Developer Documentation

See Release Notes
Long Term Support Release

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 3.9.x will end* 10 May 2021 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 3.9.x will end* 8 May 2023 (36 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.2.0 Note: minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.8. PHP 7.3.x and 7.4.x are supported too.
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Filecaching_content_item_readonly_repository_test.php [source] [81 lines]    Contains the test class for the caching_content_item_readonly_repository class.
Filecategory_hooks_test.php                           [source] [215 lines]   Tests for class core_course_category methods invoking hooks.
Filecategory_test.php                                 [source] [1105 lines]  Tests for class core_course_category
Filecontent_item_readonly_repository_test.php         [source] [104 lines]   Contains the test class for the content_item_readonly_repository class.
Filecontent_item_test.php                             [source] [73 lines]    Contains tests for the \core_course\local\entity\content_item class.
Filecourseformat_test.php                             [source] [247 lines]   Course related unit tests
Filecourselib_test.php                                [source] [7122 lines]  Course related unit tests
Filecourserequest_test.php                            [source] [176 lines]   Course request related unit tests
Filecustomfield_test.php                              [source] [191 lines]   Tests for customfields in courses
Fileevents_test.php                                   [source] [139 lines]   This file contains the class that handles testing of course events.
Fileexporters_content_item_test.php                   [source] [122 lines]   Contains the tests for the course_content_item_exporter class.
Fileexporters_content_items_test.php                  [source] [68 lines]    Contains the tests for the course_content_items_exporter class.
Fileexternallib_test.php                              [source] [3540 lines]  External course functions unit tests
Fileindicators_test.php                               [source] [343 lines]   Unit tests for core_course indicators.
Filemanagement_helper_test.php                        [source] [1306 lines]  Course and category management helper class tests.
Filemodlib_test.php                                   [source] [156 lines]   Module lib related unit tests
Fileprivacy_test.php                                  [source] [475 lines]   Privacy tests for core_course.
Filerestore_test.php                                  [source] [538 lines]   Course restore tests.
Filesearch_test.php                                   [source] [618 lines]   Course global search unit tests.
Fileservices_content_item_service_test.php            [source] [258 lines]   Contains the tests for the content_item_service class.
Filetargets_test.php                                  [source] [653 lines]   Unit tests for core targets.