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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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namespace core_reportbuilder\local\report;

use advanced_testcase;
use coding_exception;
use lang_string;
use stdClass;
use core_reportbuilder\local\helpers\database;

 * Unit tests for a report column
 * @package     core_reportbuilder
 * @covers      \core_reportbuilder\local\report\column
 * @copyright   2020 Paul Holden <>
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
class column_test extends advanced_testcase {

     * Test column name getter/setter
    public function test_name(): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test');
        $this->assertEquals('test', $column->get_name());

        $this->assertEquals('another', $column

     * Test column title getter/setter
    public function test_title(): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test', new lang_string('show'));
        $this->assertEquals('Show', $column->get_title());

        $this->assertEquals('Hide', $column
            ->set_title(new lang_string('hide'))

        // Column titles can also be empty.

     * Test entity name getter
    public function test_get_entity_name(): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test', null, 'entityname');
        $this->assertEquals('entityname', $column->get_entity_name());

     * Test getting unique identifier
    public function test_get_unique_identifier(): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test', null, 'entityname');
        $this->assertEquals('entityname:test', $column->get_unique_identifier());

     * Test column type getter/setter
    public function test_type(): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test');
        $this->assertEquals(column::TYPE_INTEGER, $column

     * Test column default type
    public function test_type_default(): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test');
        $this->assertEquals(column::TYPE_TEXT, $column->get_type());

     * Test column type with invalid value
    public function test_type_invalid(): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test');

        $this->expectExceptionMessage('Invalid column type');

     * Test adding single join
    public function test_add_join(): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test');
        $this->assertEquals([], $column->get_joins());

        $column->add_join('JOIN {user} u ON = table.userid');
        $this->assertEquals(['JOIN {user} u ON = table.userid'], $column->get_joins());

     * Test adding multiple joins
    public function test_add_joins(): void {
        $tablejoins = [
            "JOIN {course} c2 ON =",
            "JOIN {course} c3 ON =",

        $column = $this->create_column('test')

        $this->assertEquals($tablejoins, $column->get_joins());

     * Data provider for {@see test_add_field}
     * @return array
    public function add_field_provider(): array {
        return [
            ['foo', '', ['foo AS c1_foo']],
            ['foo', 'bar', ['foo AS c1_bar']],
            ['', '', [' AS c1_foo']],
            ['', 'bar', [' AS c1_bar']],

     * Test adding single field, and retrieving it
     * @param string $sql
     * @param string $alias
     * @param array $expectedselect
     * @dataProvider add_field_provider
    public function test_add_field(string $sql, string $alias, array $expectedselect): void {
        $column = $this->create_column('test')
            ->add_field($sql, $alias);

        $this->assertEquals($expectedselect, $column->get_fields());

     * Test adding params to field, and retrieving them
    public function test_add_field_with_params(): void {
< $param0 = database::generate_param_name(); < $param1 = database::generate_param_name();
> [$param0, $param1] = database::generate_param_names(2);
$column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_field(":{$param0}", 'foo', [$param0 => 'foo']) ->add_field(":{$param1}", 'bar', [$param1 => 'bar']); // Select will look like the following: "p<index>_rbparam<counter>", where index is the column index and counter is // a static value of the report helper class. $fields = $column->get_fields(); $this->assertCount(2, $fields); preg_match('/:(?<paramname>p1_rbparam[\d]+) AS c1_foo/', $fields[0], $matches); $this->assertArrayHasKey('paramname', $matches); $fieldparam0 = $matches['paramname']; preg_match('/:(?<paramname>p1_rbparam[\d]+) AS c1_bar/', $fields[1], $matches); $this->assertArrayHasKey('paramname', $matches); $fieldparam1 = $matches['paramname']; // Ensure column parameters have been renamed appropriately. $this->assertEquals([ $fieldparam0 => 'foo', $fieldparam1 => 'bar', ], $column->get_params()); } /** * Test adding field with alias as part of SQL throws an exception */ public function test_add_field_alias_in_sql(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1); $this->expectException(coding_exception::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Column alias must be passed as a separate argument'); $column->add_field('foo AS bar'); } /** * Test adding field with complex SQL without an alias throws an exception */ public function test_add_field_complex_without_alias(): void { global $DB; $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1); $this->expectException(coding_exception::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Complex columns must have an alias'); $column->add_field($DB->sql_concat('foo', 'bar')); } /** * Data provider for {@see test_add_fields} * * @return array */ public function add_fields_provider(): array { return [ ['', [' AS c1_foo']], [' bar', [' AS c1_bar']], [' AS bar', [' AS c1_bar']], ['t.foo1, t.foo2 bar, t.foo3 AS baz', ['t.foo1 AS c1_foo1', 't.foo2 AS c1_bar', 't.foo3 AS c1_baz']], ]; } /** * Test adding fields to a column, and retrieving them * * @param string $sql * @param array $expectedselect * * @dataProvider add_fields_provider */ public function test_add_fields(string $sql, array $expectedselect): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_fields($sql); $this->assertEquals($expectedselect, $column->get_fields()); } /** * Test column alias */ public function test_column_alias(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_fields(','); $this->assertEquals('c1_foo', $column->get_column_alias()); } /** * Test column alias with a field containing an alias */ public function test_column_alias_with_field_alias(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_field('COALESCE(,', 'lionel'); $this->assertEquals('c1_lionel', $column->get_column_alias()); } /** * Test alias of column without any fields throws exception */ public function test_column_alias_no_fields(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test'); $this->expectException(coding_exception::class); $this->expectExceptionMessage('Column ' . $column->get_unique_identifier() . ' contains no fields'); $column->add_field($column->get_column_alias()); } /** * Test setting column group by SQL */ public function test_set_groupby_sql(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_field('COALESCE(,', 'lionel') ->set_groupby_sql(''); $this->assertEquals([''], $column->get_groupby_sql()); } /** * Test getting default column group by SQL */ public function test_get_groupby_sql(): void { global $DB; $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_fields(','); // The behaviour of this method differs due to DB limitations. $usealias = in_array($DB->get_dbfamily(), ['mysql', 'postgres']); if ($usealias) { $expected = ['c1_foo', 'c1_bar']; } else { $expected = ['', '']; } $this->assertEquals($expected, $column->get_groupby_sql()); } /**
< * Data provider for {@see test_format_value}
> * Data provider for {@see test_get_default_value} and {@see test_format_value}
* * @return array[] */
< public function format_value_provider(): array {
> public function column_type_provider(): array {
return [ [column::TYPE_INTEGER, 42], [column::TYPE_TEXT, 'Hello'], [column::TYPE_TIMESTAMP, HOURSECS], [column::TYPE_BOOLEAN, 1, true], [column::TYPE_FLOAT, 1.23], [column::TYPE_LONGTEXT, 'Amigos'], ]; } /**
< * Test that column value is returned as correctly (value plus type)
> * Test default value is returned from selected values, with correct type
* * @param int $columntype * @param mixed $value * @param mixed|null $expected Expected value, or null to indicate it should be identical to value *
< * @dataProvider format_value_provider
> * @dataProvider column_type_provider > */ > public function test_get_default_value(int $columntype, $value, $expected = null): void { > $defaultvalue = column::get_default_value([ > 'value' => $value, > 'foo' => 'bar', > ], $columntype); > > $this->assertSame($expected ?? $value, $defaultvalue); > } > > /** > * Test that column value is returned correctly, with correct type > * > * @param int $columntype > * @param mixed $value > * @param mixed|null $expected Expected value, or null to indicate it should be identical to value > * > * @dataProvider column_type_provider
*/ public function test_format_value(int $columntype, $value, $expected = null): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->set_type($columntype) ->add_field(''); $this->assertSame($expected ?? $value, $column->format_value([ 'c1_foo' => $value, ])); } /** * Test that column value with callback is returned */ public function test_format_value_callback(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_field('') ->set_type(column::TYPE_INTEGER) ->add_callback(static function(int $value, stdClass $values) { return $value * 2; }); $this->assertEquals(84, $column->format_value([ 'c1_bar' => 10, 'c1_foo' => 42, ])); } /** * Test that column value with callback (using all fields) is returned */ public function test_format_value_callback_fields(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_fields(', t.baz') ->set_type(column::TYPE_INTEGER) ->add_callback(static function(int $value, stdClass $values) { return $values->foo + $values->baz; }); $this->assertEquals(60, $column->format_value([ 'c1_bar' => 10, 'c1_foo' => 42, 'c1_baz' => 18, ])); } /** * Test that column value with callback (using arguments) is returned */ public function test_format_value_callback_arguments(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_field('') ->set_type(column::TYPE_INTEGER) ->add_callback(static function(int $value, stdClass $values, int $argument) { return $value - $argument; }, 10); $this->assertEquals(32, $column->format_value([ 'c1_bar' => 10, 'c1_foo' => 42, ]));
> } } > > /** /** > * Test that column value with callback (where aggregation is not set) is returned * Test adding multiple callbacks to a column > */ */ > public function test_format_value_callback_aggregation(): void { public function test_add_multiple_callback(): void { > $column = $this->create_column('test') $column = $this->create_column('test') > ->set_index(1) ->set_index(1) > ->add_field('') ->add_field('') > ->set_type(column::TYPE_INTEGER) ->set_type(column::TYPE_TEXT) > ->add_callback(static function(int $value, stdClass $values, $argument, ?string $aggregation): string { ->add_callback(static function(string $value): string { > // Simple callback to return the given value, and append type of aggregation parameter. return strrev($value); > return "{$value} " . gettype($aggregation); }) > }); ->add_callback(static function(string $value): string { > return strtoupper($value); > $this->assertEquals("42 NULL", $column->format_value(['c1_foo' => 42]));
}); $this->assertEquals('LIONEL', $column->format_value([ 'c1_foo' => 'lenoil', ])); } /** * Test that setting column callback overwrites previous callbacks */ public function test_set_callback(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_field('') ->set_type(column::TYPE_TEXT) ->add_callback(static function(string $value): string { return strrev($value); }) ->set_callback(static function(string $value): string { return strtoupper($value); }); $this->assertEquals('LENOIL', $column->format_value([ 'c1_foo' => 'lenoil', ])); } /** * Test is sortable */ public function test_is_sortable(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test'); $this->assertFalse($column->get_is_sortable()); $column->set_is_sortable(true); $this->assertTrue($column->get_is_sortable()); } /** * Test retrieving sort fields */ public function test_get_sortfields(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_fields(',, t.baz') ->set_is_sortable(true, ['t.baz', '']); $this->assertEquals(['c1_baz', 'c1_bar'], $column->get_sort_fields()); } /** * Test retrieving sort fields when an aliased field is set as sortable */ public function test_get_sortfields_with_field_alias(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_field('') ->add_field('COALESCE(,', 'lionel') ->set_is_sortable(true, ['lionel']); $this->assertEquals(['c1_lionel'], $column->get_sort_fields()); } /** * Test retrieving sort fields when an unknown field is set as sortable */ public function test_get_sortfields_unknown_field(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test') ->set_index(1) ->add_fields('') ->set_is_sortable(true, ['t.baz']); $this->assertEquals(['t.baz'], $column->get_sort_fields()); } /** * Test is available */ public function test_is_available(): void { $column = $this->create_column('test'); $this->assertTrue($column->get_is_available()); $column->set_is_available(true); $this->assertTrue($column->get_is_available()); } /** * Helper method to create a column instance * * @param string $name * @param lang_string|null $title * @param string $entityname * @return column */ private function create_column(string $name, ?lang_string $title = null, string $entityname = 'column_testcase'): column { return new column($name, $title, $entityname); } }