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  • Bug fixes for general core bugs in 4.0.x will end 8 May 2023 (12 months).
  • Bug fixes for security issues in 4.0.x will end 13 November 2023 (18 months).
  • PHP version: minimum PHP 7.3.0 Note: the minimum PHP version has increased since Moodle 3.10. PHP 7.4.x is also supported.
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 * Weblib tests.
 * @package    core
 * @category   phpunit
 * @copyright  &copy; 2006 The Open University
 * @author
 * @license GNU Public License

< defined('MOODLE_INTERNAL') || die(); < < < class core_weblib_testcase extends advanced_testcase {
> class weblib_test extends advanced_testcase {
> /** public function test_format_string() { > * @covers ::format_string global $CFG; > */
// Ampersands. $this->assertSame("&amp; &amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp; &amp;&amp;", format_string("& &&&&& &&")); $this->assertSame("ANother &amp; &amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp; Category", format_string("ANother & &&&&& Category")); $this->assertSame("ANother &amp; &amp;&amp;&amp;&amp;&amp; Category", format_string("ANother & &&&&& Category", true)); $this->assertSame("Nick's Test Site &amp; Other things", format_string("Nick's Test Site & Other things", true)); $this->assertSame("& < > \" '", format_string("& < > \" '", true, ['escape' => false])); // String entities. $this->assertSame("&quot;", format_string("&quot;")); // Digital entities. $this->assertSame("&11234;", format_string("&11234;")); // Unicode entities. $this->assertSame("&#4475;", format_string("&#4475;")); // < and > signs. $originalformatstringstriptags = $CFG->formatstringstriptags; $CFG->formatstringstriptags = false; $this->assertSame('x &lt; 1', format_string('x < 1')); $this->assertSame('x &gt; 1', format_string('x > 1')); $this->assertSame('x &lt; 1 and x &gt; 0', format_string('x < 1 and x > 0')); $CFG->formatstringstriptags = true; $this->assertSame('x &lt; 1', format_string('x < 1')); $this->assertSame('x &gt; 1', format_string('x > 1')); $this->assertSame('x &lt; 1 and x &gt; 0', format_string('x < 1 and x > 0')); $CFG->formatstringstriptags = $originalformatstringstriptags; } /** * The format string static caching should include the filters option to make * sure filters are correctly applied when requested. */ public function test_format_string_static_caching_with_filters() { global $CFG; $this->resetAfterTest(true); $this->setAdminUser(); $generator = $this->getDataGenerator(); $course = $generator->create_course(); $user = $generator->create_user();
< $rawstring = 'Shortname <a href="#">link</a> curseword'; < $expectednofilter = strip_links($rawstring); < $expectedfilter = 'Shortname link \*\**';
> $rawstring = '<span lang="en" class="multilang">English</span><span lang="ca" class="multilang">Catalan</span>'; > $expectednofilter = strip_tags($rawstring); > $expectedfilter = 'English';
$striplinks = true; $context = context_course::instance($course->id); $options = [ 'context' => $context, 'escape' => true, 'filter' => false ]; $this->setUser($user); // Format the string without filters. It should just strip the // links. $nofilterresult = format_string($rawstring, $striplinks, $options); $this->assertEquals($expectednofilter, $nofilterresult);
< // Add the censor filter. Make sure it's enabled globally.
> // Add the multilang filter. Make sure it's enabled globally.
$CFG->filterall = true;
< $CFG->stringfilters = 'censor'; < $CFG->filter_censor_badwords = 'curseword'; < filter_set_global_state('censor', TEXTFILTER_ON); < filter_set_local_state('censor', $context->id, TEXTFILTER_ON);
> $CFG->stringfilters = 'multilang'; > filter_set_global_state('multilang', TEXTFILTER_ON); > filter_set_local_state('multilang', $context->id, TEXTFILTER_ON);
// This time we want to apply the filters. $options['filter'] = true; $filterresult = format_string($rawstring, $striplinks, $options);
< $this->assertRegExp("/$expectedfilter/", $filterresult);
> $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/$expectedfilter/", $filterresult);
< filter_set_local_state('censor', $context->id, TEXTFILTER_OFF);
> filter_set_local_state('multilang', $context->id, TEXTFILTER_OFF);
// Confirm that we get back the cached string. The result should be // the same as the filtered text above even though we've disabled the
< // censor filter in between.
> // multilang filter in between.
$cachedresult = format_string($rawstring, $striplinks, $options);
< $this->assertRegExp("/$expectedfilter/", $cachedresult);
> $this->assertMatchesRegularExpression("/$expectedfilter/", $cachedresult);
> /** public function test_s() { > * @covers ::s // Special cases. > */
$this->assertSame('0', s(0)); $this->assertSame('0', s('0')); $this->assertSame('0', s(false)); $this->assertSame('', s(null)); // Normal cases. $this->assertSame('This Breaks &quot; Strict', s('This Breaks " Strict')); $this->assertSame('This Breaks &lt;a&gt;&quot; Strict&lt;/a&gt;', s('This Breaks <a>" Strict</a>')); // Unicode characters. $this->assertSame('Café', s('Café')); $this->assertSame('一, 二, 三', s('一, 二, 三')); // Don't escape already-escaped numeric entities. (Note, this behaviour // may not be desirable. Perhaps we should remove these tests and that // functionality, but we can only do that if we understand why it was added.) $this->assertSame('An entity: &#x09ff;.', s('An entity: &#x09ff;.')); $this->assertSame('An entity: &#1073;.', s('An entity: &#1073;.')); $this->assertSame('An entity: &amp;amp;.', s('An entity: &amp;.')); $this->assertSame('Not an entity: &amp;amp;#x09ff;.', s('Not an entity: &amp;#x09ff;.')); // Test all ASCII characters (0-127). for ($i = 0; $i <= 127; $i++) { $character = chr($i); $result = s($character); switch ($character) { case '"' : $this->assertSame('&quot;', $result); break; case '&' : $this->assertSame('&amp;', $result); break; case "'" : $this->assertSame('&#039;', $result); break; case '<' : $this->assertSame('&lt;', $result); break; case '>' : $this->assertSame('&gt;', $result); break; default: $this->assertSame($character, $result); break; } } }
> /** public function test_format_text_email() { > * @covers ::format_text_email $this->assertSame("This is a TEST\n", > */
format_text_email('<p>This is a <strong>test</strong></p>', FORMAT_HTML)); $this->assertSame("This is a TEST\n", format_text_email('<p class="frogs">This is a <strong class=\'fishes\'>test</strong></p>', FORMAT_HTML)); $this->assertSame('& so is this', format_text_email('&amp; so is this', FORMAT_HTML)); $this->assertSame('Two bullets: ' . core_text::code2utf8(8226) . ' ' . core_text::code2utf8(8226), format_text_email('Two bullets: &#x2022; &#8226;', FORMAT_HTML)); $this->assertSame(core_text::code2utf8(0x7fd2).core_text::code2utf8(0x7fd2), format_text_email('&#x7fd2;&#x7FD2;', FORMAT_HTML)); }
> /** public function test_obfuscate_email() { > * @covers ::obfuscate_email $email = ''; > */
$obfuscated = obfuscate_email($email); $this->assertNotSame($email, $obfuscated); $back = core_text::entities_to_utf8(urldecode($email), true); $this->assertSame($email, $back); }
> /** public function test_obfuscate_text() { > * @covers ::obfuscate_text $text = 'Žluťoučký koníček 32131'; > */
$obfuscated = obfuscate_text($text); $this->assertNotSame($text, $obfuscated); $back = core_text::entities_to_utf8($obfuscated, true); $this->assertSame($text, $back); }
> /** public function test_highlight() { > * @covers ::highlight $this->assertSame('This is <span class="highlight">good</span>', > */
highlight('good', 'This is good')); $this->assertSame('<span class="highlight">span</span>', highlight('SpaN', 'span')); $this->assertSame('<span class="highlight">SpaN</span>', highlight('span', 'SpaN')); $this->assertSame('<span><span class="highlight">span</span></span>', highlight('span', '<span>span</span>')); $this->assertSame('He <span class="highlight">is</span> <span class="highlight">good</span>', highlight('good is', 'He is good')); $this->assertSame('This is <span class="highlight">good</span>', highlight('+good', 'This is good')); $this->assertSame('This is good', highlight('-good', 'This is good')); $this->assertSame('This is goodness', highlight('+good', 'This is goodness')); $this->assertSame('This is <span class="highlight">good</span>ness', highlight('good', 'This is goodness')); $this->assertSame('<p><b>test</b> <b>1</b></p><p><b>1</b></p>', highlight('test 1', '<p>test 1</p><p>1</p>', false, '<b>', '</b>')); $this->assertSame('<p><b>test</b> <b>1</b></p><p><b>1</b></p>', highlight('test +1', '<p>test 1</p><p>1</p>', false, '<b>', '</b>')); $this->assertSame('<p><b>test</b> 1</p><p>1</p>', highlight('test -1', '<p>test 1</p><p>1</p>', false, '<b>', '</b>')); }
> /** public function test_replace_ampersands() { > * @covers ::replace_ampersands_not_followed_by_entity $this->assertSame("This &amp; that &nbsp;", replace_ampersands_not_followed_by_entity("This & that &nbsp;")); > */
$this->assertSame("This &amp;nbsp that &nbsp;", replace_ampersands_not_followed_by_entity("This &nbsp that &nbsp;")); }
> /** public function test_strip_links() { > * @covers ::strip_links $this->assertSame('this is a link', strip_links('this is a <a href="">link</a>')); > */
> /** public function test_wikify_links() { > * @covers ::wikify_links $this->assertSame('this is a link [ ]', wikify_links('this is a <a href="">link</a>')); > */
> /** public function test_clean_text() { > * @covers ::clean_text $text = "lala <applet>xx</applet>"; > */
$this->assertSame($text, clean_text($text, FORMAT_PLAIN)); $this->assertSame('lala xx', clean_text($text, FORMAT_MARKDOWN)); $this->assertSame('lala xx', clean_text($text, FORMAT_MOODLE)); $this->assertSame('lala xx', clean_text($text, FORMAT_HTML)); }
> /** public function test_qualified_me() { > * @covers ::qualified_me global $PAGE, $FULLME, $CFG; > */
$this->resetAfterTest(); $PAGE = new moodle_page(); $FULLME = $CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id=1&xx=yy'; $this->assertSame($FULLME, qualified_me()); $PAGE->set_url('/course/view.php', array('id'=>1)); $this->assertSame($CFG->wwwroot.'/course/view.php?id=1', qualified_me()); }
< public function test_null_progres_trace() {
> /** > * @covers \null_progress_trace > */ > public function test_null_progress_trace() {
$this->resetAfterTest(false); $trace = new null_progress_trace(); $trace->output('do'); $trace->output('re', 1); $trace->output('mi', 2); $trace->finished(); $output = ob_get_contents(); $this->assertSame('', $output); $this->expectOutputString(''); }
< public function test_text_progres_trace() {
> /** > * @covers \null_progress_trace > */ > public function test_text_progress_trace() {
$this->resetAfterTest(false); $trace = new text_progress_trace(); $trace->output('do'); $trace->output('re', 1); $trace->output('mi', 2); $trace->finished(); $this->expectOutputString("do\n re\n mi\n"); }
< public function test_html_progres_trace() {
> /** > * @covers \html_progress_trace > */ > public function test_html_progress_trace() {
$this->resetAfterTest(false); $trace = new html_progress_trace(); $trace->output('do'); $trace->output('re', 1); $trace->output('mi', 2); $trace->finished(); $this->expectOutputString("<p>do</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;re</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;mi</p>\n"); }
> /** public function test_html_list_progress_trace() { > * @covers \html_list_progress_trace $this->resetAfterTest(false); > */
$trace = new html_list_progress_trace(); $trace->output('do'); $trace->output('re', 1); $trace->output('mi', 2); $trace->finished(); $this->expectOutputString("<ul>\n<li>do<ul>\n<li>re<ul>\n<li>mi</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n</li>\n</ul>\n"); }
< public function test_progres_trace_buffer() {
> /** > * @covers \progress_trace_buffer > */ > public function test_progress_trace_buffer() {
$this->resetAfterTest(false); $trace = new progress_trace_buffer(new html_progress_trace()); ob_start(); $trace->output('do'); $trace->output('re', 1); $trace->output('mi', 2); $trace->finished(); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $this->assertSame("<p>do</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;re</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;mi</p>\n", $output); $this->assertSame($output, $trace->get_buffer()); $trace = new progress_trace_buffer(new html_progress_trace(), false); $trace->output('do'); $trace->output('re', 1); $trace->output('mi', 2); $trace->finished(); $this->assertSame("<p>do</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;re</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;mi</p>\n", $trace->get_buffer()); $this->assertSame("<p>do</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;re</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;mi</p>\n", $trace->get_buffer()); $trace->reset_buffer(); $this->assertSame('', $trace->get_buffer()); $this->expectOutputString(''); }
< public function test_combined_progres_trace() {
> /** > * @covers \combined_progress_trace > */ > public function test_combined_progress_trace() {
$this->resetAfterTest(false); $trace1 = new progress_trace_buffer(new html_progress_trace(), false); $trace2 = new progress_trace_buffer(new text_progress_trace(), false); $trace = new combined_progress_trace(array($trace1, $trace2)); $trace->output('do'); $trace->output('re', 1); $trace->output('mi', 2); $trace->finished(); $this->assertSame("<p>do</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;re</p>\n<p>&#160;&#160;&#160;&#160;mi</p>\n", $trace1->get_buffer()); $this->assertSame("do\n re\n mi\n", $trace2->get_buffer()); $this->expectOutputString(''); }
> /** public function test_set_debugging() { > * @covers ::set_debugging global $CFG; > */
$this->resetAfterTest(); $this->assertEquals(DEBUG_DEVELOPER, $CFG->debug); $this->assertTrue($CFG->debugdeveloper); $this->assertNotEmpty($CFG->debugdisplay); set_debugging(DEBUG_DEVELOPER, true); $this->assertEquals(DEBUG_DEVELOPER, $CFG->debug); $this->assertTrue($CFG->debugdeveloper); $this->assertNotEmpty($CFG->debugdisplay); set_debugging(DEBUG_DEVELOPER, false); $this->assertEquals(DEBUG_DEVELOPER, $CFG->debug); $this->assertTrue($CFG->debugdeveloper); $this->assertEmpty($CFG->debugdisplay); set_debugging(-1); $this->assertEquals(-1, $CFG->debug); $this->assertTrue($CFG->debugdeveloper); set_debugging(DEBUG_ALL); $this->assertEquals(DEBUG_ALL, $CFG->debug); $this->assertFalse($CFG->debugdeveloper); set_debugging(DEBUG_NORMAL); $this->assertEquals(DEBUG_NORMAL, $CFG->debug); $this->assertFalse($CFG->debugdeveloper); set_debugging(DEBUG_MINIMAL); $this->assertEquals(DEBUG_MINIMAL, $CFG->debug); $this->assertFalse($CFG->debugdeveloper); set_debugging(DEBUG_NONE); $this->assertEquals(DEBUG_NONE, $CFG->debug); $this->assertFalse($CFG->debugdeveloper); }
> /** public function test_strip_pluginfile_content() { > * @covers ::strip_pluginfile_content $source = <<<SOURCE > */
Hello! I'm writing to you from the Moodle Majlis in Muscat, Oman, where we just had several days of Moodle community goodness. URL outside a tag: Plugin url outside a tag: @@PLUGINFILE@@/logo-240x60.gif External link 1:<img src='' alt='Moodle'/> External link 2:<img alt="Moodle" src=""/> Internal link 1:<img src='@@PLUGINFILE@@/logo-240x60.gif' alt='Moodle'/> Internal link 2:<img alt="Moodle" src="@@PLUGINFILE@@logo-240x60.gif"/> Anchor link 1:<a href="@@PLUGINFILE@@logo-240x60.gif" alt="bananas">Link text</a> Anchor link 2:<a title="bananas" href="../logo-240x60.gif">Link text</a> Anchor + ext. img:<a title="bananas" href="../logo-240x60.gif"><img alt="Moodle" src="@@PLUGINFILE@@logo-240x60.gif"/></a> Ext. anchor + img:<a href="@@PLUGINFILE@@logo-240x60.gif"><img alt="Moodle" src=""/></a> SOURCE; $expected = <<<EXPECTED Hello! I'm writing to you from the Moodle Majlis in Muscat, Oman, where we just had several days of Moodle community goodness. URL outside a tag: Plugin url outside a tag: @@PLUGINFILE@@/logo-240x60.gif External link 1:<img src="" alt="Moodle" /> External link 2:<img alt="Moodle" src="" /> Internal link 1: Internal link 2: Anchor link 1:Link text Anchor link 2:<a title="bananas" href="../logo-240x60.gif">Link text</a> Anchor + ext. img:<a title="bananas" href="../logo-240x60.gif"></a> Ext. anchor + img:<img alt="Moodle" src="" /> EXPECTED; $this->assertSame($expected, strip_pluginfile_content($source)); }
> /** public function test_purify_html_ruby() { > * @covers \purify_html > */
$this->resetAfterTest(); $ruby = "<p><ruby><rb>京都</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>きょうと</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>は" . "<ruby><rb>日本</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>にほん</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>の" . "<ruby><rb>都</rb><rp>(</rp><rt>みやこ</rt><rp>)</rp></ruby>です。</p>"; $illegal = '<script src="//"></script>'; $cleaned = purify_html($ruby . $illegal); $this->assertEquals($ruby, $cleaned); } /** * Tests for content_to_text. * * @param string $content The content * @param int|false $format The content format * @param string $expected Expected value * @dataProvider provider_content_to_text
> * @covers ::content_to_text
*/ public function test_content_to_text($content, $format, $expected) { $content = content_to_text($content, $format); $this->assertEquals($expected, $content); } /** * Data provider for test_content_to_text. */ public static function provider_content_to_text() { return array( array('asd', false, 'asd'), // Trim '\r\n '. array("Note that:\n\n3 > 1 ", FORMAT_PLAIN, "Note that:\n\n3 > 1"), array("Note that:\n\n3 > 1\r\n", FORMAT_PLAIN, "Note that:\n\n3 > 1"), // Multiple spaces to one. array('<span class="eheh">京都</span> -> hehe', FORMAT_HTML, '京都 -> hehe'), array('<span class="eheh">京都</span> -> hehe', false, '京都 -> hehe'), array('asd asd', false, 'asd asd'), // From markdown to html and html to text. array('asd __lera__ con la', FORMAT_MARKDOWN, 'asd LERA con la'), // HTML to text. array('<p class="frogs">This is a <strong class=\'fishes\'>test</strong></p>', FORMAT_HTML, 'This is a TEST'), array("<span lang='en' class='multilang'>english</span> <span lang='ca' class='multilang'>català</span> <span lang='es' class='multilang'>español</span> <span lang='fr' class='multilang'>français</span>", FORMAT_HTML, "english català español français") ); } /** * Data provider for validate_email() function. * * @return array Returns aray of test data for the test_validate_email function */ public function data_validate_email() { return [ // Test addresses that should pass. [ 'email' => '', 'result' => true ], [ 'email' => 'moodle@localhost.local', 'result' => true ], [ 'email' => '', 'result' => true ], [ 'email' => "but_potentially'dangerous'", 'result' => true ], [ 'email' => 'posts+AAAAAAAAAAIAAAAAAAAGQQAAAAABFSXz1eM/P/', 'result' => true ], // Test addresses that should NOT pass. [ 'email' => 'moodle@localhost', 'result' => false ], [ 'email' => '"attacker\\" -oQ/tmp/ -X/var/www/vhost/moodle/backdoor.php some"', 'result' => false ], [ 'email' => ">\r\nRCPT TO:<", 'result' => false ], [ 'email' => 'greater>', 'result' => false ], [ 'email' => 'less<', 'result' => false ], [ 'email' => '"this<is>validbutwerejectit"', 'result' => false ],
> // Empty e-mail addresess are not valid. // Extra email addresses from Wikipedia page on Email Addresses. > [ // Valid. > 'email' => '', [ > 'result' => false, 'email' => '', > ], 'result' => true > [ ], > 'email' => null, [ > 'result' => false, 'email' => '', > ], 'result' => true > [ ], > 'email' => false, [ > 'result' => false, 'email' => '', > ], 'result' => true >
], [ 'email' => '', 'result' => true ], [ 'email' => '', 'result' => true ], [ 'email' => '', 'result' => true ], // One-letter local-part. [ 'email' => '', 'result' => true ], [ 'email' => '', 'result' => true ], // See the List of Internet top-level domains. [ 'email' => 'example@s.example', 'result' => true ], // Quoted double dot. [ 'email' => '"john..doe"', 'result' => true ], // Invalid. // No @ character. [ 'email' => '', 'result' => false ], // Only one @ is allowed outside quotation marks. [ 'email' => '', 'result' => false ], // None of the special characters in this local-part are allowed outside quotation marks. [ 'email' => 'a"b(c)d,e:f;g<h>i[j\k]', 'result' => false ], // Quoted strings must be dot separated or the only element making up the local-part. [ 'email' => 'just"not"', 'result' => false ], // Spaces, quotes, and backslashes may only exist when within quoted strings and preceded by a backslash. [ 'email' => 'this is"not\', 'result' => false ], // Even if escaped (preceded by a backslash), spaces, quotes, and backslashes must still be contained by quotes. [ 'email' => 'this\ still\"not\\', 'result' => false ], // Local part is longer than 64 characters. [ 'email' => '', 'result' => false ], ]; } /** * Tests valid and invalid email address using the validate_email() function. * * @param string $email the email address to test * @param boolean $result Expected result (true or false) * @dataProvider data_validate_email
> * @covers ::validate_email
*/ public function test_validate_email($email, $result) { if ($result) { $this->assertTrue(validate_email($email)); } else { $this->assertFalse(validate_email($email)); } } /** * Data provider for test_get_file_argument. */ public static function provider_get_file_argument() { return array( // Serving SCORM content w/o HTTP GET params. array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html', ), 0, '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html'), array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html', ), 1, '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html'), // Serving SCORM content w/ HTTP GET 'file' as first param. array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html?file=video_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html', ), 0, '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html'), array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html?file=video_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html', ), 1, '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html'), // Serving SCORM content w/ HTTP GET 'file' not as first param. array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html?foo=bar&file=video_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html', ), 0, '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html'), array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html?foo=bar&file=video_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html', ), 1, '/3854/mod_scorm/content/1/swf.html'), // Serving content from a generic activity w/ HTTP GET 'file', still forcing slash arguments. array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/3854/whatever/content/1/swf.html?file=video_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/3854/whatever/content/1/swf.html', ), 0, '/3854/whatever/content/1/swf.html'), array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/3854/whatever/content/1/swf.html?file=video_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/3854/whatever/content/1/swf.html', ), 1, '/3854/whatever/content/1/swf.html'), // Serving content from a generic activity w/ HTTP GET 'file', still forcing slash arguments (edge case). array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/?file=video_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/', ), 0, 'video_.swf'), array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php/?file=video_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', 'PATH_INFO' => '/', ), 1, 'video_.swf'), // Serving content from a generic activity w/ HTTP GET 'file', w/o forcing slash arguments. array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php?file=%2F3854%2Fwhatever%2Fcontent%2F1%2Fswf.html%3Ffile%3Dvideo_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', ), 0, '/3854/whatever/content/1/swf.html?file=video_.swf'), array(array( 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' => 'Apache', 'SERVER_PORT' => '80', 'REQUEST_METHOD' => 'GET', 'REQUEST_URI' => '/pluginfile.php?file=%2F3854%2Fwhatever%2Fcontent%2F1%2Fswf.html%3Ffile%3Dvideo_.swf', 'SCRIPT_NAME' => '/pluginfile.php', ), 1, '/3854/whatever/content/1/swf.html?file=video_.swf'), ); } /** * Tests for get_file_argument() function. * * @param array $server mockup for $_SERVER. * @param string $cfgslasharguments slasharguments setting. * @param string|false $expected Expected value. * @dataProvider provider_get_file_argument
> * @covers ::get_file_argument
*/ public function test_get_file_argument($server, $cfgslasharguments, $expected) { global $CFG; // Overwrite the related settings. $currentsetting = $CFG->slasharguments; $CFG->slasharguments = $cfgslasharguments; // Mock global $_SERVER. $currentserver = isset($_SERVER) ? $_SERVER : null; $_SERVER = $server; initialise_fullme(); if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] !== 'GET') { $this->fail('Only HTTP GET mocked request allowed.'); } if (empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $this->fail('Invalid HTTP GET mocked request.'); } // Mock global $_GET. $currentget = isset($_GET) ? $_GET : null; $_GET = array(); $querystring = parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_QUERY); if (!empty($querystring)) { $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] = $querystring; parse_str($querystring, $_GET); } $this->assertEquals($expected, get_file_argument()); // Restore the current settings and global values. $CFG->slasharguments = $currentsetting; if (is_null($currentserver)) { unset($_SERVER); } else { $_SERVER = $currentserver; } if (is_null($currentget)) { unset($_GET); } else { $_GET = $currentget; } } /** * Tests for extract_draft_file_urls_from_text() function.
> * */ > * @covers ::extract_draft_file_urls_from_text
public function test_extract_draft_file_urls_from_text() { global $CFG; $url1 = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/draftfile.php/5/user/draft/99999999/test1.jpg"; $url2 = "{$CFG->wwwroot}/draftfile.php/5/user/draft/99999998/test2.jpg"; $html = "<p>This is a test.</p><p><img src=\"${url1}\" alt=\"\" role=\"presentation\"></p> <br>Test content.<p></p><p><img src=\"{$url2}\" alt=\"\" width=\"2048\" height=\"1536\" role=\"presentation\" class=\"img-fluid atto_image_button_text-bottom\"><br></p>"; $draftareas = array( array( 'urlbase' => 'draftfile.php', 'contextid' => '5', 'component' => 'user', 'filearea' => 'draft', 'itemid' => '99999999', 'filename' => 'test1.jpg', 0 => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/draftfile.php/5/user/draft/99999999/test1.jpg", 1 => 'draftfile.php', 2 => '5', 3 => 'user', 4 => 'draft', 5 => '99999999', 6 => 'test1.jpg' ), array( 'urlbase' => 'draftfile.php', 'contextid' => '5', 'component' => 'user', 'filearea' => 'draft', 'itemid' => '99999998', 'filename' => 'test2.jpg', 0 => "{$CFG->wwwroot}/draftfile.php/5/user/draft/99999998/test2.jpg", 1 => 'draftfile.php', 2 => '5', 3 => 'user', 4 => 'draft', 5 => '99999998', 6 => 'test2.jpg' ) ); $extracteddraftareas = extract_draft_file_urls_from_text($html, false, 5, 'user', 'draft'); $this->assertEquals($draftareas, $extracteddraftareas); }
> /** public function test_print_password_policy() { > * @covers ::print_password_policy $this->resetAfterTest(true); > */
global $CFG; $policydisabled = ''; // Set password policy to disabled. $CFG->passwordpolicy = false; // Check for empty response. $this->assertEquals($policydisabled, print_password_policy()); // Now set the policy to enabled with every control disabled. $CFG->passwordpolicy = true; $CFG->minpasswordlength = 0; $CFG->minpassworddigits = 0; $CFG->minpasswordlower = 0; $CFG->minpasswordupper = 0; $CFG->minpasswordnonalphanum = 0; $CFG->maxconsecutiveidentchars = 0; // Check for empty response. $this->assertEquals($policydisabled, print_password_policy()); // Now enable some controls, and check that the policy responds with policy text. $CFG->minpasswordlength = 8; $CFG->minpassworddigits = 1; $CFG->minpasswordlower = 1; $CFG->minpasswordupper = 1; $CFG->minpasswordnonalphanum = 1; $CFG->maxconsecutiveidentchars = 1; $this->assertNotEquals($policydisabled, print_password_policy()); } }