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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.

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Defines 1 class

Statistical:: (81 methods):

Class: Statistical  - X-Ref

AVEDEV(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the average of the absolute deviations of data points from their mean.
AVEDEV is a measure of the variability in a data set.

Excel Function:
AVEDEV(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

AVERAGE(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the average (arithmetic mean) of the arguments

Excel Function:
AVERAGE(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

AVERAGEA(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the average of its arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values

Excel Function:
AVERAGEA(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

AVERAGEIF($range, $condition, $averageRange = [])   X-Ref

Returns the average value from a range of cells that contain numbers within the list of arguments

Excel Function:
AVERAGEIF(value1[,value2[, ...]],condition)

return: null|float|string
param: mixed $range Data values
param: string $condition the criteria that defines which cells will be checked
param: mixed[] $averageRange Data values

BETADIST($value, $alpha, $beta, $rMin = 0, $rMax = 1)   X-Ref

Returns the beta distribution.

return: float|string
param: float $value Value at which you want to evaluate the distribution
param: float $alpha Parameter to the distribution
param: float $beta Parameter to the distribution
param: mixed $rMin
param: mixed $rMax

BETAINV($probability, $alpha, $beta, $rMin = 0, $rMax = 1)   X-Ref

Returns the inverse of the Beta distribution.

return: float|string
param: float $probability Probability at which you want to evaluate the distribution
param: float $alpha Parameter to the distribution
param: float $beta Parameter to the distribution
param: float $rMin Minimum value
param: float $rMax Maximum value

BINOMDIST($value, $trials, $probability, $cumulative)   X-Ref

Returns the individual term binomial distribution probability. Use BINOMDIST in problems with
a fixed number of tests or trials, when the outcomes of any trial are only success or failure,
when trials are independent, and when the probability of success is constant throughout the
experiment. For example, BINOMDIST can calculate the probability that two of the next three
babies born are male.

return: float|string
param: mixed $value Number of successes in trials
param: mixed $trials Number of trials
param: mixed $probability Probability of success on each trial
param: mixed $cumulative

CHIDIST($value, $degrees)   X-Ref

Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.

return: float|string
param: float $value Value for the function
param: float $degrees degrees of freedom

CHIINV($probability, $degrees)   X-Ref

Returns the one-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution.

return: float|string
param: float $probability Probability for the function
param: float $degrees degrees of freedom

CONFIDENCE($alpha, $stdDev, $size)   X-Ref

Returns the confidence interval for a population mean

return: float|string
param: float $alpha
param: float $stdDev Standard Deviation
param: float $size

CORREL($yValues, $xValues = null)   X-Ref

Returns covariance, the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair.

return: float|string
param: mixed $yValues array of mixed Data Series Y
param: null|mixed $xValues array of mixed Data Series X

COUNT(...$args)   X-Ref

Counts the number of cells that contain numbers within the list of arguments

Excel Function:
COUNT(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: int
param: mixed ...$args Data values

COUNTA(...$args)   X-Ref

Counts the number of cells that are not empty within the list of arguments

Excel Function:
COUNTA(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: int
param: mixed ...$args Data values

COUNTBLANK(...$args)   X-Ref

Counts the number of empty cells within the list of arguments

Excel Function:
COUNTBLANK(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: int
param: mixed ...$args Data values

COUNTIF($range, $condition)   X-Ref

Counts the number of cells that contain numbers within the list of arguments

Excel Function:

return: int
param: mixed $range Data values
param: string $condition the criteria that defines which cells will be counted

COUNTIFS(...$args)   X-Ref

Counts the number of cells that contain numbers within the list of arguments

Excel Function:
COUNTIFS(criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2]…)

return: int
param: mixed $args Pairs of Ranges and Criteria

COVAR($yValues, $xValues)   X-Ref

Returns covariance, the average of the products of deviations for each data point pair.

return: float|string
param: mixed $yValues array of mixed Data Series Y
param: mixed $xValues array of mixed Data Series X

CRITBINOM($trials, $probability, $alpha)   X-Ref

Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater
than or equal to a criterion value

See for details of the algorithm used

return: int|string
param: float $trials number of Bernoulli trials
param: float $probability probability of a success on each trial
param: float $alpha criterion value

DEVSQ(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the sum of squares of deviations of data points from their sample mean.

Excel Function:
DEVSQ(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

EXPONDIST($value, $lambda, $cumulative)   X-Ref

Returns the exponential distribution. Use EXPONDIST to model the time between events,
such as how long an automated bank teller takes to deliver cash. For example, you can
use EXPONDIST to determine the probability that the process takes at most 1 minute.

return: float|string
param: float $value Value of the function
param: float $lambda The parameter value
param: bool $cumulative

FDIST2($value, $u, $v, $cumulative)   X-Ref

Returns the F probability distribution.
You can use this function to determine whether two data sets have different degrees of diversity.
For example, you can examine the test scores of men and women entering high school, and determine
if the variability in the females is different from that found in the males.

return: float|string
param: float $value Value of the function
param: int $u The numerator degrees of freedom
param: int $v The denominator degrees of freedom
param: bool $cumulative If cumulative is TRUE, F.DIST returns the cumulative distribution function;

FISHER($value)   X-Ref

Returns the Fisher transformation at x. This transformation produces a function that
is normally distributed rather than skewed. Use this function to perform hypothesis
testing on the correlation coefficient.

return: float|string
param: float $value

FISHERINV($value)   X-Ref

Returns the inverse of the Fisher transformation. Use this transformation when
analyzing correlations between ranges or arrays of data. If y = FISHER(x), then

return: float|string
param: float $value

FORECAST($xValue, $yValues, $xValues)   X-Ref

Calculates, or predicts, a future value by using existing values. The predicted value is a y-value for a given x-value.

return: bool|float|string
param: float $xValue Value of X for which we want to find Y
param: mixed $yValues array of mixed Data Series Y
param: mixed $xValues of mixed Data Series X

GAMMAFunction($value)   X-Ref

Returns the gamma function value.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: float $value

GAMMADIST($value, $a, $b, $cumulative)   X-Ref

Returns the gamma distribution.

return: float|string
param: float $value Value at which you want to evaluate the distribution
param: float $a Parameter to the distribution
param: float $b Parameter to the distribution
param: bool $cumulative

GAMMAINV($probability, $alpha, $beta)   X-Ref

Returns the inverse of the Gamma distribution.

return: float|string
param: float $probability Probability at which you want to evaluate the distribution
param: float $alpha Parameter to the distribution
param: float $beta Parameter to the distribution

GAMMALN($value)   X-Ref

Returns the natural logarithm of the gamma function.

return: float|string
param: float $value

GAUSS($value)   X-Ref

Calculates the probability that a member of a standard normal population will fall between
the mean and z standard deviations from the mean.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: float $value

GEOMEAN(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the geometric mean of an array or range of positive data. For example, you
can use GEOMEAN to calculate average growth rate given compound interest with
variable rates.

Excel Function:
GEOMEAN(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

GROWTH($yValues, $xValues = [], $newValues = [], $const = true)   X-Ref

Returns values along a predicted exponential Trend

return: float[]
param: mixed[] $yValues Data Series Y
param: mixed[] $xValues Data Series X
param: mixed[] $newValues Values of X for which we want to find Y
param: bool $const a logical value specifying whether to force the intersect to equal 0

HARMEAN(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the harmonic mean of a data set. The harmonic mean is the reciprocal of the
arithmetic mean of reciprocals.

Excel Function:
HARMEAN(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

HYPGEOMDIST($sampleSuccesses, $sampleNumber, $populationSuccesses, $populationNumber)   X-Ref

Returns the hypergeometric distribution. HYPGEOMDIST returns the probability of a given number of
sample successes, given the sample size, population successes, and population size.

return: float|string
param: mixed $sampleSuccesses Number of successes in the sample
param: mixed $sampleNumber Size of the sample
param: mixed $populationSuccesses Number of successes in the population
param: mixed $populationNumber Population size

INTERCEPT($yValues, $xValues)   X-Ref

Calculates the point at which a line will intersect the y-axis by using existing x-values and y-values.

return: float|string
param: mixed[] $yValues Data Series Y
param: mixed[] $xValues Data Series X

KURT(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the kurtosis of a data set. Kurtosis characterizes the relative peakedness
or flatness of a distribution compared with the normal distribution. Positive
kurtosis indicates a relatively peaked distribution. Negative kurtosis indicates a
relatively flat distribution.

return: float|string
param: array ...$args Data Series

LARGE(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the nth largest value in a data set. You can use this function to
select a value based on its relative standing.

Excel Function:
LARGE(value1[,value2[, ...]],entry)

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $args Data values

LINEST($yValues, $xValues = null, $const = true, $stats = false)   X-Ref

Calculates the statistics for a line by using the "least squares" method to calculate a straight line that best fits your data,
and then returns an array that describes the line.

return: array|int|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed[] $yValues Data Series Y
param: null|mixed[] $xValues Data Series X
param: bool $const a logical value specifying whether to force the intersect to equal 0
param: bool $stats a logical value specifying whether to return additional regression statistics

LOGEST($yValues, $xValues = null, $const = true, $stats = false)   X-Ref

Calculates an exponential curve that best fits the X and Y data series,
and then returns an array that describes the line.

return: array|int|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed[] $yValues Data Series Y
param: null|mixed[] $xValues Data Series X
param: bool $const a logical value specifying whether to force the intersect to equal 0
param: bool $stats a logical value specifying whether to return additional regression statistics

LOGINV($probability, $mean, $stdDev)   X-Ref

Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: float $probability
param: float $mean
param: float $stdDev

LOGNORMDIST($value, $mean, $stdDev)   X-Ref

Returns the cumulative lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed
with parameters mean and standard_dev.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: float $value
param: float $mean
param: float $stdDev

LOGNORMDIST2($value, $mean, $stdDev, $cumulative = false)   X-Ref

Returns the lognormal distribution of x, where ln(x) is normally distributed
with parameters mean and standard_dev.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: float $value
param: float $mean
param: float $stdDev
param: bool $cumulative

MAX(...$args)   X-Ref

MAX returns the value of the element of the values passed that has the highest value,
with negative numbers considered smaller than positive numbers.

Excel Function:
max(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float
param: mixed ...$args Data values

MAXA(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the greatest value in a list of arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values

Excel Function:
maxA(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float
param: mixed ...$args Data values

MAXIFS(...$args)   X-Ref

Counts the maximum value within a range of cells that contain numbers within the list of arguments

Excel Function:
MAXIFS(max_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)

return: float
param: mixed $args Data range and criterias

MEDIAN(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the median of the given numbers. The median is the number in the middle of a set of numbers.

Excel Function:
MEDIAN(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed ...$args Data values

MIN(...$args)   X-Ref

MIN returns the value of the element of the values passed that has the smallest value,
with negative numbers considered smaller than positive numbers.

Excel Function:
MIN(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float
param: mixed ...$args Data values

MINA(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the smallest value in a list of arguments, including numbers, text, and logical values

Excel Function:
MINA(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float
param: mixed ...$args Data values

MINIFS(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the minimum value within a range of cells that contain numbers within the list of arguments

Excel Function:
MINIFS(min_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)

return: float
param: mixed $args Data range and criterias

MODE(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the most frequently occurring, or repetitive, value in an array or range of data

Excel Function:
MODE(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed ...$args Data values

NEGBINOMDIST($failures, $successes, $probability)   X-Ref

Returns the negative binomial distribution. NEGBINOMDIST returns the probability that
there will be number_f failures before the number_s-th success, when the constant
probability of a success is probability_s. This function is similar to the binomial
distribution, except that the number of successes is fixed, and the number of trials is
variable. Like the binomial, trials are assumed to be independent.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $failures Number of Failures
param: mixed $successes Threshold number of Successes
param: mixed $probability Probability of success on each trial

NORMDIST($value, $mean, $stdDev, $cumulative)   X-Ref

Returns the normal distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation. This
function has a very wide range of applications in statistics, including hypothesis

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $value
param: mixed $mean Mean Value
param: mixed $stdDev Standard Deviation
param: mixed $cumulative

NORMINV($probability, $mean, $stdDev)   X-Ref

Returns the inverse of the normal cumulative distribution for the specified mean and standard deviation.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $probability
param: mixed $mean Mean Value
param: mixed $stdDev Standard Deviation

NORMSDIST($value)   X-Ref

Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The distribution has
a mean of 0 (zero) and a standard deviation of one. Use this function in place of a
table of standard normal curve areas.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $value

NORMSDIST2($value, $cumulative)   X-Ref

Returns the standard normal cumulative distribution function. The distribution has
a mean of 0 (zero) and a standard deviation of one. Use this function in place of a
table of standard normal curve areas.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $value
param: mixed $cumulative

NORMSINV($value)   X-Ref

Returns the inverse of the standard normal cumulative distribution

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $value

PERCENTILE(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the nth percentile of values in a range..

Excel Function:
PERCENTILE(value1[,value2[, ...]],entry)

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $args Data values

PERCENTRANK($valueSet, $value, $significance = 3)   X-Ref

Returns the rank of a value in a data set as a percentage of the data set.
Note that the returned rank is simply rounded to the appropriate significant digits,
rather than floored (as MS Excel), so value 3 for a value set of  1, 2, 3, 4 will return
0.667 rather than 0.666

return: float|string (string if result is an error)
param: mixed $valueSet An array of, or a reference to, a list of numbers
param: mixed $value the number whose rank you want to find
param: mixed $significance the number of significant digits for the returned percentage value

PERMUT($numObjs, $numInSet)   X-Ref

Returns the number of permutations for a given number of objects that can be
selected from number objects. A permutation is any set or subset of objects or
events where internal order is significant. Permutations are different from
combinations, for which the internal order is not significant. Use this function
for lottery-style probability calculations.

return: float|int|string Number of permutations, or a string containing an error
param: int $numObjs Number of different objects
param: int $numInSet Number of objects in each permutation

POISSON($value, $mean, $cumulative)   X-Ref

Returns the Poisson distribution. A common application of the Poisson distribution
is predicting the number of events over a specific time, such as the number of
cars arriving at a toll plaza in 1 minute.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $value
param: mixed $mean Mean Value
param: mixed $cumulative

QUARTILE(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the quartile of a data set.

Excel Function:
QUARTILE(value1[,value2[, ...]],entry)

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $args Data values

RANK($value, $valueSet, $order = 0)   X-Ref

Returns the rank of a number in a list of numbers.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $value the number whose rank you want to find
param: mixed $valueSet An array of, or a reference to, a list of numbers
param: mixed $order Order to sort the values in the value set

RSQ($yValues, $xValues)   X-Ref

Returns the square of the Pearson product moment correlation coefficient through data points in known_y's and known_x's.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed[] $yValues Data Series Y
param: mixed[] $xValues Data Series X

SKEW(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the skewness of a distribution. Skewness characterizes the degree of asymmetry
of a distribution around its mean. Positive skewness indicates a distribution with an
asymmetric tail extending toward more positive values. Negative skewness indicates a
distribution with an asymmetric tail extending toward more negative values.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: array ...$args Data Series

SLOPE($yValues, $xValues)   X-Ref

Returns the slope of the linear regression line through data points in known_y's and known_x's.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed[] $yValues Data Series Y
param: mixed[] $xValues Data Series X

SMALL(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the nth smallest value in a data set. You can use this function to
select a value based on its relative standing.

Excel Function:
SMALL(value1[,value2[, ...]],entry)

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed $args Data values

STANDARDIZE($value, $mean, $stdDev)   X-Ref

Returns a normalized value from a distribution characterized by mean and standard_dev.

return: float|string Standardized value, or a string containing an error
param: float $value Value to normalize
param: float $mean Mean Value
param: float $stdDev Standard Deviation

STDEV(...$args)   X-Ref

Estimates standard deviation based on a sample. The standard deviation is a measure of how
widely values are dispersed from the average value (the mean).

Excel Function:
STDEV(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: mixed ...$args Data values

STDEVA(...$args)   X-Ref

Estimates standard deviation based on a sample, including numbers, text, and logical values

Excel Function:
STDEVA(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

STDEVP(...$args)   X-Ref

Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population

Excel Function:
STDEVP(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

STDEVPA(...$args)   X-Ref

Calculates standard deviation based on the entire population, including numbers, text, and logical values

Excel Function:
STDEVPA(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string
param: mixed ...$args Data values

STEYX($yValues, $xValues)   X-Ref

return: float|string
param: mixed[] $yValues Data Series Y
param: mixed[] $xValues Data Series X

TDIST($value, $degrees, $tails)   X-Ref

Returns the probability of Student's T distribution.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: float $value Value for the function
param: float $degrees degrees of freedom
param: float $tails number of tails (1 or 2)

TINV($probability, $degrees)   X-Ref

Returns the one-tailed probability of the Student-T distribution.

return: float|string The result, or a string containing an error
param: float $probability Probability for the function
param: float $degrees degrees of freedom

TREND($yValues, $xValues = [], $newValues = [], $const = true)   X-Ref

Returns values along a linear Trend

return: float[]
param: mixed[] $yValues Data Series Y
param: mixed[] $xValues Data Series X
param: mixed[] $newValues Values of X for which we want to find Y
param: bool $const a logical value specifying whether to force the intersect to equal 0

TRIMMEAN(...$args)   X-Ref

Returns the mean of the interior of a data set. TRIMMEAN calculates the mean
taken by excluding a percentage of data points from the top and bottom tails
of a data set.

Excel Function:
TRIMEAN(value1[,value2[, ...]], $discard)

return: float|string
param: mixed $args Data values

VARFunc(...$args)   X-Ref

Estimates variance based on a sample.

Excel Function:
VAR(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string (string if result is an error)
param: mixed ...$args Data values

VARA(...$args)   X-Ref

Estimates variance based on a sample, including numbers, text, and logical values

Excel Function:
VARA(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string (string if result is an error)
param: mixed ...$args Data values

VARP(...$args)   X-Ref

Calculates variance based on the entire population

Excel Function:
VARP(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string (string if result is an error)
param: mixed ...$args Data values

VARPA(...$args)   X-Ref

Calculates variance based on the entire population, including numbers, text, and logical values

Excel Function:
VARPA(value1[,value2[, ...]])

return: float|string (string if result is an error)
param: mixed ...$args Data values

WEIBULL($value, $alpha, $beta, $cumulative)   X-Ref

Returns the Weibull distribution. Use this distribution in reliability
analysis, such as calculating a device's mean time to failure.

return: float|string (string if result is an error)
param: float $value
param: float $alpha Alpha Parameter
param: float $beta Beta Parameter
param: bool $cumulative

ZTEST($dataSet, $m0, $sigma = null)   X-Ref

Returns the one-tailed P-value of a z-test.

For a given hypothesized population mean, x, Z.TEST returns the probability that the sample mean would be
greater than the average of observations in the data set (array) — that is, the observed sample mean.

return: float|string (string if result is an error)
param: float $dataSet
param: float $m0 Alpha Parameter
param: float $sigma Beta Parameter