Quick Navigation
Moodle 3.10 XRef and Diffs
Quick Navigation
Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.10 Database Schema
Moodle 4.3
Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.1
Moodle 4.0
Moodle 3.11
Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.9
Search moodle.org's
Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
Moodle 3.10 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Variable Cross Reference
line 104
line 106
line 108
line 276
line 278
line 481
line 487
line 44
line 247
line 61
line 63
line 509
line 512
line 273
line 149
line 682
line 315
line 91
line 195
line 35
line 277
line 303
line 99
line 124
line 73
line 223
line 1050
line 1053
line 1088
line 1091
line 264
line 67
line 735
line 65
line 67
line 449
line 484
line 98
line 536
line 552
line 354
line 364
line 532
line 183
line 83
Referenced 509 times:
line 106
line 106
line 274
line 284
line 76
line 79
line 82
line 104
line 106
line 108
line 110
line 110
line 59
line 77
line 105
line 84
line 187
line 218
line 276
line 278
line 280
line 280
line 385
line 473
line 481
line 484
line 487
line 487
line 488
line 488
line 737
line 737
line 848
line 848
line 904
line 904
line 184
line 208
line 208
line 374
line 403
line 446
line 453
line 75
line 625
line 625
line 64
line 65
line 95
line 107
line 44
line 45
line 740
line 741
line 744
line 791
line 792
line 50
line 58
line 59
line 247
line 248
line 248
line 91
line 113
line 135
line 191
line 105
line 61
line 61
line 63
line 65
line 66
line 114
line 249
line 250
line 293
line 294
line 296
line 303
line 304
line 306
line 323
line 364
line 365
line 479
line 488
line 489
line 529
line 292
line 300
line 129
line 434
line 445
line 448
line 451
line 497
line 497
line 498
line 499
line 503
line 503
line 504
line 505
line 505
line 508
line 554
line 557
line 558
line 562
line 509
line 512
line 513
line 513
line 516
line 520
line 779
line 787
line 790
line 273
line 274
line 274
line 149
line 159
line 288
line 457
line 457
line 628
line 628
line 669
line 682
line 683
line 684
line 828
line 845
line 847
line 1407
line 1566
line 112
line 113
line 114
line 115
line 116
line 117
line 118
line 104
line 108
line 115
line 116
line 140
line 144
line 154
line 155
line 228
line 237
line 251
line 252
line 254
line 255
line 579
line 586
line 589
line 589
line 836
line 837
line 855
line 878
line 894
line 897
line 897
line 1080
line 59
line 70
line 72
line 72
line 129
line 161
line 161
line 165
line 263
line 265
line 315
line 327
line 327
line 329
line 368
line 372
line 62
line 76
line 76
line 88
line 90
line 91
line 91
line 93
line 120
line 121
line 171
line 171
line 70
line 38
line 39
line 195
line 201
line 201
line 204
line 205
line 210
line 211
line 41
line 42
line 42
line 130
line 130
line 137
line 138
line 140
line 141
line 242
line 254
line 265
line 173
line 35
line 37
line 135
line 136
line 145
line 149
line 277
line 278
line 44
line 45
line 47
line 48
line 303
line 304
line 304
line 99
line 101
line 154
line 155
line 156
line 157
line 124
line 125
line 78
line 79
line 159
line 161
line 77
line 83
line 601
line 618
line 618
line 1006
line 1207
line 1207
line 1516
line 1524
line 1526
line 1526
line 73
line 76
line 77
line 42
line 204
line 207
line 218
line 222
line 223
line 223
line 224
line 237
line 238
line 135
line 207
line 279
line 260
line 263
line 281
line 286
line 302
line 316
line 1050
line 1053
line 1053
line 1056
line 1059
line 1065
line 1066
line 1088
line 1091
line 1091
line 1094
line 1097
line 1103
line 1104
line 162
line 223
line 237
line 239
line 243
line 243
line 245
line 247
line 264
line 264
line 265
line 265
line 296
line 358
line 359
line 126
line 135
line 136
line 67
line 69
line 70
line 343
line 345
line 348
line 74
line 148
line 149
line 149
line 220
line 220
line 720
line 1815
line 102
line 230
line 387
line 469
line 513
line 545
line 720
line 754
line 756
line 759
line 779
line 794
line 342
line 342
line 343
line 345
line 346
line 349
line 360
line 867
line 1046
line 1185
line 1546
line 1576
line 69
line 460
line 465
line 470
line 625
line 672
line 686
line 735
line 742
line 742
line 746
line 778
line 212
line 213
line 215
line 230
line 231
line 233
line 235
line 248
line 350
line 351
line 358
line 372
line 373
line 376
line 391
line 392
line 113
line 155
line 158
line 123
line 166
line 200
line 65
line 89
line 89
line 65
line 65
line 67
line 69
line 70
line 260
line 273
line 370
line 386
line 139
line 215
line 287
line 326
line 449
line 450
line 487
line 487
line 488
line 489
line 491
line 492
line 554
line 611
line 650
line 719
line 726
line 742
line 764
line 484
line 485
line 42
line 291
line 406
line 409
line 410
line 414
line 440
line 307
line 315
line 318
line 68
line 76
line 109
line 110
line 377
line 378
line 379
line 380
line 384
line 385
line 386
line 218
line 219
line 228
line 229
line 64
line 98
line 105
line 106
line 107
line 113
line 114
line 131
line 132
line 536
line 537
line 552
line 559
line 560
line 139
line 143
line 146
line 161
line 163
line 233
line 234
line 243
line 298
line 299
line 310
line 354
line 364
line 364
line 371
line 372
line 400
line 408
line 532
line 536
line 536
line 540
line 558
line 588
line 597
line 111
line 123
line 124
line 151
line 153
line 162
line 183
line 192
line 195
line 200
line 83
line 159
line 166
line 167
line 167
line 452
line 453
line 453
line 559
line 678
line 139
line 208
line 279
line 159
line 342