 foreach (scorm_status_options(true) as $key => $value) { 530 $key = $completionstatusrequiredel . '['.$key.']'; 531 $mform->addElement('checkbox', $key, '', $value); 532 $mform->setType($key, PARAM_BOOL); 533 $mform->hideIf($key, $completionstatusrequiredel, 'notchecked'); 534 $items[] = $key; 535 } 536 537 $completionstatusallscosel = 'completionstatusallscos' . $suffix; 538 $mform->addElement('checkbox', $completionstatusallscosel, get_string('completionstatusallscos', 'scorm')); 539 $mform->setType($completionstatusallscosel, PARAM_BOOL); 540 $mform->addHelpButton($completionstatusallscosel, 'completionstatusallscos', 'scorm'); 541 $mform->setDefault($completionstatusallscosel, 0); 542 $items[] = $completionstatusallscosel; 543 544 return $items; 545 } 546 547 public function completion_rule_enabled($data) { 548 $suffix = $this->get_suffix(); 549 $status = !empty($data['completionstatusrequired' . $suffix]); 550 $score = !empty($data['completionscoreenabled' . $suffix]) && strlen($data['completionscorerequired' . $suffix]); 551 552 return $status || $score; 553 } 554 555 /** 556 * Allows module to modify the data returned by form get_data(). 557 * This method is also called in the bulk activity completion form. 558 * 559 * Only available on moodleform_mod. 560 * 561 * @param stdClass $data the form data to be modified. 562 */ 563 public function data_postprocessing($data) { 564 parent::data_postprocessing($data); 565 // Convert completionstatusrequired to a proper integer, if any. 566 $total = 0; 567 $suffix = $this->get_suffix(); 568 if (isset($data->{'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix}) && is_array($data->{'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix})) { 569 foreach ($data->{'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix} as $state => $value) { 570 if ($value) { 571 $total |= $state; 572 } 573 } 574 if (!$total) { 575 $total = null; 576 } 577 $data->{'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix} = $total; 578 } 579 580 if (!empty($data->completionunlocked)) { 581 // Turn off completion settings if the checkboxes aren't ticked. 582 $completion = $data->{'completion' . $suffix}; 583 $autocompletion = isset($completion) && $completion == COMPLETION_TRACKING_AUTOMATIC; 584 585 if (!(isset($data->{'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix}) && $autocompletion)) { 586 $data->{'completionstatusrequired' . $suffix} = null; 587 } 588 // Else do nothing: completionstatusrequired has been already converted into a correct integer representation. 589 590 if (!(isset($data->{'completionscoreenabled' . $suffix}) && $autocompletion)) { 591 $data->{'completionscorerequired' . $suffix} = null; 592 } 593 } 594 } 595 }