Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
// This file is part of Moodle -
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// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
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 * GIFT format question importer/exporter.
 * @package    qformat_gift
 * @copyright  2003 Paul Tsuchido Shew
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();

 * The GIFT import filter was designed as an easy to use method
 * for teachers writing questions as a text file. It supports most
 * question types and the missing word format.
 * Multiple Choice / Missing Word
 *     Who's buried in Grant's tomb?{~Grant ~Jefferson =no one}
 *     Grant is {~buried =entombed ~living} in Grant's tomb.
 * True-False:
 *     Grant is buried in Grant's tomb.{FALSE}
 * Short-Answer.
 *     Who's buried in Grant's tomb?{=no one =nobody}
 * Numerical
 *     When was Ulysses S. Grant born?{#1822:5}
 * Matching
 *     Match the following countries with their corresponding
 *     capitals.{=Canada->Ottawa =Italy->Rome =Japan->Tokyo}
 * Comment lines start with a double backslash (//).
 * Optional question names are enclosed in double colon(::).
 * Answer feedback is indicated with hash mark (#).
 * Percentage answer weights immediately follow the tilde (for
 * multiple choice) or equal sign (for short answer and numerical),
 * and are enclosed in percent signs (% %). See docs and examples.txt for more.
 * This filter was written through the collaboration of numerous
 * members of the Moodle community. It was originally based on
 * the missingword format, which included code from Thomas Robb
 * and others. Paul Tsuchido Shew wrote this filter in December 2003.
 * @copyright  2003 Paul Tsuchido Shew
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class qformat_gift extends qformat_default {

    public function provide_import() {
        return true;

    public function provide_export() {
        return true;

    public function export_file_extension() {
        return '.txt';

> /** protected function answerweightparser(&$answer) { > * Validate the given file. $answer = substr($answer, 1); // Removes initial %. > * $endposition = strpos($answer, "%"); > * For more expensive or detailed integrity checks. $answerweight = substr($answer, 0, $endposition); // Gets weight as integer. > * $answerweight = $answerweight/100; // Converts to percent. > * @param stored_file $file the file to check $answer = substr($answer, $endposition+1); // Removes comment from answer. > * @return string the error message that occurred while validating the given file return $answerweight; > */ } > public function validate_file(stored_file $file): string { > return $this->validate_is_utf8_file($file); protected function commentparser($answer, $defaultformat) { > } $bits = explode('#', $answer, 2); >
$ans = $this->parse_text_with_format(trim($bits[0]), $defaultformat); if (count($bits) > 1) { $feedback = $this->parse_text_with_format(trim($bits[1]), $defaultformat); } else { $feedback = array('text' => '', 'format' => $defaultformat, 'files' => array()); } return array($ans, $feedback); } protected function split_truefalse_comment($answer, $defaultformat) { $bits = explode('#', $answer, 3); $ans = $this->parse_text_with_format(trim($bits[0]), $defaultformat); if (count($bits) > 1) { $wrongfeedback = $this->parse_text_with_format(trim($bits[1]), $defaultformat); } else { $wrongfeedback = array('text' => '', 'format' => $defaultformat, 'files' => array()); } if (count($bits) > 2) { $rightfeedback = $this->parse_text_with_format(trim($bits[2]), $defaultformat); } else { $rightfeedback = array('text' => '', 'format' => $defaultformat, 'files' => array()); } return array($ans, $wrongfeedback, $rightfeedback); } protected function escapedchar_pre($string) { // Replaces escaped control characters with a placeholder BEFORE processing. $escapedcharacters = array("\\:", "\\#", "\\=", "\\{", "\\}", "\\~", "\\n" ); $placeholders = array("&&058;", "&&035;", "&&061;", "&&123;", "&&125;", "&&126;", "&&010"); $string = str_replace("\\\\", "&&092;", $string); $string = str_replace($escapedcharacters, $placeholders, $string); $string = str_replace("&&092;", "\\", $string); return $string; } protected function escapedchar_post($string) { // Replaces placeholders with corresponding character AFTER processing is done. $placeholders = array("&&058;", "&&035;", "&&061;", "&&123;", "&&125;", "&&126;", "&&010"); $characters = array(":", "#", "=", "{", "}", "~", "\n" ); $string = str_replace($placeholders, $characters, $string); return $string; } protected function check_answer_count($min, $answers, $text) { $countanswers = count($answers); if ($countanswers < $min) { $this->error(get_string('importminerror', 'qformat_gift'), $text); return false; } return true; } protected function parse_text_with_format($text, $defaultformat = FORMAT_MOODLE) { $result = array( 'text' => $text, 'format' => $defaultformat, 'files' => array(), ); if (strpos($text, '[') === 0) { $formatend = strpos($text, ']'); $result['format'] = $this->format_name_to_const(substr($text, 1, $formatend - 1)); if ($result['format'] == -1) { $result['format'] = $defaultformat; } else { $result['text'] = substr($text, $formatend + 1); } } $result['text'] = trim($this->escapedchar_post($result['text'])); return $result; } public function readquestion($lines) { // Given an array of lines known to define a question in this format, this function // converts it into a question object suitable for processing and insertion into Moodle. $question = $this->defaultquestion(); // Define replaced by simple assignment, stop redefine notices. $giftanswerweightregex = '/^%\-*([0-9]{1,2})\.?([0-9]*)%/'; // Separate comments and implode. $comments = ''; foreach ($lines as $key => $line) { $line = trim($line); if (substr($line, 0, 2) == '//') { $comments .= $line . "\n"; $lines[$key] = ' '; } } $text = trim(implode("\n", $lines)); if ($text == '') { return false; } // Substitute escaped control characters with placeholders. $text = $this->escapedchar_pre($text); // Look for category modifier. if (preg_match('~^\$CATEGORY:~', $text)) { $newcategory = trim(substr($text, 10)); // Build fake question to contain category. $question->qtype = 'category'; $question->category = $newcategory; return $question; } // Question name parser. if (substr($text, 0, 2) == '::') { $text = substr($text, 2); $namefinish = strpos($text, '::'); if ($namefinish === false) { $question->name = false; // Name will be assigned after processing question text below. } else { $questionname = substr($text, 0, $namefinish); $question->name = $this->clean_question_name($this->escapedchar_post($questionname)); $text = trim(substr($text, $namefinish+2)); // Remove name from text. } } else { $question->name = false; } // Find the answer section. $answerstart = strpos($text, '{'); $answerfinish = strpos($text, '}'); $description = false; if ($answerstart === false && $answerfinish === false) { // No answer means it's a description. $description = true; $answertext = ''; $answerlength = 0; } else if ($answerstart === false || $answerfinish === false) { $this->error(get_string('braceerror', 'qformat_gift'), $text); return false; } else { $answerlength = $answerfinish - $answerstart; $answertext = trim(substr($text, $answerstart + 1, $answerlength - 1)); } // Format the question text, without answer, inserting "_____" as necessary. if ($description) { $questiontext = $text; } else if (substr($text, -1) == "}") { // No blank line if answers follow question, outside of closing punctuation. $questiontext = substr_replace($text, "", $answerstart, $answerlength + 1); } else { // Inserts blank line for missing word format. $questiontext = substr_replace($text, "_____", $answerstart, $answerlength + 1); } // Look to see if there is any general feedback. $gfseparator = strrpos($answertext, '####'); if ($gfseparator === false) { $generalfeedback = ''; } else { $generalfeedback = substr($answertext, $gfseparator + 4); $answertext = trim(substr($answertext, 0, $gfseparator)); } // Get questiontext format from questiontext. $text = $this->parse_text_with_format($questiontext); $question->questiontextformat = $text['format']; $question->questiontext = $text['text']; // Get generalfeedback format from questiontext. $text = $this->parse_text_with_format($generalfeedback, $question->questiontextformat); $question->generalfeedback = $text['text']; $question->generalfeedbackformat = $text['format']; // Set question name if not already set. if ($question->name === false) { $question->name = $this->create_default_question_name($question->questiontext, get_string('questionname', 'question')); } // Determine question type. $question->qtype = null; // Give plugins first try. // Plugins must promise not to intercept standard qtypes // MDL-12346, this could be called from lesson mod which has its own base class =(. if (method_exists($this, 'try_importing_using_qtypes') && ($tryquestion = $this->try_importing_using_qtypes($lines, $question, $answertext))) { return $tryquestion; } if ($description) { $question->qtype = 'description'; } else if ($answertext == '') { $question->qtype = 'essay'; } else if ($answertext[0] == '#') { $question->qtype = 'numerical'; } else if (strpos($answertext, '~') !== false) { // Only Multiplechoice questions contain tilde ~. $question->qtype = 'multichoice'; } else if (strpos($answertext, '=') !== false && strpos($answertext, '->') !== false) { // Only Matching contains both = and ->. $question->qtype = 'match'; } else { // Either truefalse or shortanswer. // Truefalse question check. $truefalsecheck = $answertext; if (strpos($answertext, '#') > 0) { // Strip comments to check for TrueFalse question. $truefalsecheck = trim(substr($answertext, 0, strpos($answertext, "#"))); } $validtfanswers = array('T', 'TRUE', 'F', 'FALSE'); if (in_array($truefalsecheck, $validtfanswers)) { $question->qtype = 'truefalse'; } else { // Must be shortanswer. $question->qtype = 'shortanswer'; } } // Extract any idnumber and tags from the comments. list($question->idnumber, $question->tags) = $this->extract_idnumber_and_tags_from_comment($comments); if (!isset($question->qtype)) { $giftqtypenotset = get_string('giftqtypenotset', 'qformat_gift'); $this->error($giftqtypenotset, $text); return false; } switch ($question->qtype) { case 'description': $question->defaultmark = 0; $question->length = 0; return $question; case 'essay': $question->responseformat = 'editor'; $question->responserequired = 1; $question->responsefieldlines = 15; $question->attachments = 0; $question->attachmentsrequired = 0; $question->graderinfo = array( 'text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML, 'files' => array()); $question->responsetemplate = array( 'text' => '', 'format' => FORMAT_HTML); return $question; case 'multichoice': // "Temporary" solution to enable choice of answernumbering on GIFT import // by respecting default set for multichoice questions (MDL-59447) $question->answernumbering = get_config('qtype_multichoice', 'answernumbering'); if (strpos($answertext, "=") === false) { $question->single = 0; // Multiple answers are enabled if no single answer is 100% correct. } else { $question->single = 1; // Only one answer allowed (the default). } $question = $this->add_blank_combined_feedback($question); $answertext = str_replace("=", "~=", $answertext); $answers = explode("~", $answertext); if (isset($answers[0])) { $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]); } if (empty($answers[0])) { array_shift($answers); } $countanswers = count($answers); if (!$this->check_answer_count(2, $answers, $text)) { return false; } foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); // Determine answer weight. if ($answer[0] == '=') { $answerweight = 1; $answer = substr($answer, 1); } else if (preg_match($giftanswerweightregex, $answer)) { // Check for properly formatted answer weight. $answerweight = $this->answerweightparser($answer); } else { // Default, i.e., wrong anwer. $answerweight = 0; } list($question->answer[$key], $question->feedback[$key]) = $this->commentparser($answer, $question->questiontextformat); $question->fraction[$key] = $answerweight; } // End foreach answer. return $question; case 'match': $question = $this->add_blank_combined_feedback($question); $answers = explode('=', $answertext); if (isset($answers[0])) { $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]); } if (empty($answers[0])) { array_shift($answers); } if (!$this->check_answer_count(2, $answers, $text)) { return false; } foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); if (strpos($answer, "->") === false) { $this->error(get_string('giftmatchingformat', 'qformat_gift'), $answer); return false; } $marker = strpos($answer, '->'); $question->subquestions[$key] = $this->parse_text_with_format( substr($answer, 0, $marker), $question->questiontextformat); $question->subanswers[$key] = trim($this->escapedchar_post( substr($answer, $marker + 2))); } return $question; case 'truefalse': list($answer, $wrongfeedback, $rightfeedback) = $this->split_truefalse_comment($answertext, $question->questiontextformat); if ($answer['text'] == "T" || $answer['text'] == "TRUE") { $question->correctanswer = 1; $question->feedbacktrue = $rightfeedback; $question->feedbackfalse = $wrongfeedback; } else { $question->correctanswer = 0; $question->feedbacktrue = $wrongfeedback; $question->feedbackfalse = $rightfeedback; } $question->penalty = 1; return $question; case 'shortanswer': // Shortanswer question. $answers = explode("=", $answertext); if (isset($answers[0])) { $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]); } if (empty($answers[0])) { array_shift($answers); } if (!$this->check_answer_count(1, $answers, $text)) { return false; } foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); // Answer weight. if (preg_match($giftanswerweightregex, $answer)) { // Check for properly formatted answer weight. $answerweight = $this->answerweightparser($answer); } else { // Default, i.e., full-credit anwer. $answerweight = 1; } list($answer, $question->feedback[$key]) = $this->commentparser( $answer, $question->questiontextformat); $question->answer[$key] = $answer['text']; $question->fraction[$key] = $answerweight; } return $question; case 'numerical': // Note similarities to ShortAnswer. $answertext = substr($answertext, 1); // Remove leading "#". // If there is feedback for a wrong answer, store it for now. if (($pos = strpos($answertext, '~')) !== false) { $wrongfeedback = substr($answertext, $pos); $answertext = substr($answertext, 0, $pos); } else { $wrongfeedback = ''; } $answers = explode("=", $answertext); if (isset($answers[0])) { $answers[0] = trim($answers[0]); } if (empty($answers[0])) { array_shift($answers); } if (count($answers) == 0) { // Invalid question. $giftnonumericalanswers = get_string('giftnonumericalanswers', 'qformat_gift'); $this->error($giftnonumericalanswers, $text); return false; } foreach ($answers as $key => $answer) { $answer = trim($answer); // Answer weight. if (preg_match($giftanswerweightregex, $answer)) { // Check for properly formatted answer weight. $answerweight = $this->answerweightparser($answer); } else { // Default, i.e., full-credit anwer. $answerweight = 1; } list($answer, $question->feedback[$key]) = $this->commentparser( $answer, $question->questiontextformat); $question->fraction[$key] = $answerweight; $answer = $answer['text']; // Calculate Answer and Min/Max values. if (strpos($answer, "..") > 0) { // Optional [min]..[max] format. $marker = strpos($answer, ".."); $max = trim(substr($answer, $marker + 2)); $min = trim(substr($answer, 0, $marker)); $ans = ($max + $min)/2; $tol = $max - $ans; } else if (strpos($answer, ':') > 0) { // Standard [answer]:[errormargin] format. $marker = strpos($answer, ':'); $tol = trim(substr($answer, $marker+1)); $ans = trim(substr($answer, 0, $marker)); } else { // Only one valid answer (zero errormargin). $tol = 0; $ans = trim($answer); } if (!(is_numeric($ans) || $ans = '*') || !is_numeric($tol)) { $errornotnumbers = get_string('errornotnumbers'); $this->error($errornotnumbers, $text); return false; } // Store results. $question->answer[$key] = $ans; $question->tolerance[$key] = $tol; } if ($wrongfeedback) { $key += 1; $question->fraction[$key] = 0; list($notused, $question->feedback[$key]) = $this->commentparser( $wrongfeedback, $question->questiontextformat); $question->answer[$key] = '*'; $question->tolerance[$key] = ''; } return $question; default: $this->error(get_string('giftnovalidquestion', 'qformat_gift'), $text); return false; } } protected function repchar($text, $notused = 0) { // Escapes 'reserved' characters # = ~ {) : // Removes new lines. $reserved = array( '\\', '#', '=', '~', '{', '}', ':', "\n", "\r"); $escaped = array('\\\\', '\#', '\=', '\~', '\{', '\}', '\:', '\n', ''); $newtext = str_replace($reserved, $escaped, $text); return $newtext; } /** * @param int $format one of the FORMAT_ constants. * @return string the corresponding name. */ protected function format_const_to_name($format) { if ($format == FORMAT_MOODLE) { return 'moodle'; } else if ($format == FORMAT_HTML) { return 'html'; } else if ($format == FORMAT_PLAIN) { return 'plain'; } else if ($format == FORMAT_MARKDOWN) { return 'markdown'; } else { return 'moodle'; } } /** * @param int $format one of the FORMAT_ constants. * @return string the corresponding name. */ protected function format_name_to_const($format) { if ($format == 'moodle') { return FORMAT_MOODLE; } else if ($format == 'html') { return FORMAT_HTML; } else if ($format == 'plain') { return FORMAT_PLAIN; } else if ($format == 'markdown') { return FORMAT_MARKDOWN; } else { return -1; } } /** * Extract any tags or idnumber declared in the question comment. * * @param string $comment E.g. "// Line 1.\n//Line 2.\n". * @return array with two elements. string $idnumber (or '') and string[] of tags. */ public function extract_idnumber_and_tags_from_comment(string $comment): array { // Find the idnumber, if any. There should not be more than one, but if so, we just find the first. $idnumber = ''; if (preg_match('~ # Start of id token. \[id: # Any number of (non-control) characters, with any ] escaped. # This is the bit we want so capture it. ( (?:\\\\]|[^][:cntrl:]])+ ) # End of id token. ] ~x', $comment, $match)) { $idnumber = str_replace('\]', ']', trim($match[1])); } // Find any tags. $tags = []; if (preg_match_all('~ # Start of tag token. \[tag: # Any number of allowed characters (see PARAM_TAG), with any ] escaped. # This is the bit we want so capture it. ( (?:\\\\]|[^]<>`[:cntrl:]]|)+ ) # End of tag token. ] ~x', $comment, $matches)) { foreach ($matches[1] as $rawtag) { $tags[] = str_replace('\]', ']', trim($rawtag)); } } return [$idnumber, $tags]; } public function write_name($name) { return '::' . $this->repchar($name) . '::'; } public function write_questiontext($text, $format, $defaultformat = FORMAT_MOODLE) { $output = ''; if ($text != '' && $format != $defaultformat) { $output .= '[' . $this->format_const_to_name($format) . ']'; } $output .= $this->repchar($text, $format); return $output; } /** * Outputs the general feedback for the question, if any. This needs to be the * last thing before the }. * @param object $question the question data. * @param string $indent to put before the general feedback. Defaults to a tab. * If this is not blank, a newline is added after the line. */ public function write_general_feedback($question, $indent = "\t") { $generalfeedback = $this->write_questiontext($question->generalfeedback, $question->generalfeedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat); if ($generalfeedback) { $generalfeedback = '####' . $generalfeedback; if ($indent) { $generalfeedback = $indent . $generalfeedback . "\n"; } } return $generalfeedback; } public function writequestion($question) { // Start with a comment. $expout = "// question: {$question->id} name: {$question->name}\n"; $expout .= $this->write_idnumber_and_tags($question); // Output depends on question type. switch($question->qtype) { case 'category': // Not a real question, used to insert category switch. $expout .= "\$CATEGORY: $question->category\n"; break; case 'description': $expout .= $this->write_name($question->name); $expout .= $this->write_questiontext($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat); break; case 'essay': $expout .= $this->write_name($question->name); $expout .= $this->write_questiontext($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat); $expout .= "{"; $expout .= $this->write_general_feedback($question, ''); $expout .= "}\n"; break; case 'truefalse': $trueanswer = $question->options->answers[$question->options->trueanswer]; $falseanswer = $question->options->answers[$question->options->falseanswer]; if ($trueanswer->fraction == 1) { $answertext = 'TRUE'; $rightfeedback = $this->write_questiontext($trueanswer->feedback, $trueanswer->feedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat); $wrongfeedback = $this->write_questiontext($falseanswer->feedback, $falseanswer->feedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat); } else { $answertext = 'FALSE'; $rightfeedback = $this->write_questiontext($falseanswer->feedback, $falseanswer->feedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat); $wrongfeedback = $this->write_questiontext($trueanswer->feedback, $trueanswer->feedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat); } $expout .= $this->write_name($question->name); $expout .= $this->write_questiontext($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat); $expout .= '{' . $this->repchar($answertext); if ($wrongfeedback) { $expout .= '#' . $wrongfeedback; } else if ($rightfeedback) { $expout .= '#'; } if ($rightfeedback) { $expout .= '#' . $rightfeedback; } $expout .= $this->write_general_feedback($question, ''); $expout .= "}\n"; break; case 'multichoice': $expout .= $this->write_name($question->name); $expout .= $this->write_questiontext($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat); $expout .= "{\n"; foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) { if ($answer->fraction == 1 && $question->options->single) { $answertext = '='; } else if ($answer->fraction == 0) { $answertext = '~'; } else { $weight = $answer->fraction * 100; $answertext = '~%' . $weight . '%'; } $expout .= "\t" . $answertext . $this->write_questiontext($answer->answer, $answer->answerformat, $question->questiontextformat); if ($answer->feedback != '') { $expout .= '#' . $this->write_questiontext($answer->feedback, $answer->feedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat); } $expout .= "\n"; } $expout .= $this->write_general_feedback($question); $expout .= "}\n"; break; case 'shortanswer': $expout .= $this->write_name($question->name); $expout .= $this->write_questiontext($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat); $expout .= "{\n"; foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) { $weight = 100 * $answer->fraction; $expout .= "\t=%" . $weight . '%' . $this->repchar($answer->answer) . '#' . $this->write_questiontext($answer->feedback, $answer->feedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat) . "\n"; } $expout .= $this->write_general_feedback($question); $expout .= "}\n"; break; case 'numerical': $expout .= $this->write_name($question->name); $expout .= $this->write_questiontext($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat); $expout .= "{#\n"; foreach ($question->options->answers as $answer) { if ($answer->answer != '' && $answer->answer != '*') { $weight = 100 * $answer->fraction; $expout .= "\t=%" . $weight . '%' . $answer->answer . ':' . (float)$answer->tolerance . '#' . $this->write_questiontext($answer->feedback, $answer->feedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat) . "\n"; } else { $expout .= "\t~#" . $this->write_questiontext($answer->feedback, $answer->feedbackformat, $question->questiontextformat) . "\n"; } } $expout .= $this->write_general_feedback($question); $expout .= "}\n"; break; case 'match': $expout .= $this->write_name($question->name); $expout .= $this->write_questiontext($question->questiontext, $question->questiontextformat); $expout .= "{\n"; foreach ($question->options->subquestions as $subquestion) { $expout .= "\t=" . $this->write_questiontext($subquestion->questiontext, $subquestion->questiontextformat, $question->questiontextformat) . ' -> ' . $this->repchar($subquestion->answertext) . "\n"; } $expout .= $this->write_general_feedback($question); $expout .= "}\n"; break; default: // Check for plugins. if ($out = $this->try_exporting_using_qtypes($question->qtype, $question)) { $expout .= $out; } } // Add empty line to delimit questions. $expout .= "\n"; return $expout; } /** * Prepare any question idnumber or tags for export. * * @param stdClass $questiondata the question data we are exporting. * @return string a string that can be written as a line in the GIFT file, * e.g. "// [id:myid] [tag:some-tag]\n". Will be '' if none. */ public function write_idnumber_and_tags(stdClass $questiondata): string { if ($questiondata->qtype == 'category') { return ''; } $bits = []; if (isset($questiondata->idnumber) && $questiondata->idnumber !== '') { $bits[] = '[id:' . str_replace(']', '\]', $questiondata->idnumber) . ']'; } // Write the question tags. if (core_tag_tag::is_enabled('core_question', 'question')) { $tagobjects = core_tag_tag::get_item_tags('core_question', 'question', $questiondata->id); if (!empty($tagobjects)) { $context = context::instance_by_id($questiondata->contextid); $sortedtagobjects = question_sort_tags($tagobjects, $context, [$this->course]); // Currently we ignore course tags. This should probably be fixed in future. if (!empty($sortedtagobjects->tags)) { foreach ($sortedtagobjects->tags as $tag) { $bits[] = '[tag:' . str_replace(']', '\]', $tag) . ']'; } } } } if (!$bits) { return ''; } return '// ' . implode(' ', $bits) . "\n"; } }