Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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 * Log report renderer.
 * @package    report_log
 * @copyright  2014 Rajesh Taneja <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later

defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die;
use core\log\manager;

 * Report log renderable class.
 * @package    report_log
 * @copyright  2014 Rajesh Taneja <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class report_log_renderable implements renderable {
    /** @var manager log manager */
    protected $logmanager;

    /** @var string selected log reader pluginname */
    public $selectedlogreader = null;

    /** @var int page number */
    public $page;

    /** @var int perpage records to show */
    public $perpage;

    /** @var stdClass course record */
    public $course;

    /** @var moodle_url url of report page */
    public $url;

    /** @var int selected date from which records should be displayed */
    public $date;

    /** @var int selected user id for which logs are displayed */
    public $userid;

    /** @var int selected moduleid */
    public $modid;

    /** @var string selected action filter */
    public $action;

    /** @var int educational level */
    public $edulevel;

    /** @var bool show courses */
    public $showcourses;

    /** @var bool show users */
    public $showusers;

    /** @var bool show report */
    public $showreport;

    /** @var bool show selector form */
    public $showselectorform;

    /** @var string selected log format */
    public $logformat;

    /** @var string order to sort */
    public $order;

    /** @var string origin to filter event origin */
    public $origin;

    /** @var int group id */
    public $groupid;

    /** @var table_log table log which will be used for rendering logs */
    public $tablelog;

    /** @var array group ids */
    public $grouplist;

     * Constructor.
     * @param string $logreader (optional)reader pluginname from which logs will be fetched.
     * @param stdClass|int $course (optional) course record or id
     * @param int $userid (optional) id of user to filter records for.
     * @param int|string $modid (optional) module id or site_errors for filtering errors.
     * @param string $action (optional) action name to filter.
     * @param int $groupid (optional) groupid of user.
     * @param int $edulevel (optional) educational level.
     * @param bool $showcourses (optional) show courses.
     * @param bool $showusers (optional) show users.
     * @param bool $showreport (optional) show report.
     * @param bool $showselectorform (optional) show selector form.
     * @param moodle_url|string $url (optional) page url.
     * @param int $date date (optional) timestamp of start of the day for which logs will be displayed.
     * @param string $logformat log format.
     * @param int $page (optional) page number.
     * @param int $perpage (optional) number of records to show per page.
     * @param string $order (optional) sortorder of fetched records
    public function __construct($logreader = "", $course = 0, $userid = 0, $modid = 0, $action = "", $groupid = 0, $edulevel = -1,
            $showcourses = false, $showusers = false, $showreport = true, $showselectorform = true, $url = "", $date = 0,
            $logformat='showashtml', $page = 0, $perpage = 100, $order = "timecreated ASC", $origin ='') {

        global $PAGE;

        // Use first reader as selected reader, if not passed.
        if (empty($logreader)) {
            $readers = $this->get_readers();
            if (!empty($readers)) {
                $logreader = key($readers);
            } else {
                $logreader = null;
        // Use page url if empty.
        if (empty($url)) {
            $url = new moodle_url($PAGE->url);
        } else {
            $url = new moodle_url($url);
        $this->selectedlogreader = $logreader;
        $url->param('logreader', $logreader);

        // Use site course id, if course is empty.
        if (!empty($course) && is_int($course)) {
            $course = get_course($course);
        $this->course = $course;

        $this->userid = $userid;
        $this->date = $date;
        $this->page = $page;
        $this->perpage = $perpage;
        $this->url = $url;
        $this->order = $order;
        $this->modid = $modid;
        $this->action = $action;
        $this->groupid = $groupid;
        $this->edulevel = $edulevel;
        $this->showcourses = $showcourses;
        $this->showusers = $showusers;
        $this->showreport = $showreport;
        $this->showselectorform = $showselectorform;
        $this->logformat = $logformat;
        $this->origin = $origin;

     * Get a list of enabled sql_reader objects/name
     * @param bool $nameonly if true only reader names will be returned.
     * @return array core\log\sql_reader object or name.
    public function get_readers($nameonly = false) {
        if (!isset($this->logmanager)) {
            $this->logmanager = get_log_manager();

        $readers = $this->logmanager->get_readers('core\log\sql_reader');
        if ($nameonly) {
            foreach ($readers as $pluginname => $reader) {
                $readers[$pluginname] = $reader->get_name();
        return $readers;

     * Helper function to return list of activities to show in selection filter.
     * @return array list of activities.
    public function get_activities_list() {
        $activities = array();

        // For site just return site errors option.
        $sitecontext = context_system::instance();
        if ($this->course->id == SITEID && has_capability('report/log:view', $sitecontext)) {
            $activities["site_errors"] = get_string("siteerrors");
            return $activities;

        $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($this->course);
        if (!empty($modinfo->cms)) {
            $section = 0;
            $thissection = array();
            foreach ($modinfo->cms as $cm) {
                // Exclude activities that aren't visible or have no view link (e.g. label). Account for folders displayed inline.
                if (!$cm->uservisible || (!$cm->has_view() && strcmp($cm->modname, 'folder') !== 0)) {
                if ($cm->sectionnum > 0 and $section <> $cm->sectionnum) {
                    $activities[] = $thissection;
                    $thissection = array();
                $section = $cm->sectionnum;
                $modname = strip_tags($cm->get_formatted_name());
                if (core_text::strlen($modname) > 55) {
                    $modname = core_text::substr($modname, 0, 50)."...";
                if (!$cm->visible) {
                    $modname = "(".$modname.")";
                $key = get_section_name($this->course, $cm->sectionnum);
                if (!isset($thissection[$key])) {
                    $thissection[$key] = array();
                $thissection[$key][$cm->id] = $modname;
            if (!empty($thissection)) {
                $activities[] = $thissection;
        return $activities;

     * Helper function to get selected group.
     * @return int selected group.
    public function get_selected_group() {
        global $SESSION, $USER;

        // No groups for system.
        if (empty($this->course)) {
            return 0;

        $context = context_course::instance($this->course->id);

        $selectedgroup = 0;
        // Setup for group handling.
        $groupmode = groups_get_course_groupmode($this->course);
        if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS and !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) {
            $selectedgroup = -1;
        } else if ($groupmode) {
            $selectedgroup = $this->groupid;
        } else {
            $selectedgroup = 0;

        if ($selectedgroup === -1) {
            if (isset($SESSION->currentgroup[$this->course->id])) {
                $selectedgroup = $SESSION->currentgroup[$this->course->id];
            } else {
                $selectedgroup = groups_get_all_groups($this->course->id, $USER->id);
                if (is_array($selectedgroup)) {
                    $groupids = array_keys($selectedgroup);
                    $selectedgroup = array_shift($groupids);
                    $SESSION->currentgroup[$this->course->id] = $selectedgroup;
                } else {
                    $selectedgroup = 0;
        return $selectedgroup;

     * Return list of actions for log reader.
     * @todo MDL-44528 Get list from log_store.
     * @return array list of action options.
    public function get_actions() {
        $actions = array(
                'c' => get_string('create'),
                'r' => get_string('view'),
                'u' => get_string('update'),
                'd' => get_string('delete'),
                'cud' => get_string('allchanges')
        return $actions;

     * Return selected user fullname.
     * @return string user fullname.
    public function get_selected_user_fullname() {
        $user = core_user::get_user($this->userid);
        if (empty($this->course)) {
            // We are in system context.
            $context = context_system::instance();
        } else {
            // We are in course context.
            $context = context_course::instance($this->course->id);
        return fullname($user, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context));

     * Return list of courses to show in selector.
     * @return array list of courses.
    public function get_course_list() {
        global $DB, $SITE;

        $courses = array();

        $sitecontext = context_system::instance();
        // First check to see if we can override showcourses and showusers.
        $numcourses = $DB->count_records("course");
        if ($numcourses < COURSE_MAX_COURSES_PER_DROPDOWN && !$this->showcourses) {
            $this->showcourses = 1;

        // Check if course filter should be shown.
        if (has_capability('report/log:view', $sitecontext) && $this->showcourses) {
            if ($courserecords = $DB->get_records("course", null, "fullname", "id,shortname,fullname,category")) {
                foreach ($courserecords as $course) {
                    if ($course->id == SITEID) {
                        $courses[$course->id] = format_string($course->fullname) . ' (' . get_string('site') . ')';
                    } else {
                        $courses[$course->id] = format_string(get_course_display_name_for_list($course));
        return $courses;

     * Return list of groups that are used in this course. This is done when groups are used in the course
     * and the user is allowed to see all groups or groups are visible anyway. If groups are used but the
     * mode is separate groups and the user is not allowed to see all groups, the list contains the groups
     * only, where the user is member.
     * If the course uses no groups, the list is empty.
     * @return array list of groups.
    public function get_group_list() {
        global $USER;

        if ($this->grouplist !== null) {
            return $this->grouplist;
// No groups for system. if (empty($this->course)) { $this->grouplist = []; return $this->grouplist; } $context = context_course::instance($this->course->id); $this->grouplist = []; $groupmode = groups_get_course_groupmode($this->course); $cgroups = []; if (($groupmode == VISIBLEGROUPS) || ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS && has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context))) { $cgroups = groups_get_all_groups($this->course->id); } else if ($groupmode == SEPARATEGROUPS && !has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context)) { $cgroups = groups_get_all_groups($this->course->id, $USER->id); } foreach ($cgroups as $cgroup) { $this->grouplist[$cgroup->id] = $cgroup->name; } return $this->grouplist; } /** * Return list of users. * * @return array list of users. */ public function get_user_list() { global $CFG, $SITE; $courseid = $SITE->id; if (!empty($this->course)) { $courseid = $this->course->id; } $context = context_course::instance($courseid); $limitfrom = empty($this->showusers) ? 0 : ''; $limitnum = empty($this->showusers) ? COURSE_MAX_USERS_PER_DROPDOWN + 1 : '';
> $userfieldsapi = \core_user\fields::for_name();
// Get the groups of that course. $groups = $this->get_group_list(); // Check here if we are not in group mode, or in group mode but narrow the group selection // to the group of the user. if (empty($groups) || !empty($this->groupid) && isset($groups[(int)$this->groupid])) { // No groups are used in that course, therefore get all users (maybe limited to one group).
< $courseusers = get_enrolled_users($context, '', $this->groupid, ', ' . get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u'),
> $courseusers = get_enrolled_users($context, '', $this->groupid, ', ' . > $userfieldsapi->get_sql('u', false, '', '', false)->selects,
null, $limitfrom, $limitnum); } else { // The course uses groups, get the users from these groups. $groupids = array_keys($groups); try { $enrolments = enrol_get_course_users($courseid, false, [], [], $groupids); $courseusers = []; foreach ($enrolments as $enrolment) { $courseusers[$enrolment->id] = $enrolment; } } catch (Exception $e) { $courseusers = []; } } if (count($courseusers) < COURSE_MAX_USERS_PER_DROPDOWN && !$this->showusers) { $this->showusers = 1; } $users = array(); if ($this->showusers) { if ($courseusers) { foreach ($courseusers as $courseuser) { $users[$courseuser->id] = fullname($courseuser, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context)); } } $users[$CFG->siteguest] = get_string('guestuser'); } return $users; } /** * Return list of date options. * * @return array date options. */ public function get_date_options() { global $SITE; $strftimedate = get_string("strftimedate"); $strftimedaydate = get_string("strftimedaydate"); // Get all the possible dates. // Note that we are keeping track of real (GMT) time and user time. // User time is only used in displays - all calcs and passing is GMT. $timenow = time(); // GMT. // What day is it now for the user, and when is midnight that day (in GMT). $timemidnight = usergetmidnight($timenow); // Put today up the top of the list. $dates = array("$timemidnight" => get_string("today").", ".userdate($timenow, $strftimedate) ); // If course is empty, get it from frontpage. $course = $SITE; if (!empty($this->course)) { $course = $this->course; } if (!$course->startdate or ($course->startdate > $timenow)) { $course->startdate = $course->timecreated; } $numdates = 1; while ($timemidnight > $course->startdate and $numdates < 365) { $timemidnight = $timemidnight - 86400; $timenow = $timenow - 86400; $dates["$timemidnight"] = userdate($timenow, $strftimedaydate); $numdates++; } return $dates; } /** * Return list of components to show in selector. * * @return array list of origins. */ public function get_origin_options() { $ret = array(); $ret[''] = get_string('allsources', 'report_log'); $ret['cli'] = get_string('cli', 'report_log'); $ret['restore'] = get_string('restore', 'report_log'); $ret['web'] = get_string('web', 'report_log'); $ret['ws'] = get_string('ws', 'report_log'); $ret['---'] = get_string('other', 'report_log'); return $ret; } /** * Return list of edulevel. * * @todo MDL-44528 Get list from log_store. * @return array list of edulevels. */ public function get_edulevel_options() { $edulevels = array( -1 => get_string("edulevel"), 1 => get_string('edulevelteacher'), 2 => get_string('edulevelparticipating'), 0 => get_string('edulevelother') ); return $edulevels; } /** * Setup table log. */ public function setup_table() { $readers = $this->get_readers(); $filter = new \stdClass(); if (!empty($this->course)) { $filter->courseid = $this->course->id; } else { $filter->courseid = 0; } $filter->userid = $this->userid; $filter->modid = $this->modid; $filter->groupid = $this->get_selected_group(); $filter->logreader = $readers[$this->selectedlogreader]; $filter->edulevel = $this->edulevel; $filter->action = $this->action; $filter->date = $this->date; $filter->orderby = $this->order; $filter->origin = $this->origin; // If showing site_errors. if ('site_errors' === $this->modid) { $filter->siteerrors = true; $filter->modid = 0; } $this->tablelog = new report_log_table_log('report_log', $filter); $this->tablelog->define_baseurl($this->url); $this->tablelog->is_downloadable(true); $this->tablelog->show_download_buttons_at(array(TABLE_P_BOTTOM)); } /** * Download logs in specified format. */ public function download() { $filename = 'logs_' . userdate(time(), get_string('backupnameformat', 'langconfig'), 99, false); if ($this->course->id !== SITEID) { $courseshortname = format_string($this->course->shortname, true, array('context' => context_course::instance($this->course->id))); $filename = clean_filename('logs_' . $courseshortname . '_' . userdate(time(), get_string('backupnameformat', 'langconfig'), 99, false)); } $this->tablelog->is_downloading($this->logformat, $filename); $this->tablelog->out($this->perpage, false); } }