Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
FolderUp one level  
Fileadmin.php                 [source] [55 lines]    Listing of the course administration pages for this course.
Filebulkcompletion.php        [source] [87 lines]    Bulk activity completion selection
Filecategory.ajax.php         [source] [39 lines]    Helps moodle-course-categoryexpander to serve AJAX requests
Filechangenumsections.php     [source] [109 lines]   This script allows the number of sections in a course to be increased or decreased, redirecting to the course page.
Filecompletion.php            [source] [170 lines]   Edit course completion settings
Filecompletion_form.php       [source] [269 lines]   Edit course completion settings - the form definition.
Filecustomfield.php           [source] [37 lines]    Manage course custom fields
Filedefaultcompletion.php     [source] [81 lines]    Bulk activity completion selection
Filedelete.php                [source] [100 lines]   Admin-only code to delete a course utterly.
Filedndupload.php             [source] [41 lines]    Starting point for drag and drop course uploads
Filednduploadlib.php          [source] [667 lines]   Library to handle drag and drop course uploads
Fileedit.php                  [source] [251 lines]   Edit course settings
Fileedit_form.php             [source] [465 lines]   
Fileeditbulkcompletion.php    [source] [77 lines]    Bulk activity completion selection
Fileeditcategory.php          [source] [116 lines]   Page for creating or editing course category name/parent/description.
Fileeditdefaultcompletion.php [source] [75 lines]    Bulk activity completion selection
Fileeditsection.php           [source] [148 lines]   Edit the section basic information and availability
Fileeditsection_form.php      [source] [134 lines]   
Fileenrol.php                 [source] [30 lines]    Redirection of old enrol entry point.
Fileexternallib.php           [source] [4442 lines]  External course API
Fileindex.php                 [source] [77 lines]    Lists the course categories
Fileinfo.php                  [source] [83 lines]    Displays external information about a course
Filejumpto.php                [source] [41 lines]    Jumps to a given relative or Moodle absolute URL. Mostly used for accessibility.
Filelib.php                   [source] [4999 lines]  Library of useful functions
Fileloginas.php               [source] [93 lines]    
Filemanagement.php            [source] [523 lines]   Course and category management interfaces.
Filemod.php                   [source] [279 lines]   Moves, adds, updates, duplicates or deletes modules in a course
Filemodduplicate.php          [source] [45 lines]    Duplicates a given course module
Filemodedit.php               [source] [215 lines]   Adds or updates modules in a course using new formslib
Filemodlib.php                [source] [843 lines]   Library of functions specific to course/modedit.php and course API functions. The course API function calling them are course/lib.php:create_module() and update_module(). This file has been created has an alternative solution to a full refactor of course/modedit.php in order to create the course API functions.
Filemoodleform_mod.php        [source] [1278 lines]  Moodleform.
Filepending.php               [source] [159 lines]   Allow the administrator to look through a list of course requests and approve or reject them.
Filerecent.php                [source] [274 lines]   Display all recent activity in a flexible way
Filerecent_form.php           [source] [172 lines]   Display all recent activity in a flexible way
Filerecommendations.php       [source] [60 lines]    Site recommendations for the activity chooser.
Filerenderer.php              [source] [2791 lines]  Renderer for use with the course section and all the goodness that falls within it. This renderer should contain methods useful to courses, and categories.
Filereport.php                [source] [41 lines]    
Filerequest.php               [source] [92 lines]    Allows a user to request a course be created for them.
Filerequest_form.php          [source] [150 lines]   Forms associated with requesting courses, and having requests approved. Note that several related forms are defined in this one file.
Filereset.php                 [source] [108 lines]   The purpose of this feature is to quickly remove all user related data from a course in order to make it available for a new semester. This feature can handle the removal of general course data like students, teachers, logs, events and groups as well as module specific data. Each module must be modified to take advantage of this new feature. The feature will also reset the start date of the course if necessary.
Filereset_form.php            [source] [202 lines]   Provides the course_reset_form class.
Fileresources.php             [source] [150 lines]   List of all resource type modules in course
Filerest.php                  [source] [88 lines]    Provide interface for topics AJAX course formats
Filescales.php                [source] [143 lines]   Allows a creator to edit custom scales, and also display help about scales
Filesearch.php                [source] [112 lines]   Displays external information about a course
Fileswitchrole.php            [source] [115 lines]   The purpose of this file is to allow the user to switch roles and be redirected back to the page that they were on.
Fileswitchrole_form.php       [source] [96 lines]    Switch roles form.
Filetags.php                  [source] [67 lines]    Edit course tags
Filetags_form.php             [source] [53 lines]    Edit course tags form
Filetogglecompletion.php      [source] [190 lines]   Toggles the manual completion flag for a particular activity or course completion and the current user.
Fileuser.php                  [source] [195 lines]   Display user activity reports for a course
Fileview.php                  [source] [303 lines]