Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 311] [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403]
1 <?php 2 // This file is part of Moodle - http://moodle.org/ 3 // 4 // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify 5 // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by 6 // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or 7 // (at your option) any later version. 8 // 9 // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 11 // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the 12 // GNU General Public License for more details. 13 // 14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 15 // along with Moodle. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 16 17 /** 18 * Base class for the table used by a {@link quiz_attempts_report}. 19 * 20 * @package mod_quiz 21 * @copyright 2010 The Open University 22 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 23 */ 24 25 26 defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); 27 28 require_once($CFG->libdir.'/tablelib.php'); 29 30 31 /** 32 * Base class for the table used by a {@link quiz_attempts_report}. 33 * 34 * @copyright 2010 The Open University 35 * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v3 or later 36 */ 37 abstract class quiz_attempts_report_table extends table_sql { 38 public $useridfield = 'userid'; 39 40 /** @var moodle_url the URL of this report. */ 41 protected $reporturl; 42 43 /** @var array the display options. */ 44 protected $displayoptions; 45 46 /** 47 * @var array information about the latest step of each question. 48 * Loaded by {@link load_question_latest_steps()}, if applicable. 49 */ 50 protected $lateststeps = null; 51 52 /** @var object the quiz settings for the quiz we are reporting on. */ 53 protected $quiz; 54 55 /** @var context the quiz context. */ 56 protected $context; 57 58 /** @var string HTML fragment to select the first/best/last attempt, if appropriate. */ 59 protected $qmsubselect; 60 61 /** @var object mod_quiz_attempts_report_options the options affecting this report. */ 62 protected $options; 63 64 /** @var \core\dml\sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params to find students 65 * in the currently selected group, if applicable. 66 */ 67 protected $groupstudentsjoins; 68 69 /** @var \core\dml\sql_join Contains joins, wheres, params to find the students in the course. */ 70 protected $studentsjoins; 71 72 /** @var object the questions that comprise this quiz.. */ 73 protected $questions; 74 75 /** @var bool whether to include the column with checkboxes to select each attempt. */ 76 protected $includecheckboxes; 77 78 /** @var string The toggle group name for the checkboxes in the checkbox column. */ 79 protected $togglegroup = 'quiz-attempts'; 80 81 /** 82 * Constructor 83 * @param string $uniqueid 84 * @param object $quiz 85 * @param context $context 86 * @param string $qmsubselect 87 * @param mod_quiz_attempts_report_options $options 88 * @param \core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins Contains joins, wheres, params 89 * @param \core\dml\sql_join $studentsjoins Contains joins, wheres, params 90 * @param array $questions 91 * @param moodle_url $reporturl 92 */ 93 public function __construct($uniqueid, $quiz, $context, $qmsubselect, 94 mod_quiz_attempts_report_options $options, \core\dml\sql_join $groupstudentsjoins, \core\dml\sql_join $studentsjoins, 95 $questions, $reporturl) { 96 parent::__construct($uniqueid); 97 $this->quiz = $quiz; 98 $this->context = $context; 99 $this->qmsubselect = $qmsubselect; 100 $this->groupstudentsjoins = $groupstudentsjoins; 101 $this->studentsjoins = $studentsjoins; 102 $this->questions = $questions; 103 $this->includecheckboxes = $options->checkboxcolumn; 104 $this->reporturl = $reporturl; 105 $this->options = $options; 106 } 107 108 /** 109 * Generate the display of the checkbox column. 110 * @param object $attempt the table row being output. 111 * @return string HTML content to go inside the td. 112 */ 113 public function col_checkbox($attempt) { 114 global $OUTPUT; 115 116 if ($attempt->attempt) { 117 $checkbox = new \core\output\checkbox_toggleall($this->togglegroup, false, [ 118 'id' => "attemptid_{$attempt->attempt}", 119 'name' => 'attemptid[]', 120 'value' => $attempt->attempt, 121 'label' => get_string('selectattempt', 'quiz'), 122 'labelclasses' => 'accesshide', 123 ]); 124 return $OUTPUT->render($checkbox); 125 } else { 126 return ''; 127 } 128 } 129 130 /** 131 * Generate the display of the user's picture column. 132 * @param object $attempt the table row being output. 133 * @return string HTML content to go inside the td. 134 */ 135 public function col_picture($attempt) { 136 global $OUTPUT; 137 $user = new stdClass(); 138 $additionalfields = explode(',', user_picture::fields()); 139 $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $attempt, null, $additionalfields); 140 $user->id = $attempt->userid; 141 return $OUTPUT->user_picture($user); 142 } 143 144 /** 145 * Generate the display of the user's full name column. 146 * @param object $attempt the table row being output. 147 * @return string HTML content to go inside the td. 148 */ 149 public function col_fullname($attempt) { 150 $html = parent::col_fullname($attempt); 151 if ($this->is_downloading() || empty($attempt->attempt)) { 152 return $html; 153 } 154 155 return $html . html_writer::empty_tag('br') . html_writer::link( 156 new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/review.php', array('attempt' => $attempt->attempt)), 157 get_string('reviewattempt', 'quiz'), array('class' => 'reviewlink')); 158 } 159 160 /** 161 * Generate the display of the attempt state column. 162 * @param object $attempt the table row being output. 163 * @return string HTML content to go inside the td. 164 */ 165 public function col_state($attempt) { 166 if (!is_null($attempt->attempt)) { 167 return quiz_attempt::state_name($attempt->state); 168 } else { 169 return '-'; 170 } 171 } 172 173 /** 174 * Generate the display of the start time column. 175 * @param object $attempt the table row being output. 176 * @return string HTML content to go inside the td. 177 */ 178 public function col_timestart($attempt) { 179 if ($attempt->attempt) { 180 return userdate($attempt->timestart, $this->strtimeformat); 181 } else { 182 return '-'; 183 } 184 } 185 186 /** 187 * Generate the display of the finish time column. 188 * @param object $attempt the table row being output. 189 * @return string HTML content to go inside the td. 190 */ 191 public function col_timefinish($attempt) { 192 if ($attempt->attempt && $attempt->timefinish) { 193 return userdate($attempt->timefinish, $this->strtimeformat); 194 } else { 195 return '-'; 196 } 197 } 198 199 /** 200 * Generate the display of the time taken column. 201 * @param object $attempt the table row being output. 202 * @return string HTML content to go inside the td. 203 */ 204 public function col_duration($attempt) { 205 if ($attempt->timefinish) { 206 return format_time($attempt->timefinish - $attempt->timestart); 207 } else { 208 return '-'; 209 } 210 } 211 212 /** 213 * Generate the display of the feedback column. 214 * @param object $attempt the table row being output. 215 * @return string HTML content to go inside the td. 216 */ 217 public function col_feedbacktext($attempt) { 218 if ($attempt->state != quiz_attempt::FINISHED) { 219 return '-'; 220 } 221 222 $feedback = quiz_report_feedback_for_grade( 223 quiz_rescale_grade($attempt->sumgrades, $this->quiz, false), 224 $this->quiz->id, $this->context); 225 226 if ($this->is_downloading()) { 227 $feedback = strip_tags($feedback); 228 } 229 230 return $feedback; 231 } 232 233 public function get_row_class($attempt) { 234 if ($this->qmsubselect && $attempt->gradedattempt) { 235 return 'gradedattempt'; 236 } else { 237 return ''; 238 } 239 } 240 241 /** 242 * Make a link to review an individual question in a popup window. 243 * 244 * @param string $data HTML fragment. The text to make into the link. 245 * @param object $attempt data for the row of the table being output. 246 * @param int $slot the number used to identify this question within this usage. 247 */ 248 public function make_review_link($data, $attempt, $slot) { 249 global $OUTPUT; 250 251 $flag = ''; 252 if ($this->is_flagged($attempt->usageid, $slot)) { 253 $flag = $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/flagged', get_string('flagged', 'question'), 254 'moodle', array('class' => 'questionflag')); 255 } 256 257 $feedbackimg = ''; 258 $state = $this->slot_state($attempt, $slot); 259 if ($state->is_finished() && $state != question_state::$needsgrading) { 260 $feedbackimg = $this->icon_for_fraction($this->slot_fraction($attempt, $slot)); 261 } 262 263 $output = html_writer::tag('span', $feedbackimg . html_writer::tag('span', 264 $data, array('class' => $state->get_state_class(true))) . $flag, array('class' => 'que')); 265 266 $reviewparams = array('attempt' => $attempt->attempt, 'slot' => $slot); 267 if (isset($attempt->try)) { 268 $reviewparams['step'] = $this->step_no_for_try($attempt->usageid, $slot, $attempt->try); 269 } 270 $url = new moodle_url('/mod/quiz/reviewquestion.php', $reviewparams); 271 $output = $OUTPUT->action_link($url, $output, 272 new popup_action('click', $url, 'reviewquestion', 273 array('height' => 450, 'width' => 650)), 274 array('title' => get_string('reviewresponse', 'quiz'))); 275 276 return $output; 277 } 278 279 /** 280 * @param object $attempt the row data 281 * @param int $slot 282 * @return question_state 283 */ 284 protected function slot_state($attempt, $slot) { 285 $stepdata = $this->lateststeps[$attempt->usageid][$slot]; 286 return question_state::get($stepdata->state); 287 } 288 289 /** 290 * @param int $questionusageid 291 * @param int $slot 292 * @return bool 293 */ 294 protected function is_flagged($questionusageid, $slot) { 295 $stepdata = $this->lateststeps[$questionusageid][$slot]; 296 return $stepdata->flagged; 297 } 298 299 300 /** 301 * @param object $attempt the row data 302 * @param int $slot 303 * @return float 304 */ 305 protected function slot_fraction($attempt, $slot) { 306 $stepdata = $this->lateststeps[$attempt->usageid][$slot]; 307 return $stepdata->fraction; 308 } 309 310 /** 311 * Return an appropriate icon (green tick, red cross, etc.) for a grade. 312 * @param float $fraction grade on a scale 0..1. 313 * @return string html fragment. 314 */ 315 protected function icon_for_fraction($fraction) { 316 global $OUTPUT; 317 318 $feedbackclass = question_state::graded_state_for_fraction($fraction)->get_feedback_class(); 319 return $OUTPUT->pix_icon('i/grade_' . $feedbackclass, get_string($feedbackclass, 'question'), 320 'moodle', array('class' => 'icon')); 321 } 322 323 /** 324 * Load any extra data after main query. At this point you can call {@link get_qubaids_condition} to get the condition that 325 * limits the query to just the question usages shown in this report page or alternatively for all attempts if downloading a 326 * full report. 327 */ 328 protected function load_extra_data() { 329 $this->lateststeps = $this->load_question_latest_steps(); 330 } 331 332 /** 333 * Load information about the latest state of selected questions in selected attempts. 334 * 335 * The results are returned as an two dimensional array $qubaid => $slot => $dataobject 336 * 337 * @param qubaid_condition|null $qubaids used to restrict which usages are included 338 * in the query. See {@link qubaid_condition}. 339 * @return array of records. See the SQL in this function to see the fields available. 340 */ 341 protected function load_question_latest_steps(qubaid_condition $qubaids = null) { 342 if ($qubaids === null) { 343 $qubaids = $this->get_qubaids_condition(); 344 } 345 $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); 346 $latesstepdata = $dm->load_questions_usages_latest_steps( 347 $qubaids, array_keys($this->questions)); 348 349 $lateststeps = array(); 350 foreach ($latesstepdata as $step) { 351 $lateststeps[$step->questionusageid][$step->slot] = $step; 352 } 353 354 return $lateststeps; 355 } 356 357 /** 358 * Does this report require loading any more data after the main query. After the main query then 359 * you can use $this->get 360 * 361 * @return bool should {@link query_db()} call {@link load_extra_data}? 362 */ 363 protected function requires_extra_data() { 364 return $this->requires_latest_steps_loaded(); 365 } 366 367 /** 368 * Does this report require the detailed information for each question from the 369 * question_attempts_steps table? 370 * @return bool should {@link load_extra_data} call {@link load_question_latest_steps}? 371 */ 372 protected function requires_latest_steps_loaded() { 373 return false; 374 } 375 376 /** 377 * Is this a column that depends on joining to the latest state information? 378 * If so, return the corresponding slot. If not, return false. 379 * @param string $column a column name 380 * @return int false if no, else a slot. 381 */ 382 protected function is_latest_step_column($column) { 383 return false; 384 } 385 386 /** 387 * Get any fields that might be needed when sorting on date for a particular slot. 388 * 389 * Note: these values are only used for sorting. The values displayed are taken 390 * from $this->lateststeps loaded in load_extra_data(). 391 * 392 * @param int $slot the slot for the column we want. 393 * @param string $alias the table alias for latest state information relating to that slot. 394 * @return string definitions of extra fields to add to the SELECT list of the query. 395 */ 396 protected function get_required_latest_state_fields($slot, $alias) { 397 return ''; 398 } 399 400 /** 401 * Contruct all the parts of the main database query. 402 * @param \core\dml\sql_join $allowedstudentsjoins (joins, wheres, params) defines allowed users for the report. 403 * @return array with 4 elements ($fields, $from, $where, $params) that can be used to 404 * build the actual database query. 405 */ 406 public function base_sql(\core\dml\sql_join $allowedstudentsjoins) { 407 global $DB; 408 409 // Please note this uniqueid column is not the same as quiza.uniqueid. 410 $fields = 'DISTINCT ' . $DB->sql_concat('u.id', "'#'", 'COALESCE(quiza.attempt, 0)') . ' AS uniqueid,'; 411 412 if ($this->qmsubselect) { 413 $fields .= "\n(CASE WHEN $this->qmsubselect THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS gradedattempt,"; 414 } 415 416 $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields_sql($this->context, 'u', '', 417 array('id', 'idnumber', 'firstname', 'lastname', 'picture', 418 'imagealt', 'institution', 'department', 'email')); 419 $allnames = get_all_user_name_fields(true, 'u'); 420 $fields .= ' 421 quiza.uniqueid AS usageid, 422 quiza.id AS attempt, 423 u.id AS userid, 424 u.idnumber, ' . $allnames . ', 425 u.picture, 426 u.imagealt, 427 u.institution, 428 u.department, 429 u.email' . $extrafields . ', 430 quiza.state, 431 quiza.sumgrades, 432 quiza.timefinish, 433 quiza.timestart, 434 CASE WHEN quiza.timefinish = 0 THEN null 435 WHEN quiza.timefinish > quiza.timestart THEN quiza.timefinish - quiza.timestart 436 ELSE 0 END AS duration'; 437 // To explain that last bit, timefinish can be non-zero and less 438 // than timestart when you have two load-balanced servers with very 439 // badly synchronised clocks, and a student does a really quick attempt. 440 441 // This part is the same for all cases. Join the users and quiz_attempts tables. 442 $from = " {user} u"; 443 $from .= "\nLEFT JOIN {quiz_attempts} quiza ON 444 quiza.userid = u.id AND quiza.quiz = :quizid"; 445 $params = array('quizid' => $this->quiz->id); 446 447 if ($this->qmsubselect && $this->options->onlygraded) { 448 $from .= " AND (quiza.state <> :finishedstate OR $this->qmsubselect)"; 449 $params['finishedstate'] = quiz_attempt::FINISHED; 450 } 451 452 switch ($this->options->attempts) { 453 case quiz_attempts_report::ALL_WITH: 454 // Show all attempts, including students who are no longer in the course. 455 $where = 'quiza.id IS NOT NULL AND quiza.preview = 0'; 456 break; 457 case quiz_attempts_report::ENROLLED_WITH: 458 // Show only students with attempts. 459 $from .= "\n" . $allowedstudentsjoins->joins; 460 $where = "quiza.preview = 0 AND quiza.id IS NOT NULL AND " . $allowedstudentsjoins->wheres; 461 $params = array_merge($params, $allowedstudentsjoins->params); 462 break; 463 case quiz_attempts_report::ENROLLED_WITHOUT: 464 // Show only students without attempts. 465 $from .= "\n" . $allowedstudentsjoins->joins; 466 $where = "quiza.id IS NULL AND " . $allowedstudentsjoins->wheres; 467 $params = array_merge($params, $allowedstudentsjoins->params); 468 break; 469 case quiz_attempts_report::ENROLLED_ALL: 470 // Show all students with or without attempts. 471 $from .= "\n" . $allowedstudentsjoins->joins; 472 $where = "(quiza.preview = 0 OR quiza.preview IS NULL) AND " . $allowedstudentsjoins->wheres; 473 $params = array_merge($params, $allowedstudentsjoins->params); 474 break; 475 } 476 477 if ($this->options->states) { 478 list($statesql, $stateparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($this->options->states, 479 SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'state'); 480 $params += $stateparams; 481 $where .= " AND (quiza.state $statesql OR quiza.state IS NULL)"; 482 } 483 484 return array($fields, $from, $where, $params); 485 } 486 487 /** 488 * A chance for subclasses to modify the SQL after the count query has been generated, 489 * and before the full query is constructed. 490 * @param string $fields SELECT list. 491 * @param string $from JOINs part of the SQL. 492 * @param string $where WHERE clauses. 493 * @param array $params Query params. 494 * @return array with 4 elements ($fields, $from, $where, $params) as from base_sql. 495 */ 496 protected function update_sql_after_count($fields, $from, $where, $params) { 497 return [$fields, $from, $where, $params]; 498 } 499 500 /** 501 * Set up the SQL queries (count rows, and get data). 502 * 503 * @param \core\dml\sql_join $allowedjoins (joins, wheres, params) defines allowed users for the report. 504 */ 505 public function setup_sql_queries($allowedjoins) { 506 list($fields, $from, $where, $params) = $this->base_sql($allowedjoins); 507 508 // The WHERE clause is vital here, because some parts of tablelib.php will expect to 509 // add bits like ' AND x = 1' on the end, and that needs to leave to valid SQL. 510 $this->set_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(1) FROM (SELECT $fields FROM $from WHERE $where) temp WHERE 1 = 1", $params); 511 512 list($fields, $from, $where, $params) = $this->update_sql_after_count($fields, $from, $where, $params); 513 $this->set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params); 514 } 515 516 /** 517 * Add the information about the latest state of the question with slot 518 * $slot to the query. 519 * 520 * The extra information is added as a join to a 521 * 'table' with alias qa$slot, with columns that are a union of 522 * the columns of the question_attempts and question_attempts_states tables. 523 * 524 * @param int $slot the question to add information for. 525 */ 526 protected function add_latest_state_join($slot) { 527 $alias = 'qa' . $slot; 528 529 $fields = $this->get_required_latest_state_fields($slot, $alias); 530 if (!$fields) { 531 return; 532 } 533 534 // This condition roughly filters the list of attempts to be considered. 535 // It is only used in a subselect to help crappy databases (see MDL-30122) 536 // therefore, it is better to use a very simple join, which may include 537 // too many records, than to do a super-accurate join. 538 $qubaids = new qubaid_join("{quiz_attempts} {$alias}quiza", "{$alias}quiza.uniqueid", 539 "{$alias}quiza.quiz = :{$alias}quizid", array("{$alias}quizid" => $this->sql->params['quizid'])); 540 541 $dm = new question_engine_data_mapper(); 542 list($inlineview, $viewparams) = $dm->question_attempt_latest_state_view($alias, $qubaids); 543 544 $this->sql->fields .= ",\n$fields"; 545 $this->sql->from .= "\nLEFT JOIN $inlineview ON " . 546 "$alias.questionusageid = quiza.uniqueid AND $alias.slot = :{$alias}slot"; 547 $this->sql->params[$alias . 'slot'] = $slot; 548 $this->sql->params = array_merge($this->sql->params, $viewparams); 549 } 550 551 /** 552 * Get an appropriate qubaid_condition for loading more data about the 553 * attempts we are displaying. 554 * @return qubaid_condition 555 */ 556 protected function get_qubaids_condition() { 557 if (is_null($this->rawdata)) { 558 throw new coding_exception( 559 'Cannot call get_qubaids_condition until the main data has been loaded.'); 560 } 561 562 if ($this->is_downloading()) { 563 // We want usages for all attempts. 564 return new qubaid_join("( 565 SELECT DISTINCT quiza.uniqueid 566 FROM " . $this->sql->from . " 567 WHERE " . $this->sql->where . " 568 ) quizasubquery", 'quizasubquery.uniqueid', 569 "1 = 1", $this->sql->params); 570 } 571 572 $qubaids = array(); 573 foreach ($this->rawdata as $attempt) { 574 if ($attempt->usageid > 0) { 575 $qubaids[] = $attempt->usageid; 576 } 577 } 578 579 return new qubaid_list($qubaids); 580 } 581 582 public function query_db($pagesize, $useinitialsbar = true) { 583 $doneslots = array(); 584 foreach ($this->get_sort_columns() as $column => $notused) { 585 $slot = $this->is_latest_step_column($column); 586 if ($slot && !in_array($slot, $doneslots)) { 587 $this->add_latest_state_join($slot); 588 $doneslots[] = $slot; 589 } 590 } 591 592 parent::query_db($pagesize, $useinitialsbar); 593 594 if ($this->requires_extra_data()) { 595 $this->load_extra_data(); 596 } 597 } 598 599 public function get_sort_columns() { 600 // Add attemptid as a final tie-break to the sort. This ensures that 601 // Attempts by the same student appear in order when just sorting by name. 602 $sortcolumns = parent::get_sort_columns(); 603 $sortcolumns['quiza.id'] = SORT_ASC; 604 return $sortcolumns; 605 } 606 607 public function wrap_html_start() { 608 if ($this->is_downloading() || !$this->includecheckboxes) { 609 return; 610 } 611 612 $url = $this->options->get_url(); 613 $url->param('sesskey', sesskey()); 614 615 echo '<div id="tablecontainer">'; 616 echo '<form id="attemptsform" method="post" action="' . $url->out_omit_querystring() . '">'; 617 618 echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($url); 619 echo '<div>'; 620 } 621 622 public function wrap_html_finish() { 623 global $PAGE; 624 if ($this->is_downloading() || !$this->includecheckboxes) { 625 return; 626 } 627 628 echo '<div id="commands">'; 629 $this->submit_buttons(); 630 echo '</div>'; 631 632 // Close the form. 633 echo '</div>'; 634 echo '</form></div>'; 635 } 636 637 /** 638 * Output any submit buttons required by the $this->includecheckboxes form. 639 */ 640 protected function submit_buttons() { 641 global $PAGE; 642 if (has_capability('mod/quiz:deleteattempts', $this->context)) { 643 $deletebuttonparams = [ 644 'type' => 'submit', 645 'class' => 'btn btn-secondary mr-1', 646 'id' => 'deleteattemptsbutton', 647 'name' => 'delete', 648 'value' => get_string('deleteselected', 'quiz_overview'), 649 'data-action' => 'toggle', 650 'data-togglegroup' => $this->togglegroup, 651 'data-toggle' => 'action', 652 'disabled' => true 653 ]; 654 echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', $deletebuttonparams); 655 $PAGE->requires->event_handler('#deleteattemptsbutton', 'click', 'M.util.show_confirm_dialog', 656 array('message' => get_string('deleteattemptcheck', 'quiz'))); 657 } 658 } 659 660 /** 661 * Generates the contents for the checkbox column header. 662 * 663 * It returns the HTML for a master \core\output\checkbox_toggleall component that selects/deselects all quiz attempts. 664 * 665 * @param string $columnname The name of the checkbox column. 666 * @return string 667 */ 668 public function checkbox_col_header(string $columnname) { 669 global $OUTPUT; 670 671 // Make sure to disable sorting on this column. 672 $this->no_sorting($columnname); 673 674 // Build the select/deselect all control. 675 $selectallid = $this->uniqueid . '-selectall-attempts'; 676 $selectalltext = get_string('selectall', 'quiz'); 677 $deselectalltext = get_string('selectnone', 'quiz'); 678 $mastercheckbox = new \core\output\checkbox_toggleall($this->togglegroup, true, [ 679 'id' => $selectallid, 680 'name' => $selectallid, 681 'value' => 1, 682 'label' => $selectalltext, 683 'labelclasses' => 'accesshide', 684 'selectall' => $selectalltext, 685 'deselectall' => $deselectalltext, 686 ]); 687 688 return $OUTPUT->render($mastercheckbox); 689 } 690 }