Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.10.x will end 8 November 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.10.x will end 9 May 2022 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.

Differences Between: [Versions 310 and 400] [Versions 310 and 401] [Versions 310 and 402] [Versions 310 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  /**
  18   * Exported post builder class.
  19   *
  20   * @package    mod_forum
  21   * @copyright  2019 Ryan Wyllie <>
  22   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  23   */
  25  namespace mod_forum\local\builders;
  27  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  29  use mod_forum\local\entities\discussion as discussion_entity;
  30  use mod_forum\local\entities\forum as forum_entity;
  31  use mod_forum\local\entities\post as post_entity;
  32  use mod_forum\local\factories\legacy_data_mapper as legacy_data_mapper_factory;
  33  use mod_forum\local\factories\exporter as exporter_factory;
  34  use mod_forum\local\factories\vault as vault_factory;
  35  use context;
  36  use core_tag_tag;
  37  use moodle_exception;
  38  use rating_manager;
  39  use renderer_base;
  40  use stdClass;
  42  /**
  43   * Exported post builder class.
  44   *
  45   * This class is an implementation of the builder pattern (loosely). It is responsible
  46   * for taking a set of related forums, discussions, and posts and generate the exported
  47   * version of the posts.
  48   *
  49   * It encapsulates the complexity involved with exporting posts. All of the relevant
  50   * additional resources will be loaded by this class in order to ensure the exporting
  51   * process can happen.
  52   *
  53   * See this doc for more information on the builder pattern:
  54   *
  55   *
  56   * @copyright  2019 Ryan Wyllie <>
  57   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  58   */
  59  class exported_posts {
  60      /** @var renderer_base $renderer Core renderer */
  61      private $renderer;
  63      /** @var legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory Data mapper factory */
  64      private $legacydatamapperfactory;
  66      /** @var exporter_factory $exporterfactory Exporter factory */
  67      private $exporterfactory;
  69      /** @var vault_factory $vaultfactory Vault factory */
  70      private $vaultfactory;
  72      /** @var rating_manager $ratingmanager Rating manager */
  73      private $ratingmanager;
  75      /**
  76       * Constructor.
  77       *
  78       * @param renderer_base $renderer Core renderer
  79       * @param legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory Legacy data mapper factory
  80       * @param exporter_factory $exporterfactory Exporter factory
  81       * @param vault_factory $vaultfactory Vault factory
  82       * @param rating_manager $ratingmanager Rating manager
  83       */
  84      public function __construct(
  85          renderer_base $renderer,
  86          legacy_data_mapper_factory $legacydatamapperfactory,
  87          exporter_factory $exporterfactory,
  88          vault_factory $vaultfactory,
  89          rating_manager $ratingmanager
  90      ) {
  91          $this->renderer = $renderer;
  92          $this->legacydatamapperfactory = $legacydatamapperfactory;
  93          $this->exporterfactory = $exporterfactory;
  94          $this->vaultfactory = $vaultfactory;
  95          $this->ratingmanager = $ratingmanager;
  96      }
  98      /**
  99       * Build the exported posts for a given set of forums, discussions, and posts.
 100       *
 101       * This will typically be used for a list of posts in the same discussion/forum however
 102       * it does support exporting any arbitrary list of posts as long as the caller also provides
 103       * a unique list of all discussions for the list of posts and all forums for the list of discussions.
 104       *
 105       * Increasing the number of different forums being processed will increase the processing time
 106       * due to processing multiple contexts (for things like capabilities, files, etc). The code attempts
 107       * to load the additional resources as efficiently as possible but there is no way around some of
 108       * the additional overhead.
 109       *
 110       * Note: Some posts will be removed as part of the build process according to capabilities.
 111       * A one-to-one mapping should not be expected.
 112       *
 113       * @param stdClass $user The user to export the posts for.
 114       * @param forum_entity[] $forums A list of all forums that each of the $discussions belong to
 115       * @param discussion_entity[] $discussions A list of all discussions that each of the $posts belong to
 116       * @param post_entity[] $posts The list of posts to export.
 117       * @return stdClass[] List of exported posts in the same order as the $posts array.
 118       */
 119      public function build(
 120          stdClass $user,
 121          array $forums,
 122          array $discussions,
 123          array $posts
 124      ) : array {
 125          // Format the forums and discussion to make them more easily accessed later.
 126          $forums = array_reduce($forums, function($carry, $forum) {
 127              $carry[$forum->get_id()] = $forum;
 128              return $carry;
 129          }, []);
 130          $discussions = array_reduce($discussions, function($carry, $discussion) {
 131              $carry[$discussion->get_id()] = $discussion;
 132              return $carry;
 133          }, []);
 135          // Group the posts by discussion and forum so that we can load the resources in
 136          // batches to improve performance.
 137          $groupedposts = $this->group_posts_by_discussion($forums, $discussions, $posts);
 138          // Load all of the resources we need in order to export the posts.
 139          $authorsbyid = $this->get_authors_for_posts($posts);
 140          $authorcontextids = $this->get_author_context_ids(array_keys($authorsbyid));
 141          $attachmentsbypostid = $this->get_attachments_for_posts($groupedposts);
 142          $groupsbycourseandauthorid = $this->get_author_groups_from_posts($groupedposts);
 143          $tagsbypostid = $this->get_tags_from_posts($posts);
 144          $ratingbypostid = $this->get_ratings_from_posts($user, $groupedposts);
 145          $readreceiptcollectionbyforumid = $this->get_read_receipts_from_posts($user, $groupedposts);
 146          $exportedposts = [];
 148          // Export each set of posts per discussion because it's the largest chunks we can
 149          // break them into due to constraints on capability checks.
 150          foreach ($groupedposts as $grouping) {
 151              [
 152                  'forum' => $forum,
 153                  'discussion' => $discussion,
 154                  'posts' => $groupedposts
 155              ] = $grouping;
 157              $forumid = $forum->get_id();
 158              $courseid = $forum->get_course_record()->id;
 159              $postsexporter = $this->exporterfactory->get_posts_exporter(
 160                  $user,
 161                  $forum,
 162                  $discussion,
 163                  $groupedposts,
 164                  $authorsbyid,
 165                  $authorcontextids,
 166                  $attachmentsbypostid,
 167                  $groupsbycourseandauthorid[$courseid],
 168                  $readreceiptcollectionbyforumid[$forumid] ?? null,
 169                  $tagsbypostid,
 170                  $ratingbypostid,
 171                  true
 172              );
 173              ['posts' => $exportedgroupedposts] = (array) $postsexporter->export($this->renderer);
 174              $exportedposts = array_merge($exportedposts, $exportedgroupedposts);
 175          }
 177          if (count($forums) == 1 && count($discussions) == 1) {
 178              // All of the posts belong to a single discussion in a single forum so
 179              // the exported order will match the given $posts array.
 180              return $exportedposts;
 181          } else {
 182              // Since we grouped the posts by discussion and forum the ordering of the
 183              // exported posts may be different to the given $posts array so we should
 184              // sort it back into the correct order for the caller.
 185              return $this->sort_exported_posts($posts, $exportedposts);
 186          }
 187      }
 189      /**
 190       * Group the posts by which discussion they belong to in order for them to be processed
 191       * in chunks by the exporting.
 192       *
 193       * Returns a list of groups where each group has a forum, discussion, and list of posts.
 194       * E.g.
 195       * [
 196       *      [
 197       *          'forum' => <forum_entity>,
 198       *          'discussion' => <discussion_entity>,
 199       *          'posts' => [
 200       *              <post_entity in discussion>,
 201       *              <post_entity in discussion>,
 202       *              <post_entity in discussion>
 203       *          ]
 204       *      ]
 205       * ]
 206       *
 207       * @param forum_entity[] $forums A list of all forums that each of the $discussions belong to, indexed by id.
 208       * @param discussion_entity[] $discussions A list of all discussions that each of the $posts belong to, indexed by id.
 209       * @param post_entity[] $posts The list of posts to process.
 210       * @return array List of grouped posts. Each group has a discussion, forum, and posts.
 211       */
 212      private function group_posts_by_discussion(array $forums, array $discussions, array $posts) : array {
 213          return array_reduce($posts, function($carry, $post) use ($forums, $discussions) {
 214              $discussionid = $post->get_discussion_id();
 215              if (!isset($discussions[$discussionid])) {
 216                  throw new moodle_exception('Unable to find discussion with id ' . $discussionid);
 217              }
 219              if (isset($carry[$discussionid])) {
 220                  $carry[$discussionid]['posts'][] = $post;
 221              } else {
 222                  $discussion = $discussions[$discussionid];
 223                  $forumid = $discussion->get_forum_id();
 225                  if (!isset($forums[$forumid])) {
 226                      throw new moodle_exception('Unable to find forum with id ' . $forumid);
 227                  }
 229                  $carry[$discussionid] = [
 230                      'forum' => $forums[$forumid],
 231                      'discussion' => $discussions[$discussionid],
 232                      'posts' => [$post]
 233                  ];
 234              }
 236              return $carry;
 237          }, []);
 238      }
 240      /**
 241       * Load the list of authors for the given posts.
 242       *
 243       * The list of authors will be indexed by the author id.
 244       *
 245       * @param post_entity[] $posts The list of posts to process.
 246       * @return author_entity[]
 247       */
 248      private function get_authors_for_posts(array $posts) : array {
 249          $authorvault = $this->vaultfactory->get_author_vault();
 250          return $authorvault->get_authors_for_posts($posts);
 251      }
 253      /**
 254       * Get the user context ids for each of the authors.
 255       *
 256       * @param int[] $authorids The list of author ids to fetch context ids for.
 257       * @return int[] Context ids indexed by author id
 258       */
 259      private function get_author_context_ids(array $authorids) : array {
 260          $authorvault = $this->vaultfactory->get_author_vault();
 261          return $authorvault->get_context_ids_for_author_ids($authorids);
 262      }
 264      /**
 265       * Load the list of all attachments for the posts. The list of attachments will be
 266       * indexed by the post id.
 267       *
 268       * @param array $groupedposts List of posts grouped by discussions.
 269       * @return stored_file[]
 270       */
 271      private function get_attachments_for_posts(array $groupedposts) : array {
 272          $attachmentsbypostid = [];
 273          $postattachmentvault = $this->vaultfactory->get_post_attachment_vault();
 274          $postsbyforum = array_reduce($groupedposts, function($carry, $grouping) {
 275              ['forum' => $forum, 'posts' => $posts] = $grouping;
 277              $forumid = $forum->get_id();
 278              if (!isset($carry[$forumid])) {
 279                  $carry[$forumid] = [
 280                      'forum' => $forum,
 281                      'posts' => []
 282                  ];
 283              }
 285              $carry[$forumid]['posts'] = array_merge($carry[$forumid]['posts'], $posts);
 286              return $carry;
 287          }, []);
 289          foreach ($postsbyforum as $grouping) {
 290              ['forum' => $forum, 'posts' => $posts] = $grouping;
 291              $attachments = $postattachmentvault->get_attachments_for_posts($forum->get_context(), $posts);
 293              // Have to loop in order to maintain the correct indexes since they are numeric.
 294              foreach ($attachments as $postid => $attachment) {
 295                  $attachmentsbypostid[$postid] = $attachment;
 296              }
 297          }
 299          return $attachmentsbypostid;
 300      }
 302      /**
 303       * Get the groups for each author of the given posts.
 304       *
 305       * The results are grouped by course and then author id because the groups are
 306       * contextually related to the course, e.g. a single author can be part of two different
 307       * sets of groups in two different courses.
 308       *
 309       * @param array $groupedposts List of posts grouped by discussions.
 310       * @return array List of groups indexed by forum id and then author id.
 311       */
 312      private function get_author_groups_from_posts(array $groupedposts) : array {
 313          $groupsbyauthorid = [];
 314          $authoridsbycourseid = [];
 316          // Get the unique list of author ids for each course in the grouped
 317          // posts. Grouping by course is the largest grouping we can achieve.
 318          foreach ($groupedposts as $grouping) {
 319              ['forum' => $forum, 'posts' => $posts] = $grouping;
 320              $course = $forum->get_course_record();
 321              $courseid = $course->id;
 323              if (!isset($authoridsbycourseid[$courseid])) {
 324                  $coursemodule = $forum->get_course_module_record();
 325                  $authoridsbycourseid[$courseid] = [
 326                      'groupingid' => $coursemodule->groupingid,
 327                      'authorids' => []
 328                  ];
 329              }
 331              $authorids = array_map(function($post) {
 332                  return $post->get_author_id();
 333              }, $posts);
 335              foreach ($authorids as $authorid) {
 336                  $authoridsbycourseid[$courseid]['authorids'][$authorid] = $authorid;
 337              }
 338          }
 340          // Load each set of groups per course.
 341          foreach ($authoridsbycourseid as $courseid => $values) {
 342              ['groupingid' => $groupingid, 'authorids' => $authorids] = $values;
 343              $authorgroups = groups_get_all_groups(
 344                  $courseid,
 345                  array_keys($authorids),
 346                  $groupingid,
 347                  'g.*,, gm.groupid, gm.userid'
 348              );
 350              if (!isset($groupsbyauthorid[$courseid])) {
 351                  $groupsbyauthorid[$courseid] = [];
 352              }
 354              foreach ($authorgroups as $group) {
 355                  // Clean up data returned from groups_get_all_groups.
 356                  $userid = $group->userid;
 357                  $groupid = $group->groupid;
 359                  unset($group->userid);
 360                  unset($group->groupid);
 361                  $group->id = $groupid;
 363                  if (!isset($groupsbyauthorid[$courseid][$userid])) {
 364                      $groupsbyauthorid[$courseid][$userid] = [];
 365                  }
 367                  $groupsbyauthorid[$courseid][$userid][] = $group;
 368              }
 369          }
 371          return $groupsbyauthorid;
 372      }
 374      /**
 375       * Get the list of tags for each of the posts. The tags will be returned in an
 376       * array indexed by the post id.
 377       *
 378       * @param post_entity[] $posts The list of posts to load tags for.
 379       * @return array Sets of tags indexed by post id.
 380       */
 381      private function get_tags_from_posts(array $posts) : array {
 382          $postids = array_map(function($post) {
 383              return $post->get_id();
 384          }, $posts);
 385          return core_tag_tag::get_items_tags('mod_forum', 'forum_posts', $postids);
 386      }
 388      /**
 389       * Get the list of ratings for each post. The ratings are returned in an array
 390       * indexed by the post id.
 391       *
 392       * @param stdClass $user The user viewing the ratings.
 393       * @param array $groupedposts List of posts grouped by discussions.
 394       * @return array Sets of ratings indexed by post id.
 395       */
 396      private function get_ratings_from_posts(stdClass $user, array $groupedposts) {
 397          $ratingsbypostid = [];
 398          $postsdatamapper = $this->legacydatamapperfactory->get_post_data_mapper();
 399          $postsbyforum = array_reduce($groupedposts, function($carry, $grouping) {
 400              ['forum' => $forum, 'posts' => $posts] = $grouping;
 402              $forumid = $forum->get_id();
 403              if (!isset($carry[$forumid])) {
 404                  $carry[$forumid] = [
 405                      'forum' => $forum,
 406                      'posts' => []
 407                  ];
 408              }
 410              $carry[$forumid]['posts'] = array_merge($carry[$forumid]['posts'], $posts);
 411              return $carry;
 412          }, []);
 414          foreach ($postsbyforum as $grouping) {
 415              ['forum' => $forum, 'posts' => $posts] = $grouping;
 417              if (!$forum->has_rating_aggregate()) {
 418                  continue;
 419              }
 421              $items = $postsdatamapper->to_legacy_objects($posts);
 422              $ratingoptions = (object) [
 423                  'context' => $forum->get_context(),
 424                  'component' => 'mod_forum',
 425                  'ratingarea' => 'post',
 426                  'items' => $items,
 427                  'aggregate' => $forum->get_rating_aggregate(),
 428                  'scaleid' => $forum->get_scale(),
 429                  'userid' => $user->id,
 430                  'assesstimestart' => $forum->get_assess_time_start(),
 431                  'assesstimefinish' => $forum->get_assess_time_finish()
 432              ];
 434              $rm = $this->ratingmanager;
 435              $items = $rm->get_ratings($ratingoptions);
 437              foreach ($items as $item) {
 438                  $ratingsbypostid[$item->id] = empty($item->rating) ? null : $item->rating;
 439              }
 440          }
 442          return $ratingsbypostid;
 443      }
 445      /**
 446       * Get the read receipt collections for the given viewing user and each forum. The
 447       * receipt collections will only be loaded for posts in forums that the user is tracking.
 448       *
 449       * The receipt collections are returned in an array indexed by the forum ids.
 450       *
 451       * @param stdClass $user The user viewing the posts.
 452       * @param array $groupedposts List of posts grouped by discussions.
 453       */
 454      private function get_read_receipts_from_posts(stdClass $user, array $groupedposts) {
 455          $forumdatamapper = $this->legacydatamapperfactory->get_forum_data_mapper();
 456          $trackedforums = [];
 457          $trackedpostids = [];
 459          foreach ($groupedposts as $group) {
 460              ['forum' => $forum, 'posts' => $posts] = $group;
 461              $forumid = $forum->get_id();
 463              if (!isset($trackedforums[$forumid])) {
 464                  $forumrecord = $forumdatamapper->to_legacy_object($forum);
 465                  $trackedforums[$forumid] = forum_tp_is_tracked($forumrecord, $user);
 466              }
 468              if ($trackedforums[$forumid]) {
 469                  foreach ($posts as $post) {
 470                      $trackedpostids[] = $post->get_id();
 471                  }
 472              }
 473          }
 475          if (empty($trackedpostids)) {
 476              return [];
 477          }
 479          // We can just load a single receipt collection for all tracked posts.
 480          $receiptvault = $this->vaultfactory->get_post_read_receipt_collection_vault();
 481          $readreceiptcollection = $receiptvault->get_from_user_id_and_post_ids($user->id, $trackedpostids);
 482          $receiptsbyforumid = [];
 484          // Assign the collection to all forums that are tracked.
 485          foreach ($trackedforums as $forumid => $tracked) {
 486              if ($tracked) {
 487                  $receiptsbyforumid[$forumid] = $readreceiptcollection;
 488              }
 489          }
 491          return $receiptsbyforumid;
 492      }
 494      /**
 495       * Sort the list of exported posts back into the same order as the given posts.
 496       * The ordering of the exported posts can often deviate from the given posts due
 497       * to the process of exporting them so we need to sort them back into the order
 498       * that the calling code expected.
 499       *
 500       * @param post_entity[] $posts The posts in the expected order.
 501       * @param stdClass[] $exportedposts The list of exported posts in any order.
 502       * @return stdClass[] Sorted exported posts.
 503       */
 504      private function sort_exported_posts(array $posts, array $exportedposts) {
 505          $postindexes = [];
 506          foreach (array_values($posts) as $index => $post) {
 507              $postindexes[$post->get_id()] = $index;
 508          }
 510          $sortedexportedposts = [];
 512          foreach ($exportedposts as $exportedpost) {
 513              $index = $postindexes[$exportedpost->id];
 514              $sortedexportedposts[$index] = $exportedpost;
 515          }
 517          return $sortedexportedposts;
 518      }
 519  }