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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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namespace core_reportbuilder\local\helpers;

use advanced_testcase;
use invalid_parameter_exception;
use core_cohort\reportbuilder\audience\cohortmember;
use core_reportbuilder_generator;
use core_reportbuilder\local\models\schedule as model;
use core_reportbuilder\reportbuilder\audience\manual;
use core_user\reportbuilder\datasource\users;

 * Unit tests for the schedule helper class
 * @package     core_reportbuilder
 * @covers      \core_reportbuilder\local\helpers\schedule
 * @copyright   2021 Paul Holden <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class schedule_test extends advanced_testcase {

     * Test create schedule
    public function test_create_schedule(): void {

        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);

        $timescheduled = time() + DAYSECS;
        $schedule = schedule::create_schedule((object) [
            'name' => 'My schedule',
            'reportid' => $report->get('id'),
            'format' => 'csv',
            'subject' => 'Hello',
            'message' => 'Hola',
            'timescheduled' => $timescheduled,

        $this->assertEquals('My schedule', $schedule->get('name'));
        $this->assertEquals($report->get('id'), $schedule->get('reportid'));
        $this->assertEquals('csv', $schedule->get('format'));
        $this->assertEquals('Hello', $schedule->get('subject'));
        $this->assertEquals('Hola', $schedule->get('message'));
        $this->assertEquals($timescheduled, $schedule->get('timescheduled'));
        $this->assertEquals($timescheduled, $schedule->get('timenextsend'));

     * Test update schedule
    public function test_update_schedule(): void {

        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);
        $schedule = $generator->create_schedule(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule']);

        // Update some record properties.
        $record = $schedule->to_record();
        $record->name = 'My updated schedule';
        $record->timescheduled = 1861340400; // 25/12/2028 07:00 UTC.

        $schedule = schedule::update_schedule($record);
        $this->assertEquals($record->name, $schedule->get('name'));
        $this->assertEquals($record->timescheduled, $schedule->get('timescheduled'));

     * Test update invalid schedule
    public function test_update_schedule_invalid(): void {

        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid schedule');
        schedule::update_schedule((object) ['id' => 42, 'reportid' => $report->get('id')]);

     * Test toggle schedule
    public function test_toggle_schedule(): void {

        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);
        $schedule = $generator->create_schedule(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule']);

        // Disable the schedule.
        schedule::toggle_schedule($report->get('id'), $schedule->get('id'), false);
        $schedule = $schedule->read();

        // Enable the schedule.
        schedule::toggle_schedule($report->get('id'), $schedule->get('id'), true);
        $schedule = $schedule->read();

     * Test toggle invalid schedule
    public function test_toggle_schedule_invalid(): void {

        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid schedule');
        schedule::toggle_schedule($report->get('id'), 42, true);

     * Test delete schedule
    public function test_delete_schedule(): void {

        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);
        $schedule = $generator->create_schedule(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule']);

        $scheduleid = $schedule->get('id');

        schedule::delete_schedule($report->get('id'), $scheduleid);

     * Test delete invalid schedule
    public function test_delete_schedule_invalid(): void {

        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid schedule');
        schedule::delete_schedule($report->get('id'), 42);

     * Test getting schedule report users (those in matching audience)
    public function test_get_schedule_report_users(): void {

        /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */
        $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder');
        $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]);

        // Create cohort, with some members.
        $cohort = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_cohort();
        $cohortuserone = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Zoe', 'lastname' => 'Zebra']);
        cohort_add_member($cohort->id, $cohortuserone->id);
        $cohortusertwo = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Henrietta', 'lastname' => 'Hamster']);
        cohort_add_member($cohort->id, $cohortusertwo->id);

        // Create a third user, to be added manually.
        $manualuserone = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user(['firstname' => 'Bob', 'lastname' => 'Badger']);

        $audiencecohort = $generator->create_audience([
            'reportid' => $report->get('id'),
            'classname' => cohortmember::class,
            'configdata' => ['cohorts' => [$cohort->id]],

        $audiencemanual = $generator->create_audience([
            'reportid' => $report->get('id'),
            'classname' => manual::class,
            'configdata' => ['users' => [$manualuserone->id]],

        // Now create our schedule.
        $schedule = $generator->create_schedule([
            'reportid' => $report->get('id'),
            'name' => 'My schedule',
            'audiences' => json_encode([

        $users = schedule::get_schedule_report_users($schedule);
        ], array_column($users, 'firstname'));
> } > // Now delete one of our users, ensure they are no longer returned. > delete_user($manualuserone); /** > * Test getting schedule report row count > $users = schedule::get_schedule_report_users($schedule); */ > $this->assertEquals([ public function test_get_schedule_report_count(): void { > 'Henrietta', $this->resetAfterTest(); > 'Zoe', > ], array_column($users, 'firstname'));
/** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */ $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder'); $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]); $schedule = $generator->create_schedule(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule']); // There is only one row in the report (the only user on the site). $count = schedule::get_schedule_report_count($schedule); $this->assertEquals(1, $count); } /** * Data provider for {@see test_get_schedule_report_file} * * @return string[] */ public function get_schedule_report_file_format(): array { return [ ['csv'], ['excel'], ['html'], ['json'], ['ods'], ['pdf'], ]; } /** * Test getting schedule report exported file, in each supported format * * @param string $format * * @dataProvider get_schedule_report_file_format */ public function test_get_schedule_report_file(string $format): void { $this->resetAfterTest(); $this->setAdminUser(); /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */ $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder'); $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]); $schedule = $generator->create_schedule(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule', 'format' => $format]); // There is only one row in the report (the only user on the site). $file = schedule::get_schedule_report_file($schedule); $this->assertGreaterThan(64, $file->get_filesize()); } /** * Data provider for {@see test_should_send_schedule} * * @return array[] */ public function should_send_schedule_provider(): array { $time = time(); // We just need large offsets for dates in the past/future. $yesterday = $time - DAYSECS; $tomorrow = $time + DAYSECS; return [ 'Disabled' => [[ 'enabled' => false, ], false], 'Time scheduled in the past' => [[ 'recurrence' => model::RECURRENCE_NONE, 'timescheduled' => $yesterday, ], true], 'Time scheduled in the past, already sent prior to schedule' => [[ 'recurrence' => model::RECURRENCE_NONE, 'timescheduled' => $yesterday, 'timelastsent' => $yesterday - HOURSECS, ], true], 'Time scheduled in the past, already sent on schedule' => [[ 'recurrence' => model::RECURRENCE_NONE, 'timescheduled' => $yesterday, 'timelastsent' => $yesterday, ], false], 'Time scheduled in the future' => [[ 'recurrence' => model::RECURRENCE_NONE, 'timescheduled' => $tomorrow, ], false], 'Time scheduled in the future, already sent prior to schedule' => [[ 'recurrence' => model::RECURRENCE_NONE, 'timelastsent' => $yesterday, 'timescheduled' => $tomorrow, ], false], 'Next send in the past' => [[ 'recurrence' => model::RECURRENCE_DAILY, 'timescheduled' => $yesterday, 'timenextsend' => $yesterday, ], true], 'Next send in the future' => [[ 'recurrence' => model::RECURRENCE_DAILY, 'timescheduled' => $yesterday, 'timenextsend' => $tomorrow, ], false], ]; } /** * Test for whether a schedule should be sent * * @param array $properties * @param bool $expected * * @dataProvider should_send_schedule_provider */ public function test_should_send_schedule(array $properties, bool $expected): void { $this->resetAfterTest(); /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */ $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder'); $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]); $schedule = $generator->create_schedule(['reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule'] + $properties); // If "Time next send" is specified, then override calculated value. if (array_key_exists('timenextsend', $properties)) { $schedule->set('timenextsend', $properties['timenextsend']); } $this->assertEquals($expected, schedule::should_send_schedule($schedule)); } /** * Data provider for {@see test_calculate_next_send_time} * * @return array[] */ public function calculate_next_send_time_provider(): array { $timescheduled = 1635865200; // Tue Nov 02 2021 15:00:00 GMT+0000. $timenow = 1639846800; // Sat Dec 18 2021 17:00:00 GMT+0000. return [ 'No recurrence' => [model::RECURRENCE_NONE, $timescheduled, $timenow, $timescheduled], 'Recurrence, time scheduled in future' => [model::RECURRENCE_DAILY, $timenow + DAYSECS, $timenow, $timenow + DAYSECS], // Sun Dec 19 2021 15:00:00 GMT+0000. 'Daily recurrence' => [model::RECURRENCE_DAILY, $timescheduled, $timenow, 1639926000], // Mon Dec 20 2021 15:00:00 GMT+0000. 'Weekday recurrence' => [model::RECURRENCE_WEEKDAYS, $timescheduled, $timenow, 1640012400], // Tue Dec 21 2021 15:00:00 GMT+0000. 'Weekly recurrence' => [model::RECURRENCE_WEEKLY, $timescheduled, $timenow, 1640098800], // Sun Jan 02 2022 15:00:00 GMT+0000. 'Monthy recurrence' => [model::RECURRENCE_MONTHLY, $timescheduled, $timenow, 1641135600], // Wed Nov 02 2022 15:00:00 GMT+0000. 'Annual recurrence' => [model::RECURRENCE_ANNUALLY, $timescheduled, $timenow, 1667401200], ]; } /** * Test for calculating next schedule send time * * @param int $recurrence * @param int $timescheduled * @param int $timenow * @param int $expected * * @dataProvider calculate_next_send_time_provider */ public function test_calculate_next_send_time(int $recurrence, int $timescheduled, int $timenow, int $expected): void { $this->resetAfterTest(); /** @var core_reportbuilder_generator $generator */ $generator = $this->getDataGenerator()->get_plugin_generator('core_reportbuilder'); $report = $generator->create_report(['name' => 'My report', 'source' => users::class]); $schedule = $generator->create_schedule([ 'reportid' => $report->get('id'), 'name' => 'My schedule', 'recurrence' => $recurrence, 'timescheduled' => $timescheduled, 'timenow' => $timenow, ]); $this->assertEquals($expected, schedule::calculate_next_send_time($schedule, $timenow)); } }