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Moodle 4.0 XRef and Diffs
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Moodle 4.0
Moodle 4.0 Database Schema
Moodle 4.3
Moodle 4.2
Moodle 4.1
Moodle 4.0
Moodle 3.11
Moodle 3.10
Moodle 3.9
Search moodle.org's
Developer Documentation
See Release Notes
Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
Moodle 4.0 Database Schema (by Marcus Green)
Top level directory
Variable Cross Reference
line 32
line 39
line 78
line 85
line 3175
line 1805
line 5087
line 7361
line 11841
line 223
line 235
line 4497
line 7813
line 7909
line 8213
line 8216
line 65
line 133
line 3192
line 34
line 84
line 89
line 767
line 110
line 161
line 166
line 23
line 28
line 26
line 32
Referenced 171 times:
line 1267
line 1347
line 29
line 32
line 32
line 39
line 39
line 52
line 59
line 75
line 78
line 78
line 85
line 85
line 98
line 102
line 108
line 116
line 964
line 977
line 3175
line 3176
line 1805
line 5087
line 5087
line 5094
line 5106
line 5107
line 5107
line 5107
line 5107
line 7361
line 7362
line 11841
line 11850
line 11851
line 11872
line 11873
line 14025
line 14026
line 14038
line 20712
line 20775
line 23347
line 23359
line 23361
line 223
line 225
line 235
line 237
line 404
line 406
line 526
line 528
line 4497
line 4499
line 4499
line 4500
line 4506
line 4507
line 4509
line 7813
line 7815
line 7816
line 7819
line 7909
line 7988
line 7990
line 8213
line 8216
line 8218
line 8236
line 8237
line 65
line 123
line 133
line 134
line 137
line 137
line 147
line 147
line 149
line 237
line 245
line 71
line 85
line 237
line 247
line 249
line 249
line 268
line 3180
line 3192
line 3198
line 3198
line 3210
line 3211
line 3224
line 3228
line 3233
line 34
line 37
line 164
line 166
line 81
line 84
line 84
line 89
line 89
line 95
line 99
line 767
line 772
line 110
line 115
line 250
line 255
line 256
line 357
line 362
line 363
line 157
line 161
line 161
line 166
line 166
line 173
line 173
line 180
line 12
line 16
line 99
line 28
line 31
line 39
line 50
line 133
line 135
line 138
line 143
line 21
line 23
line 23
line 28
line 28
line 35
line 35
line 39
line 23
line 26
line 26
line 32
line 32
line 39
line 44
line 47
line 47
line 47
line 47
line 135
line 137
line 158
line 160
line 245
line 247
line 420
line 422
line 616
line 618
line 1792
line 1794