Developer Documentation

See Release Notes

  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

Differences Between: [Versions 400 and 402] [Versions 400 and 403]

   1  <?php
   2  // This file is part of Moodle -
   3  //
   4  // Moodle is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
   5  // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   6  // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
   7  // (at your option) any later version.
   8  //
   9  // Moodle is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
  10  // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
  12  // GNU General Public License for more details.
  13  //
  14  // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
  15  // along with Moodle.  If not, see <>.
  17  namespace mod_quiz\question\bank;
  19  use core_question\local\bank\question_version_status;
  20  use core_question\local\bank\random_question_loader;
  21  use qubaid_condition;
  23  defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die();
  25  require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/accessmanager.php');
  26  require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/quiz/attemptlib.php');
  28  /**
  29   * Helper class for question bank and its associated data.
  30   *
  31   * @package    mod_quiz
  32   * @category   question
  33   * @copyright  2021 Catalyst IT Australia Pty Ltd
  34   * @author     Safat Shahin <>
  35   * @license GNU GPL v3 or later
  36   */
  37  class qbank_helper {
  39      /**
  40       * Get the available versions of a question where one of the version has the given question id.
  41       *
  42       * @param int $questionid id of a question.
  43       * @return \stdClass[] other versions of this question. Each object has fields versionid,
  44       *       version and questionid. Array is returned most recent version first.
  45       */
  46      public static function get_version_options(int $questionid): array {
  47          global $DB;
  49          return $DB->get_records_sql("
  50                  SELECT AS versionid,
  51                         allversions.version,
  52                         allversions.questionid
  54                    FROM {question_versions} allversions
  56                   WHERE allversions.questionbankentryid = (
  57                              SELECT givenversion.questionbankentryid
  58                                FROM {question_versions} givenversion
  59                               WHERE givenversion.questionid = ?
  60                         )
  61                     AND allversions.status <> ?
  63                ORDER BY allversions.version DESC
  64                ", [$questionid, question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_DRAFT]);
  65      }
  67      /**
  68       * Get the information about which questions should be used to create a quiz attempt.
  69       *
  70       * Each element in the returned array is indexed by slot.slot (slot number) an each object hass:
  71       * - All the field of the slot table.
  72       * - contextid for where the question(s) come from.
  73       * - category id for where the questions come from.
  74       * - For non-random questions, All the fields of the question table (but id is in questionid).
  75       *   Also question version and question bankentryid.
  76       * - For random questions, filtercondition, which is also unpacked into category, randomrecurse,
  77       *   randomtags, and note that these also have a ->name set and ->qtype set to 'random'.
  78       *
  79       * @param int $quizid the id of the quiz to load the data for.
  80       * @param \context_module $quizcontext the context of this quiz.
  81       * @param int|null $slotid optional, if passed only load the data for this one slot (if it is in this quiz).
  82       * @return array indexed by slot, with information about the content of each slot.
  83       */
  84      public static function get_question_structure(int $quizid, \context_module $quizcontext,
  85              int $slotid = null): array {
  86          global $DB;
  88          $params = [
  89              'draft' => question_version_status::QUESTION_STATUS_DRAFT,
  90              'quizcontextid' => $quizcontext->id,
  91              'quizcontextid2' => $quizcontext->id,
  92              'quizcontextid3' => $quizcontext->id,
  93              'quizid' => $quizid,
  94              'quizid2' => $quizid,
  95          ];
  96          $slotidtest = '';
  97          $slotidtest2 = '';
  98          if ($slotid !== null) {
  99              $params['slotid'] = $slotid;
 100              $params['slotid2'] = $slotid;
 101              $slotidtest = ' AND = :slotid';
 102              $slotidtest2 = ' AND = :slotid2';
 103          }
 105          // Load all the data about each slot.
 106          $slotdata = $DB->get_records_sql("
 107                  SELECT slot.slot,
 108                AS slotid,
 109               ,
 110                         slot.maxmark,
 111                         slot.requireprevious,
 112                         qsr.filtercondition,
 113                         qv.status,
 114                AS versionid,
 115                         qv.version,
 116                         qr.version AS requestedversion,
 117                         qv.questionbankentryid,
 118                AS questionid,
 119                         q.*,
 120                AS category,
 121                         COALESCE(qc.contextid, qsr.questionscontextid) AS contextid
 123                    FROM {quiz_slots} slot
 125               -- case where a particular question has been added to the quiz.
 126               LEFT JOIN {question_references} qr ON qr.usingcontextid = :quizcontextid AND qr.component = 'mod_quiz'
 127                                          AND qr.questionarea = 'slot' AND qr.itemid =
 128               LEFT JOIN {question_bank_entries} qbe ON = qr.questionbankentryid
 130               -- This way of getting the latest version for each slot is a bit more complicated
 131               -- than we would like, but the simpler SQL did not work in Oracle 11.2.
 132               -- (It did work fine in Oracle 19.x, so once we have updated our min supported
 133               -- version we could consider digging the old code out of git history from
 134               -- just before the commit that added this comment.
 135               -- For relevant question_bank_entries, this gets the latest non-draft slot number.
 136               LEFT JOIN (
 137                     SELECT lv.questionbankentryid,
 138                            MAX(CASE WHEN lv.status <> :draft THEN lv.version END) AS usableversion,
 139                            MAX(lv.version) AS anyversion
 140                       FROM {quiz_slots} lslot
 141                       JOIN {question_references} lqr ON lqr.usingcontextid = :quizcontextid2 AND lqr.component = 'mod_quiz'
 142                                          AND lqr.questionarea = 'slot' AND lqr.itemid =
 143                       JOIN {question_versions} lv ON lv.questionbankentryid = lqr.questionbankentryid
 144                      WHERE lslot.quizid = :quizid2
 145                            $slotidtest2
 146                        AND lqr.version IS NULL
 147                   GROUP BY lv.questionbankentryid
 148               ) latestversions ON latestversions.questionbankentryid = qr.questionbankentryid
 150               LEFT JOIN {question_versions} qv ON qv.questionbankentryid =
 151                                         -- Either specified version, or latest usable version, or a draft version.
 152                                         AND qv.version = COALESCE(qr.version,
 153                                             latestversions.usableversion,
 154                                             latestversions.anyversion)
 155               LEFT JOIN {question_categories} qc ON = qbe.questioncategoryid
 156               LEFT JOIN {question} q ON = qv.questionid
 158               -- Case where a random question has been added.
 159               LEFT JOIN {question_set_references} qsr ON qsr.usingcontextid = :quizcontextid3 AND qsr.component = 'mod_quiz'
 160                                          AND qsr.questionarea = 'slot' AND qsr.itemid =
 162                   WHERE slot.quizid = :quizid
 163                         $slotidtest
 165                ORDER BY slot.slot
 166                ", $params);
 168          // Unpack the random info from question_set_reference.
 169          foreach ($slotdata as $slot) {
 170              // Ensure the right id is the id.
 171              $slot->id = $slot->slotid;
 173              if ($slot->filtercondition) {
 174                  // Unpack the information about a random question.
 175                  $filtercondition = json_decode($slot->filtercondition);
 176                  $slot->questionid = 's' . $slot->id; // Sometimes this is used as an array key, so needs to be unique.
 177                  $slot->category = $filtercondition->questioncategoryid;
 178                  $slot->randomrecurse = (bool) $filtercondition->includingsubcategories;
 179                  $slot->randomtags = isset($filtercondition->tags) ? (array) $filtercondition->tags : [];
 180                  $slot->qtype = 'random';
 181                  $slot->name = get_string('random', 'quiz');
 182                  $slot->length = 1;
 183              } else if ($slot->qtype === null) {
 184                  // This question must have gone missing. Put in a placeholder.
 185                  $slot->questionid = 's' . $slot->id; // Sometimes this is used as an array key, so needs to be unique.
 186                  $slot->category = 0;
 187                  $slot->qtype = 'missingtype';
 188                  $slot->name = get_string('missingquestion', 'quiz');
 189                  $slot->questiontext = ' ';
 190                  $slot->questiontextformat = FORMAT_HTML;
 191                  $slot->length = 1;
 192              } else if (!\question_bank::qtype_exists($slot->qtype)) {
 193                  // Question of unknown type found in the database. Set to placeholder question types instead.
 194                  $slot->qtype = 'missingtype';
 195              } else {
 196                  $slot->_partiallyloaded = 1;
 197              }
 198          }
 200          return $slotdata;
 201      }
 203      /**
 204       * Get this list of random selection tag ids from one of the slots returned by get_question_structure.
 205       *
 206       * @param \stdClass $slotdata one of the array elements returned by get_question_structure.
 207       * @return array list of tag ids.
 208       */
 209      public static function get_tag_ids_for_slot(\stdClass $slotdata): array {
 210          $tagids = [];
 211          foreach ($slotdata->randomtags as $taginfo) {
 212              [$id] = explode(',', $taginfo, 2);
 213              $tagids[] = $id;
 214          }
 215          return $tagids;
 216      }
 218      /**
 219       * Given a slot from the array returned by get_question_structure, describe the random question it represents.
 220       *
 221       * @param \stdClass $slotdata one of the array elements returned by get_question_structure.
 222       * @return string that can be used to display the random slot.
 223       */
 224      public static function describe_random_question(\stdClass $slotdata): string {
 225          global $DB;
 226          $category = $DB->get_record('question_categories', ['id' => $slotdata->category]);
 227          return \question_bank::get_qtype('random')->question_name(
 228                 $category, $slotdata->randomrecurse, $slotdata->randomtags);
 229      }
 231      /**
 232       * Choose question for redo in a particular slot.
 233       *
 234       * @param int $quizid the id of the quiz to load the data for.
 235       * @param \context_module $quizcontext the context of this quiz.
 236       * @param int $slotid optional, if passed only load the data for this one slot (if it is in this quiz).
 237       * @param qubaid_condition $qubaids attempts to consider when avoiding picking repeats of random questions.
 238       * @return int the id of the question to use.
 239       */
 240      public static function choose_question_for_redo(int $quizid, \context_module $quizcontext,
 241              int $slotid, qubaid_condition $qubaids): int {
 242          $slotdata = self::get_question_structure($quizid, $quizcontext, $slotid);
 243          $slotdata = reset($slotdata);
 245          // Non-random question.
 246          if ($slotdata->qtype != 'random') {
 247              return $slotdata->questionid;
 248          }
 250          // Random question.
 251          $randomloader = new random_question_loader($qubaids, []);
 252          $newqusetionid = $randomloader->get_next_question_id($slotdata->category,
 253                  $slotdata->randomrecurse, self::get_tag_ids_for_slot($slotdata));
 255          if ($newqusetionid === null) {
 256              throw new \moodle_exception('notenoughrandomquestions', 'quiz');
 257          }
 258          return $newqusetionid;
 259      }
 260  }