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Moodle 4.0 XRef and Diffs
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Moodle 4.0
Moodle 4.0 Database Schema
Moodle 4.3
Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.1
Moodle 4.0
Moodle 3.11
Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.9
Search moodle.org's
Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
Moodle 4.0 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Variable Cross Reference
line 412
line 47
line 95
line 4827
line 1136
line 1139
line 83
line 87
line 133
line 138
line 143
line 5348
line 5896
line 5898
line 313
line 300
line 885
line 105
line 351
line 68
line 186
line 313
line 36
line 293
line 102
line 1990
line 2110
line 548
line 833
line 1022
line 1062
line 1259
line 375
line 54
line 32
line 128
line 1737
line 1783
line 1829
line 1881
line 122
line 465
line 503
line 163
line 132
line 47
line 93
line 39
line 229
line 94
line 457
line 1193
line 134
line 436
line 221
line 974
line 376
line 495
line 33
line 60
line 44
Referenced 777 times:
line 45
line 53
line 150
line 181
line 271
line 50
line 412
line 47
line 48
line 54
line 71
line 79
line 82
line 95
line 39
line 42
line 46
line 50
line 54
line 58
line 62
line 66
line 89
line 50
line 97
line 281
line 283
line 324
line 214
line 86
line 126
line 168
line 1176
line 1176
line 1296
line 1409
line 2575
line 2577
line 2598
line 2631
line 3149
line 3913
line 3913
line 3985
line 3995
line 4827
line 4827
line 4830
line 5239
line 5290
line 104
line 105
line 390
line 729
line 828
line 829
line 973
line 974
line 1135
line 1136
line 1136
line 1139
line 1139
line 1142
line 125
line 29
line 73
line 131
line 171
line 207
line 248
line 172
line 193
line 327
line 344
line 406
line 471
line 540
line 572
line 706
line 744
line 929
line 977
line 1124
line 1154
line 1263
line 1286
line 1387
line 1439
line 1462
line 1522
line 1613
line 1631
line 1650
line 1826
line 56
line 74
line 85
line 95
line 104
line 434
line 435
line 59
line 83
line 87
line 88
line 133
line 134
line 138
line 139
line 143
line 144
line 121
line 122
line 5348
line 5348
line 5370
line 5411
line 5412
line 5413
line 5413
line 5415
line 5896
line 5898
line 5900
line 5955
line 5956
line 5987
line 5993
line 5994
line 5996
line 5996
line 5998
line 6001
line 6261
line 6272
line 6273
line 471
line 74
line 152
line 340
line 43
line 46
line 50
line 84
line 88
line 93
line 105
line 119
line 141
line 313
line 37
line 40
line 44
line 48
line 52
line 300
line 301
line 301
line 302
line 311
line 312
line 313
line 416
line 486
line 496
line 506
line 567
line 568
line 885
line 886
line 887
line 973
line 1048
line 85
line 105
line 105
line 106
line 110
line 351
line 83
line 44
line 45
line 45
line 555
line 271
line 53
line 104
line 140
line 180
line 183
line 187
line 192
line 194
line 246
line 207
line 209
line 288
line 62
line 39
line 42
line 46
line 50
line 67
line 72
line 78
line 83
line 90
line 100
line 129
line 191
line 197
line 212
line 230
line 67
line 68
line 68
line 69
line 71
line 210
line 204
line 282
line 293
line 296
line 299
line 303
line 308
line 321
line 324
line 332
line 338
line 709
line 834
line 852
line 113
line 114
line 115
line 117
line 48
line 52
line 172
line 42
line 45
line 49
line 57
line 61
line 67
line 80
line 92
line 116
line 163
line 56
line 57
line 62
line 63
line 91
line 95
line 96
line 98
line 178
line 186
line 186
line 187
line 189
line 204
line 220
line 313
line 313
line 314
line 316
line 321
line 338
line 235
line 305
line 36
line 35
line 38
line 42
line 53
line 57
line 62
line 67
line 293
line 294
line 48
line 51
line 55
line 59
line 63
line 86
line 102
line 150
line 150
line 44
line 47
line 51
line 83
line 92
line 108
line 112
line 117
line 135
line 144
line 148
line 164
line 169
line 187
line 238
line 290
line 371
line 416
line 419
line 430
line 67
line 87
line 225
line 94
line 334
line 435
line 453
line 453
line 454
line 524
line 524
line 570
line 571
line 346
line 346
line 1990
line 1992
line 2110
line 2174
line 2266
line 2471
line 208
line 313
line 62
line 106
line 165
line 238
line 267
line 301
line 329
line 37
line 40
line 44
line 48
line 52
line 56
line 72
line 75
line 90
line 104
line 527
line 527
line 992
line 1316
line 1408
line 1408
line 548
line 549
line 549
line 833
line 836
line 1022
line 1022
line 1023
line 1025
line 1062
line 1062
line 1063
line 1064
line 1259
line 1260
line 37
line 40
line 44
line 48
line 52
line 43
line 46
line 50
line 54
line 58
line 64
line 80
line 83
line 100
line 165
line 182
line 200
line 201
line 202
line 203
line 217
line 220
line 223
line 226
line 375
line 40
line 43
line 47
line 88
line 114
line 118
line 134
line 137
line 153
line 160
line 179
line 237
line 278
line 44
line 106
line 119
line 141
line 54
line 59
line 74
line 133
line 147
line 178
line 345
line 32
line 51
line 52
line 127
line 130
line 130
line 134
line 135
line 149
line 197
line 118
line 131
line 69
line 111
line 126
line 46
line 95
line 100
line 152
line 156
line 156
line 570
line 617
line 705
line 64
line 336
line 93
line 95
line 95
line 128
line 128
line 130
line 135
line 121
line 168
line 312
line 27
line 53
line 76
line 152
line 1737
line 1743
line 1783
line 1789
line 1829
line 1835
line 1881
line 1887
line 122
line 168
line 175
line 180
line 180
line 75
line 87
line 615
line 186
line 211
line 1397
line 87
line 465
line 502
line 503
line 503
line 505
line 64
line 72
line 87
line 88
line 163
line 168
line 198
line 212
line 530
line 226
line 716
line 197
line 261
line 551
line 560
line 561
line 1810
line 39
line 42
line 46
line 73
line 76
line 95
line 99
line 108
line 115
line 134
line 191
line 231
line 284
line 40
line 43
line 47
line 51
line 55
line 59
line 75
line 78
line 95
line 134
line 156
line 77
line 121
line 50
line 70
line 93
line 109
line 138
line 234
line 537
line 577
line 643
line 714
line 765
line 809
line 811
line 889
line 123
line 123
line 132
line 132
line 133
line 218
line 221
line 222
line 225
line 227
line 232
line 237
line 238
line 250
line 251
line 259
line 263
line 267
line 284
line 286
line 298
line 300
line 312
line 314
line 329
line 356
line 396
line 47
line 48
line 54
line 69
line 77
line 80
line 93
line 100
line 39
line 45
line 49
line 54
line 81
line 85
line 94
line 128
line 152
line 189
line 248
line 301
line 355
line 401
line 403
line 261
line 270
line 284
line 333
line 346
line 388
line 398
line 411
line 421
line 229
line 229
line 234
line 237
line 238
line 94
line 155
line 155
line 457
line 459
line 465
line 468
line 468
line 470
line 113
line 113
line 29
line 59
line 102
line 161
line 237
line 267
line 301
line 329
line 1193
line 1196
line 1275
line 1276
line 1278
line 1281
line 1284
line 1334
line 1353
line 1356
line 1357
line 1763
line 1768
line 1902
line 1904
line 1947
line 1959
line 1967
line 44
line 202
line 134
line 436
line 221
line 231
line 51
line 142
line 55
line 77
line 974
line 980
line 1003
line 376
line 495
line 33
line 53
line 60
line 60
line 78
line 93
line 160
line 162
line 162
line 167
line 72
line 73
line 74
line 446
line 499
line 571
line 629
line 659
line 675
line 745
line 777
line 819
line 953
line 1036
line 1040
line 1070
line 1071
line 1077
line 1219
line 1227
line 1257
line 1265
line 1410
line 1500
line 1534
line 230
line 46
line 47
line 47
line 49
line 51
line 52
line 52
line 52
line 56
line 80
line 106
line 133
line 143
line 163
line 219
line 229
line 305
line 344
line 366
line 386
line 408
line 447
line 478
line 325
line 65
line 164
line 195
line 266
line 291
line 51
line 239
line 386
line 751
line 848
line 854
line 888
line 6897
line 6898
line 77
line 44
line 44
line 48
line 49
line 53
line 108
line 52
line 112
line 269
line 42
line 45
line 49
line 109
line 113
line 124
line 138
line 160
line 185
line 52
line 55
line 146
line 195
line 195
line 196
line 211
line 221
line 293
line 298
line 317
line 322
line 414
line 431
line 454
line 461
line 464
line 567
line 634
line 646
line 652
line 70
line 96