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Moodle 3.10 XRef and Diffs
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Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.10 Database Schema
Moodle 4.3
Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.1
Moodle 4.0
Moodle 3.11
Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.9
Search moodle.org's
Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
Moodle 3.10 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Variable Cross Reference
line 208
line 248
line 277
line 345
line 424
line 616
line 95
line 440
line 69
line 38
line 59
line 105
line 107
line 1273
line 69
line 65
line 1448
line 386
line 555
line 207
line 215
line 221
line 620
line 714
line 802
line 990
line 1063
line 1139
line 236
line 94
line 33
line 191
line 465
line 236
line 300
line 308
line 3239
line 138
line 152
line 172
line 175
line 1044
line 1865
line 1143
line 1167
line 1203
line 1233
line 1271
line 2143
line 2151
line 2171
line 2215
line 2266
line 3313
line 3351
line 3434
line 3487
line 3607
line 3817
line 3868
line 65
line 120
line 602
line 605
line 602
line 800
line 77
line 71
line 164
line 291
Referenced 329 times:
line 208
line 212
line 224
line 227
line 228
line 229
line 230
line 231
line 237
line 248
line 252
line 263
line 266
line 267
line 268
line 269
line 270
line 271
line 277
line 277
line 288
line 297
line 330
line 345
line 363
line 370
line 404
line 408
line 410
line 424
line 616
line 95
line 117
line 440
line 442
line 444
line 484
line 513
line 406
line 407
line 407
line 69
line 75
line 38
line 41
line 41
line 43
line 44
line 59
line 60
line 78
line 79
line 89
line 104
line 105
line 105
line 105
line 107
line 107
line 112
line 74
line 80
line 109
line 110
line 110
line 162
line 163
line 163
line 1273
line 1290
line 1291
line 1305
line 1327
line 2184
line 2185
line 2202
line 2204
line 162
line 163
line 163
line 69
line 75
line 65
line 68
line 71
line 98
line 106
line 1448
line 1460
line 1461
line 1466
line 150
line 155
line 274
line 275
line 289
line 290
line 318
line 319
line 399
line 400
line 414
line 415
line 386
line 394
line 414
line 415
line 418
line 555
line 557
line 569
line 207
line 213
line 214
line 215
line 216
line 217
line 218
line 218
line 219
line 221
line 221
line 241
line 243
line 71
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line 75
line 77
line 79
line 88
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line 93
line 95
line 101
line 619
line 620
line 620
line 622
line 625
line 625
line 630
line 636
line 641
line 641
line 644
line 644
line 645
line 713
line 714
line 714
line 716
line 720
line 721
line 725
line 726
line 730
line 733
line 739
line 745
line 745
line 748
line 802
line 805
line 811
line 816
line 816
line 817
line 817
line 818
line 820
line 928
line 929
line 929
line 930
line 930
line 931
line 932
line 990
line 996
line 1002
line 1007
line 1063
line 1072
line 1139
line 1148
line 236
line 237
line 250
line 94
line 95
line 100
line 33
line 37
line 57
line 67
line 82
line 129
line 191
line 206
line 465
line 489
line 713
line 715
line 726
line 236
line 300
line 308
line 308
line 315
line 362
line 382
line 3239
line 3240
line 276
line 138
line 139
line 152
line 153
line 172
line 173
line 175
line 176
line 1044
line 1051
line 1052
line 1060
line 1865
line 1867
line 1868
line 1870
line 1143
line 1167
line 1170
line 1172
line 1179
line 1203
line 1206
line 1208
line 1233
line 1237
line 1250
line 1251
line 1271
line 2143
line 2151
line 2154
line 2171
line 2173
line 2215
line 2217
line 2233
line 2266
line 2270
line 2276
line 2308
line 3313
line 3315
line 3320
line 3327
line 3351
line 3353
line 3358
line 3365
line 3434
line 3436
line 3441
line 3446
line 3487
line 3489
line 3494
line 3499
line 3607
line 3817
line 3868
line 65
line 67
line 47
line 166
line 172
line 174
line 175
line 175
line 181
line 312
line 388
line 415
line 425
line 426
line 448
line 78
line 79
line 83
line 84
line 202
line 203
line 203
line 611
line 612
line 612
line 120
line 126
line 602
line 605
line 620
line 628
line 638
line 745
line 746
line 150
line 151
line 152
line 172
line 173
line 174
line 602
line 603
line 800
line 801
line 77
line 83
line 71
line 77
line 97
line 164
line 222
line 229
line 256
line 291
line 301