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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.3.x will end 7 October 2024 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.3.x will end 21 April 2025 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 8.0.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 4.1. PHP 8.2.x is supported too.
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namespace core_user;

 * Unit tests for \core_user\fields
 * @package core
 * @copyright 2014 The Open University
 * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
> * @covers \core_user\fields
*/ class fields_test extends \advanced_testcase { /** * Tests getting the user picture fields. */ public function test_get_picture_fields() { $this->assertEquals(['id', 'picture', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'firstnamephonetic', 'lastnamephonetic', 'middlename', 'alternatename', 'imagealt', 'email'], fields::get_picture_fields()); } /** * Tests getting the user name fields. */ public function test_get_name_fields() { $this->assertEquals(['firstnamephonetic', 'lastnamephonetic', 'middlename', 'alternatename', 'firstname', 'lastname'], fields::get_name_fields()); $this->assertEquals(['firstname', 'lastname', 'firstnamephonetic', 'lastnamephonetic', 'middlename', 'alternatename'], fields::get_name_fields(true)); } /** * Tests getting the identity fields. */ public function test_get_identity_fields() {
< global $DB, $CFG;
> global $DB, $CFG, $COURSE;
$this->resetAfterTest(); require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/user/profile/lib.php'); // Create custom profile fields, one with each visibility option. $generator = self::getDataGenerator(); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'a', 'name' => 'A', 'visible' => PROFILE_VISIBLE_ALL]); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'b', 'name' => 'B', 'visible' => PROFILE_VISIBLE_PRIVATE]); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'c', 'name' => 'C', 'visible' => PROFILE_VISIBLE_NONE]); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'd', 'name' => 'D', 'visible' => PROFILE_VISIBLE_TEACHERS]); // Set the extra user fields to include email, department, and all custom profile fields. set_config('showuseridentity', 'email,department,profile_field_a,profile_field_b,' . 'profile_field_c,profile_field_d'); set_config('hiddenuserfields', 'email'); // Create a test course and a student in the course. $course = $generator->create_course(); $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id); $user = $generator->create_user(); $anotheruser = $generator->create_user(); $usercontext = \context_user::instance($anotheruser->id); $generator->enrol_user($user->id, $course->id, 'student');
< // When no context is provided, it does no access checks and should return all specified. < $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_b', < 'profile_field_c', 'profile_field_d'],
> // When no context is provided, it does no access checks and should return all specified (other than non-visible). > $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_b', 'profile_field_d'],
fields::get_identity_fields(null)); // If you turn off custom profile fields, you don't get those. $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department'], fields::get_identity_fields(null, false)); // Request in context as an administator. $this->setAdminUser(); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_b', 'profile_field_c', 'profile_field_d'], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext)); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department'], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext, false)); // Request in context as a student - they don't have any of the capabilities to see identity // fields or profile fields. $this->setUser($user); $this->assertEquals([], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext)); // Give the student the basic identity fields permission (also makes them count as 'teacher' // for the teacher-restricted field).
> $COURSE = $course; // Horrible hack, because PROFILE_VISIBLE_TEACHERS relies on this global.
$roleid = $DB->get_field('role', 'id', ['shortname' => 'student']); role_change_permission($roleid, $coursecontext, 'moodle/site:viewuseridentity', CAP_ALLOW); $this->assertEquals(['department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_d'], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext)); $this->assertEquals(['department'], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext, false)); // Give them permission to view hidden user fields. role_change_permission($roleid, $coursecontext, 'moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', CAP_ALLOW); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_d'], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext)); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department'], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext, false)); // Also give them permission to view all profile fields. role_change_permission($roleid, $coursecontext, 'moodle/user:viewalldetails', CAP_ALLOW); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_b', 'profile_field_c', 'profile_field_d'], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext)); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department'], fields::get_identity_fields($coursecontext, false)); // Even if we give them student role in the user context they can't view anything... $generator->role_assign($roleid, $user->id, $usercontext->id); $this->assertEquals([], fields::get_identity_fields($usercontext)); // Give them basic permission. role_change_permission($roleid, $usercontext, 'moodle/site:viewuseridentity', CAP_ALLOW); $this->assertEquals(['department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_d'], fields::get_identity_fields($usercontext)); $this->assertEquals(['department'], fields::get_identity_fields($usercontext, false)); // Give them the hidden user fields permission (it's a different one). role_change_permission($roleid, $usercontext, 'moodle/user:viewhiddendetails', CAP_ALLOW); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_d'], fields::get_identity_fields($usercontext)); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department'], fields::get_identity_fields($usercontext, false)); // Also give them permission to view all profile fields. role_change_permission($roleid, $usercontext, 'moodle/user:viewalldetails', CAP_ALLOW); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_b', 'profile_field_c', 'profile_field_d'], fields::get_identity_fields($usercontext)); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department'], fields::get_identity_fields($usercontext, false)); } /**
> * Test getting identity fields, when one of them refers to a non-existing custom profile field * Tests the get_required_fields function. > */ * > public function test_get_identity_fields_invalid(): void { * This function composes the results of get_identity/name/picture_fields, so we are not going > $this->resetAfterTest(); * to test the details of the identity permissions as that was already covered. Just how they > * are included/combined. > $this->getDataGenerator()->create_custom_profile_field([ */ > 'datatype' => 'text', public function test_get_required_fields() { > 'shortname' => 'real', $this->resetAfterTest(); > 'name' => 'I\'m real', > ]); // Set up some profile fields. > $generator = self::getDataGenerator(); > // The "fake" profile field does not exist. $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'a', 'name' => 'A']); > set_config('showuseridentity', 'email,profile_field_real,profile_field_fake'); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'b', 'name' => 'B']); > set_config('showuseridentity', 'email,department,profile_field_a'); > $this->assertEquals([ > 'email', // What happens if you don't ask for anything? > 'profile_field_real', $fields = fields::empty(); > ], fields::get_identity_fields(null)); $this->assertEquals([], $fields->get_required_fields()); > } > // Try each invidual purpose. > /**
$fields = fields::for_identity(null); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a'], $fields->get_required_fields()); $fields = fields::for_userpic(); $this->assertEquals(fields::get_picture_fields(), $fields->get_required_fields()); $fields = fields::for_name(); $this->assertEquals(fields::get_name_fields(), $fields->get_required_fields()); // Try combining them all. There should be no duplicates (e.g. email), and the 'id' field // should be moved to the start. $fields = fields::for_identity(null)->with_name()->with_userpic(); $this->assertEquals(['id', 'email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'picture', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'firstnamephonetic', 'lastnamephonetic', 'middlename', 'alternatename', 'imagealt'], $fields->get_required_fields()); // Add some specified fields to a default result. $fields = fields::for_identity(null, true)->including('city', 'profile_field_b'); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'city', 'profile_field_b'], $fields->get_required_fields()); // Remove some fields, one of which actually is in the list. $fields = fields::for_identity(null, true)->excluding('email', 'city'); $this->assertEquals(['department', 'profile_field_a'], $fields->get_required_fields()); // Add and remove fields. $fields = fields::for_identity(null, true)->including('city', 'profile_field_b')->excluding('city', 'department'); $this->assertEquals(['email', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_b'], $fields->get_required_fields()); // Request the list without profile fields, check that still works with both sources. $fields = fields::for_identity(null, false)->including('city', 'profile_field_b')->excluding('city', 'department'); $this->assertEquals(['email'], $fields->get_required_fields()); } /** * Tests the get_required_fields function when you use the $limitpurposes parameter. */ public function test_get_required_fields_limitpurposes() { $this->resetAfterTest(); // Set up some profile fields. $generator = self::getDataGenerator(); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'a', 'name' => 'A']); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'b', 'name' => 'B']); set_config('showuseridentity', 'email,department,profile_field_a'); // Create a fields object with all three purposes, plus included and excluded fields. $fields = fields::for_identity(null, true)->with_name()->with_userpic() ->including('city', 'profile_field_b')->excluding('firstnamephonetic', 'middlename', 'alternatename'); // Check the result with all purposes. $this->assertEquals(['id', 'email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'picture', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'lastnamephonetic', 'imagealt', 'city', 'profile_field_b'], $fields->get_required_fields([fields::PURPOSE_IDENTITY, fields::PURPOSE_NAME, fields::PURPOSE_USERPIC, fields::CUSTOM_INCLUDE])); // Limit to identity and custom includes. $this->assertEquals(['email', 'department', 'profile_field_a', 'city', 'profile_field_b'], $fields->get_required_fields([fields::PURPOSE_IDENTITY, fields::CUSTOM_INCLUDE])); // Limit to name fields. $this->assertEquals(['firstname', 'lastname', 'lastnamephonetic'], $fields->get_required_fields([fields::PURPOSE_NAME])); } /** * There should be an exception if you try to 'limit' purposes to one that wasn't even included. */ public function test_get_required_fields_limitpurposes_not_in_constructor() { $fields = fields::for_identity(null); $this->expectExceptionMessage('$limitpurposes can only include purposes defined in object'); $fields->get_required_fields([fields::PURPOSE_USERPIC]); } /** * Sets up data and a fields object for all the get_sql tests. * * @return fields Constructed fields object for testing */ protected function init_for_sql_tests(): fields { $generator = self::getDataGenerator(); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'a', 'name' => 'A']); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'b', 'name' => 'B']); // Create a couple of users. One doesn't have a profile field set, so we can test that. $generator->create_user(['profile_field_a' => 'A1', 'profile_field_b' => 'B1', 'city' => 'C1', 'department' => 'D1', 'email' => '', 'idnumber' => 'XXX1', 'username' => 'u1']); $generator->create_user(['profile_field_a' => 'A2', 'city' => 'C2', 'department' => 'D2', 'email' => '', 'idnumber' => 'XXX2', 'username' => 'u2']); // It doesn't matter how we construct it (we already tested get_required_fields which is // where all those values are actually used) so let's just list the fields we want manually. return fields::empty()->including('department', 'city', 'profile_field_a', 'profile_field_b'); } /** * Tests getting SQL (and actually using it). */ public function test_get_sql_variations() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $fields = $this->init_for_sql_tests(); fields::reset_unique_identifier(); // Basic SQL. ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams, 'mappings' => $mappings] = (array)$fields->get_sql(); $sql = "SELECT idnumber $selects FROM {user} $joins WHERE idnumber LIKE ? ORDER BY idnumber"; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($joinparams, ['X%'])); $this->assertCount(2, $records); $expected1 = (object)['profile_field_a' => 'A1', 'profile_field_b' => 'B1', 'city' => 'C1', 'department' => 'D1', 'idnumber' => 'XXX1']; $expected2 = (object)['profile_field_a' => 'A2', 'profile_field_b' => null, 'city' => 'C2', 'department' => 'D2', 'idnumber' => 'XXX2']; $this->assertEquals($expected1, $records['XXX1']); $this->assertEquals($expected2, $records['XXX2']); $this->assertEquals([ 'department' => '{user}.department', 'city' => '{user}.city', 'profile_field_a' => $DB->sql_compare_text('', 255), 'profile_field_b' => $DB->sql_compare_text('', 255)], $mappings); // SQL using named params. ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams] = (array)$fields->get_sql('', true); $sql = "SELECT idnumber $selects FROM {user} $joins WHERE idnumber LIKE :idnum ORDER BY idnumber"; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($joinparams, ['idnum' => 'X%'])); $this->assertCount(2, $records); $this->assertEquals($expected1, $records['XXX1']); $this->assertEquals($expected2, $records['XXX2']); // SQL using alias for user table. ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams, 'mappings' => $mappings] = (array)$fields->get_sql('u'); $sql = "SELECT idnumber $selects FROM {user} u $joins WHERE idnumber LIKE ? ORDER BY idnumber"; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($joinparams, ['X%'])); $this->assertCount(2, $records); $this->assertEquals($expected1, $records['XXX1']); $this->assertEquals($expected2, $records['XXX2']); $this->assertEquals([ 'department' => 'u.department', 'city' => '', 'profile_field_a' => $DB->sql_compare_text('', 255), 'profile_field_b' => $DB->sql_compare_text('', 255)], $mappings); // Returning prefixed fields. ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams] = (array)$fields->get_sql('', false, 'u_'); $sql = "SELECT idnumber $selects FROM {user} $joins WHERE idnumber LIKE ? ORDER BY idnumber"; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($joinparams, ['X%'])); $this->assertCount(2, $records); $expected1 = (object)['u_profile_field_a' => 'A1', 'u_profile_field_b' => 'B1', 'u_city' => 'C1', 'u_department' => 'D1', 'idnumber' => 'XXX1']; $this->assertEquals($expected1, $records['XXX1']); // Renaming the id field. We need to use a different set of fields so it actually has the // id field. $fields = fields::for_userpic(); ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams] = (array)$fields->get_sql('', false, '', 'userid'); $sql = "SELECT idnumber $selects FROM {user} $joins WHERE idnumber LIKE ? ORDER BY idnumber"; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($joinparams, ['X%'])); $this->assertCount(2, $records); // User id was renamed. $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('id', $records['XXX1']); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('userid', $records['XXX1']); // Other fields are normal (just try a couple). $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('firstname', $records['XXX1']); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('imagealt', $records['XXX1']); // Check the user id is actually right. $this->assertEquals('XXX1', $DB->get_field('user', 'idnumber', ['id' => $records['XXX1']->userid])); // Rename the id field and also use a prefix. ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams] = (array)$fields->get_sql('', false, 'u_', 'userid'); $sql = "SELECT idnumber $selects FROM {user} $joins WHERE idnumber LIKE ? ORDER BY idnumber"; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($joinparams, ['X%'])); $this->assertCount(2, $records); // User id was renamed. $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('id', $records['XXX1']); $this->assertObjectNotHasAttribute('u_id', $records['XXX1']); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('userid', $records['XXX1']); // Other fields are prefixed (just try a couple). $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('u_firstname', $records['XXX1']); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('u_imagealt', $records['XXX1']); // Without a leading comma. ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams] = (array)$fields->get_sql('', false, '', '', false); $sql = "SELECT $selects FROM {user} $joins WHERE idnumber LIKE ? ORDER BY idnumber"; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($joinparams, ['X%'])); $this->assertCount(2, $records); foreach ($records as $key => $record) { // ID should be the first field used by get_records_sql. $this->assertEquals($key, $record->id); // Check 2 other sample properties. $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('firstname', $record); $this->assertObjectHasAttribute('imagealt', $record); } } /** * Tests what happens if you use the SQL multiple times in a query (i.e. that it correctly * creates the different identifiers). */ public function test_get_sql_multiple() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); $fields = $this->init_for_sql_tests(); // Inner SQL. ['selects' => $selects1, 'joins' => $joins1, 'params' => $joinparams1] = (array)$fields->get_sql('u1', true); // Outer SQL. $fields2 = fields::empty()->including('profile_field_a', 'email'); ['selects' => $selects2, 'joins' => $joins2, 'params' => $joinparams2] = (array)$fields2->get_sql('u2', true); // Crazy combined query. $sql = "SELECT username, details.profile_field_b AS innerb, AS innerc $selects2 FROM {user} u2 $joins2 LEFT JOIN ( SELECT $selects1 FROM {user} u1 $joins1 WHERE idnumber LIKE :idnum ) details ON = ORDER BY username"; $records = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, array_merge($joinparams1, $joinparams2, ['idnum' => 'X%'])); // The left join won't match for admin. $this->assertNull($records['admin']->innerb); $this->assertNull($records['admin']->innerc); // It should match for one of the test users though. $expected1 = (object)['username' => 'u1', 'innerb' => 'B1', 'innerc' => 'C1', 'profile_field_a' => 'A1', 'email' => '']; $this->assertEquals($expected1, $records['u1']); } /** * Tests the get_sql function when there are no fields to retrieve. */ public function test_get_sql_nothing() { $fields = fields::empty(); ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams] = (array)$fields->get_sql(); $this->assertEquals('', $selects); $this->assertEquals('', $joins); $this->assertEquals([], $joinparams); } /** * Tests get_sql when there are no custom fields; in this scenario, the joins and joinparams * are always blank. */ public function test_get_sql_no_custom_fields() { $fields = fields::empty()->including('city', 'country'); ['selects' => $selects, 'joins' => $joins, 'params' => $joinparams, 'mappings' => $mappings] = (array)$fields->get_sql('u'); $this->assertEquals(',,', $selects); $this->assertEquals('', $joins); $this->assertEquals([], $joinparams); $this->assertEquals(['city' => '', 'country' => ''], $mappings); } /** * Tests the format of the $selects string, which is important particularly for backward * compatibility. */ public function test_get_sql_selects_format() { global $DB; $this->resetAfterTest(); fields::reset_unique_identifier(); $generator = self::getDataGenerator(); $generator->create_custom_profile_field(['datatype' => 'text', 'shortname' => 'a', 'name' => 'A']); // When we list fields that include custom profile fields... $fields = fields::empty()->including('id', 'profile_field_a'); // Supplying an alias: all fields have alias. $selects = $fields->get_sql('u')->selects; $this->assertEquals(',, ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('', 255) . ' AS profile_field_a', $selects); // No alias: all files have {user} because of the joins. $selects = $fields->get_sql()->selects; $this->assertEquals(', {user}.id, ' . $DB->sql_compare_text('', 255) . ' AS profile_field_a', $selects); // When the list doesn't include custom profile fields... $fields = fields::empty()->including('id', 'city'); // Supplying an alias: all fields have alias. $selects = $fields->get_sql('u')->selects; $this->assertEquals(',,', $selects); // No alias: fields do not have alias at all. $selects = $fields->get_sql()->selects; $this->assertEquals(', id, city', $selects);
> } } > } > /** > * Data provider for {@see test_get_sql_fullname} > * > * @return array > */ > public function get_sql_fullname_provider(): array { > return [ > ['firstname lastname', 'FN LN'], > ['lastname, firstname', 'LN, FN'], > ['alternatename \'middlename\' lastname!', 'AN \'MN\' LN!'], > ['[firstname lastname alternatename]', '[FN LN AN]'], > ['firstnamephonetic lastnamephonetic', 'FNP LNP'], > ['firstname alternatename lastname', 'FN AN LN'], > ]; > } > > /** > * Test sql_fullname_display method with various fullname formats > * > * @param string $fullnamedisplay > * @param string $expectedfullname > * > * @dataProvider get_sql_fullname_provider > */ > public function test_get_sql_fullname(string $fullnamedisplay, string $expectedfullname): void { > global $DB; > > $this->resetAfterTest(); > > set_config('fullnamedisplay', $fullnamedisplay); > $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([ > 'firstname' => 'FN', > 'lastname' => 'LN', > 'firstnamephonetic' => 'FNP', > 'lastnamephonetic' => 'LNP', > 'middlename' => 'MN', > 'alternatename' => 'AN', > ]); > > [$sqlfullname, $params] = fields::get_sql_fullname('u'); > $fullname = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT {$sqlfullname} FROM {user} u WHERE = :id", $params + [ > 'id' => $user->id, > ]); > > $this->assertEquals($expectedfullname, $fullname); > } > > /** > * Test sql_fullname_display when one of the configured name fields is null > */ > public function test_get_sql_fullname_null_field(): void { > global $DB; > > $this->resetAfterTest(); > > set_config('fullnamedisplay', 'firstname lastname alternatename'); > $user = $this->getDataGenerator()->create_user([ > 'firstname' => 'FN', > 'lastname' => 'LN', > ]); > > // Set alternatename field to null, ensure we still get result in later assertion. > $user->alternatename = null; > user_update_user($user, false); > > [$sqlfullname, $params] = fields::get_sql_fullname('u'); > $fullname = $DB->get_field_sql("SELECT {$sqlfullname} FROM {user} u WHERE = :id", $params + [ > 'id' => $user->id, > ]); > > $this->assertEquals('FN LN ', $fullname);